The Year That Was 2007

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The Year That Was 2007

Post by Bojangles »

I figure we could try and get these forums going by everyone making one of those 'best of' lists that we all know and love. List your favorite movies of 2007 and some comments if you want. Or just link to your rankings page, but that's not as fun you party pooper.

1. There Will Be Blood - PTA is going to be a legend when he's done.
2. No Country For Old Men - If you don't like the ending, fuck you.
3. 3:10 to Yuma - had one of many great scores this year.
4. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - pretty picture show.
5. Reign Over Me - has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard personally, and the movie wasn't bad to look at either.
6. Superbad - Michael Cera > you.
7. Rescue Dawn - How can anyone not like Christian Bale?
8. Into the Wild - Sean Penn trying to be a poet got annoying, but the main character was fascinating.
9. Knocked Up - Funny.
10. Shooter - synonym for badass.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by AFlickering »

Give me a few days, there's several potential top 10 releases I still need to see.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by KGB »

It's been a long time since I actually went to cinema, excluding the times I took my brother [to films that were, mostly, very very painful]. I think the only actual film I have seen by my own will in 2007 was Disturbia, nice film. I must have rented a film 2007 films and 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Juno' (I'm actually pretty annoyed by this film, it seems horrible and everybody love it - so I guess I'll just have to check it out myself) and at the top of my list. It seems 2007 was an incredible year, though; it was the most succesfull year in the film industry's history, for starters.
It's just my friends ain't exactly the people who enjoy the same films as I do, and all in all, going alone to the cinema is not exactly something I'm planning on doing.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by Grit »

I can't really say as I haven't been to the cinema in about five months, hence I haven't seen many of the major releases I intended to. Out of what I have seen from 2007, 3:10 to Yuma was certainly the best.
Again I haven't seen it, but I have to agree with KGB about Juno. It's got way more attention than it probably deserves.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by Scottathon »

I don't think I've seen ten films from 2007, or at least not ten that I think belong in a top ten list. The ones I liked, though, were Ratatouille, Persepolis, I'm Not There, No Country for Old Men, Juno, Knocked Up, Eastern Promises, and Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten.

I still want to see There Will Be Blood, and a few others.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by Bojangles »

KGB wrote:It's been a long time since I actually went to cinema, excluding the times I took my brother [to films that were, mostly, very very painful]. I think the only actual film I have seen by my own will in 2007 was Disturbia, nice film. I must have rented a film 2007 films and 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Juno' (I'm actually pretty annoyed by this film, it seems horrible and everybody love it - so I guess I'll just have to check it out myself) and at the top of my list. It seems 2007 was an incredible year, though; it was the most succesfull year in the film industry's history, for starters.
It's just my friends ain't exactly the people who enjoy the same films as I do, and all in all, going alone to the cinema is not exactly something I'm planning on doing.

You sound just like me, I usually take my little bro to the movies and we see comedies (usually Will Ferrell flicks.) When I go with friends, it's to stupid movies like Jackass and 300 and whatnot. I'll occasionally go to the theater by myself on a lazy weekday with no homework or studying to be done if I want to see a movie really badly. Last year I saw No Country and TWBB by myself because why bring someone who you know is going to hate it? But yeah, I've never gone to a theater alone unless it was to see movie that only I will love.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by coffee »

The Assassination of Jesse James..
There Will Be Blood (2007)
Atonement (2007)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Once (2007)

This should be my top 5.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by TheAlliance »

I agree 2007 was pretty good.

Above expectations:
Knocked Up ( i thought the first 30-45+ mins of this movie was just perfect, even considered giving it a 10 till it slowly faded a bit towards a sub-top-top films :))

Atonement, it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't know a thing about the film, i saw it in the cinema on 'Sneak Preview' night, you pay about 66% of the normal price but you don't know what you're going to see.. but it's always a film not yet released in my country. So i saw some beauties without ever seeing the spoilers aka trailers they show before the films, atleast here in The Netherlands we get to see antipiracy crap and sometimes 6-8 trailers (normally 4-5) before the movie finally starts

Simpsons Movie, i thought it was just a quick way to make some cash for them, but they really made a good film, didn't really expect that.

Into The Wild, really loved it. Lots of nature scenes and backpacking stuff, really cool.

Failed my expectations:
American Gangster, i expected much more of this film. It's still good but i just expected more.

Bourne Ultimatum, like all the Bourne films - they're really good, but not outstanding at all. All the three films miss something that could've made it much better, but i don't know what..

Long Way Down (Ewan McGregor, Charley Boorman), the first 'travel documentary' they made was extremely good and exciting. But this one was quite a letdown

Still need to see There Will Be Blood, hopefully this weekend.. i hope my expectations aren't too high :)

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by krmr »

My Top 5 of 2007

1. In the Shadow of the Moon. The only way I know that I'm the only one that hasn't seen this movie is by way of it being on /Films best of 2007 list. We all know the process of how we got to the moon, but this movie conveys how some of the 24 men who went there truly felt about their journey, and in their own wise words. Simply breathtaking, motivating and moving.

2. Hot Fuzz. Amazingly written, it has the perfect blend of comedy, action and mystery.

3. No Country for Old Men. Near perfect in almost every way.

4. Planet Terror. Just a great fun ride![/b]

5. Transformers. Same goes for this one.

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Re: The Year That Was 2007

Post by Bojangles »

I don't even know why I did a top 10 there's still so many movies I still need to see. A top 5 is more appropriate in hindsight...

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