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Comedy, Drama
1h 45m
Isabelle is an ex-nun waiting for her special mission from God. In the meantime, she is making a living writing pornography... (imdb)


Comedy, Drama
1h 45m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 56.31% from 329 total ratings

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Rated 01 Dec 2016
The delivery of Hartley's dialogue is so stilted and deadpan you quickly realize it's an "effect" he deploys to disarm those expecting something naturalistic. I don't really know if it works, but it definitely makes situations weird and unintentionally hilarious: "I find you very attractive and I'm interested in commodities. I studied economics, I know what I'm talking about." uhhhhh???
Rated 01 Dec 2016
I didn't know it was possible for an entire film to exist in the Uncanny Valley. The behavior of every single character is bizarre and alien, but in fascinating (and admittedly hilarious) ways, and the plot is like an offbeat combination of David Lynch, Lifetime, and a French erotic thriller. Whatever else you can say about this one, it's always entertaining.
Rated 05 Oct 2023
There's a really interesting idea working through this: What would our lives be like if we could forget? I think the reason this premise has power is that everyone wants to forget at some level, we want to forget certain moments of our lives--failures, humiliations, etc. It isn't that memory makes us evil or is itself evil, but that our memories often draw us back toward our evil habits and ways.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
For some inexplicable reason, I loved this movie. The weird dialogue, mannered delivery, twee tone -- all of it. Maybe I just had a crush on Elina Löwensohn, but whatever. I only get blank stares when I recommend it...maybe have some wine first...
Rated 10 Sep 2010
"How can you be a nymphomaniac and never have sex?" "I'm choosy." + + + "Do you resent your position as a women in the movie industry? I'm sorry, but I find you very attractive and I'm interested in commodities."
Rated 23 Sep 2016
(...)Stecken die Charaktere in Hal Hartley Filmen wirklich voller Überraschungen? Ich würde denken, sie überraschen uns eher damit, dass sie ihren Charakter einfach ändern. Isabelle hat bereits ihren Konvent verlassen und schreibt stattdessen Pornos. Sie nahm sich die Freiheit, jemand anders zu sein. Und Hartley selbst? Will er sich von gängigen Plots befreien?(...)
Rated 27 Jun 2011
As irritating as amnesia plots are in general, they bother me little when the main purpose addresses identity, and not solely to provide mystery. It could have gone further with the material, but the off-kilter ambiance made it unique.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
The unraveling of the story is far more interesting than the story itself, and although some of the performances and shots are very good, it overall is stuffed too much with a quirky, wooden, and impenetrable style. This is for a very acquired taste, perhaps for people who like eating cheese that's been left out in the hot sun.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Hartley's curious treatment of the seedy characters that populate the world of porn production has a distinctive charm and flair. Some of the ideas (or critique) are a little on the nose, and generally I'm starting to find a lot of this quintessentially post-modernist film style a little 'cute' at this point. Hartley's world, however, is ornate, and eventually it grew on me just how unhinged it is. Unusual and satisfying.
Rated 09 Jul 2008
My favorite Hartley. Contains one of my favorite dialogue exchanges ever: "Have you ever had sex?" "No." "How can you be a nymphomaniac and never had sex?" "I'm choosy." Great writing, and a quietly involving, deadpan style.
Rated 13 May 2018
Entertaining and unique spin on the amnesia thriller feels like David Lynch directing a mumblecore; the shaggy dog storytelling and bizarre sensibilities means it lacks a genuine emotional resonance, but as an exercise in pure style, it is great fun (and oftentimes funny) to watch; the quartet of performances at the forefront are uniformly terrific, and Young deserves special mention for his portrait of unhinged insanity, both terrifying and hilarious to watch.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
A not entirely successful comedy drama hybrid, but like all Hartley films, even when it doesn't work, it's never boring. It's always fun watching Isabelle Huppert act and it has a kickass soundtrack too featuring PJ Harvey, Liz Phair, My Bloody Valentine, and Pavement. Hal Hartley and I have the exact same taste in music.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
Taking into account the innovative approach, strong performances, and humorous dialogue, Amateur is an entertaining and thought-provoking film. However, its niche appeal and potential barriers to entry keep it from achieving universal acclaim. It is a film worth watching for those who appreciate its unique blend of humor and existential questioning, but it may not be the right fit for everyone.
Rated 29 Oct 2023
I keep coming back to Hartley's films for the offbeat humor, and this one continued the trend. The plot itself gets more twisted along the way (how many other movies have a nymphomaniac ex-nun?) and asks a lot of heavy questions while doing so without being preachy or pedantic. Acquired taste, and all that. Favorite scene: the fight over the downtown phone booth.


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