Your probable score


Romance, Comedy
1h 54m
In the whimsical world of Barbie Land, perfection is paramount, unless you're facing an existential crisis or happen to be Ken.


Romance, Comedy
1h 54m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.1% from 2231 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Compact view
Rated 23 Jul 2023
A GREAT time! I didn’t feel like anything was done in poor taste or came off the wrong way either. I went in hoping to have a fun time and that’s what I got. It’s very campy (maybe a little too campy at times) and very funny as well, but it’s an actually well-written screenplay with committed, entertaining performances. Robbie was exceptional, and Gosling was a delightful highlight. I do think it’s a tad too long, but I’m glad it exists and I’m glad so many watched this and felt seen. Kenough!
Rated 21 Jul 2023
The (ugly) plasticity of Barbie Land is very well done, however the story is run-of-the-mill and flat, the humour mostly predictable, the characters and settings superficial and contradictory and the dialogues really bad. Of course it's a corporate ad, but the script is a cringe-worthy, facepalm-inducing collection of memes and slogans, a list of declarations and complaints, all presented in the most obvious, unsubtle, patronizing, crude way. For "Barbie" feminism is just another trendy product.
Rated 21 Jul 2023
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to reconcile this well-balanced social and corporate commentary produced by the very corporations it lambasts, but maybe that’s part of the whole dreamlike allegory this film works within. Regardless, I saw this in a sold out theatre that was completely energized. The sharp and fast writing was an instant hit. Every joke landed. I had a blast.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Sacrifices greatness on the alter of palatability, which is inevitable when the best chance to reach mass audiences with a progressive message is through adaptation of a corporate product. The weirdness of this film is not weird enough to weird anyone out. Also, Barbie and Ken are jokes with cohesive arcs (which is good) while the real world characters are just jokes (which is bad), which means that the massive diatribe about gender is given by a lame character that I didn't care about.
Rated 23 Jul 2023
Top satire. There's a couple of monologues that go kinda cringe and the moral signalling is more than a little preachy for a literal advert, but Ryan Gosling absolutely kills it in his performance as the lonely, unnoticed man who confronts the real world and realises that he is literally me. It's ironic that Ken is played so cool, and it gives the film so much more depth. I wish the metaphors could have been edgier tho. Let me see Barbie and Ken mash plastic parts. The studio wouldn't allow it
Rated 26 Jul 2023
I guess this is the most straightforward consumerist feminist narrative that can be produced possible. Even if the whole film was trying to be ironic, the whole concept of barbieness tops that irony. And, if you can't get the irony, it's the shallowness of Barbieworld.
Rated 20 Sep 2023
As edgy as a bowling ball. Whoever made this film thinks it is smart, stunning and brave. They're wrong. Don't watch this if you have a life or value your time.
Rated 28 Aug 2023
Ties itself up in knots trying to be both inclusive and blonde, to celebrate Barbie's feminism and criticize Mattel's sexism simultaneously without blatantly contradicting itself, and the result is an embarrassing mess of backwards-bent virtue signals standing in for anything like a story. I was occasionally amused, but it's, generally speaking, a new low for Baumbach and especially Gerwig - who started out an indie trailblazer and now stooges for big studios.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
Barbie, like any movie with this much pastel has to do (see also: White Noise) walks a really fine line between cotton candy and a crunchy centre. And to its considerable credit, it knows that that centre has to be crunchy, not solid; it's a tightrope walk between sincerity and self-parody that keeps checking itself, knowing it isn't always going to work for everyone. As for me, I laughed my ass off for 100 minutes. Now let me explain how The Godfather is better...
Rated 28 Jul 2023
The portrayal of men in the story was outrageously offensive. The only non-brain-dead non-pussy-chaser was Allan, and even he was depicted as an unmasculine loser. I find it incredibly one-sidedly feminist that Barbie longs for more in life than daily monotony and seeks her purpose. She's put on a pedestal. While Ken, with same goals, is the villain. The human world is a sexist and patriarchal hell, but that's exactly where Barbie eventually wants to be. Message was lost on me.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
Enormously cynical and brazen in the way it goes beyond capitalism commodifying critiques formulated against itself and enters a bold new domain of commodification of the critique of the commodification of the critique. It's great fun from a filmmaking standpoint, but there's not an iota of subversion in it: it's a well-made, self-reflexive, articulate two-hour advertisement, whose social message (aimed squarely at affluent white-collar professionals) serves as a buttress for brand awareness.
Rated 27 Oct 2023
This really moved me... from my chair, because I had to turn it off.
Rated 03 Aug 2023
Was expecting something along the line of The Lego Movie, and got a funny Pink Matrix with a hint of Polyester Fight Club. Loved it.
Rated 04 Aug 2023
Speaking as a lifelong liberal: if you're a Woke person or one of their legion of liberal enablers and you wonder "Why are right wingers so hateful?" while simultaneously not seeing any problem with the overtly anti-male messaging of this film, start looking in the mirror. The first outrage is the giant double standard that allows this film to be created & the second is that so many don't see a problem. Imagine a “satire” where EVERY female character is a dope or a villain & cue the outrage!
Rated 21 Jul 2023
Shaggy and wildly uneven, but too weird and audacious (and funny) for me not to admire it, even in its less successful gambits. My one hot take: I think Ryan Gosling (of whom I’m a big fan) is actively bad in this. He seems too smug and visibly in-on the joke; where Margot Robbie totally nails her character’s utter sincerity in a great performance, Gosling smothers his own in a way that feels overly eager to let you know how much fun he’s having without ever disappearing into the role.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Feminist crap.
Rated 07 Oct 2023
This movie made me uncomfortable, supra-meta-post-modernism I don't know how to define it. It is like McDonald's making a movie about a society where everyone is sated but then they discover what they eat is sh*t and they are dying. Then, two apprentice chefs go to a parallel universe kitchen and save the day by rediscovering the gastronomy and everyone eats happily after. Does that make sense? Well, this movie doesn't either, production quality and the performances of Robbie and Gosling aside.
Rated 27 Aug 2023
Cute fun, I suspect its meta hook will age quickly but the assignment was to make a barbillion dollars, not to stand the test of time.
Rated 20 Jul 2023
No one has ever saved a movie more than Ryan Gosling saves this movie.
Rated 20 Jul 2023
Often too silly and desperate to entertain, but in the end a feministic magnum opus with heart.
Rated 21 Jul 2023
While not devoid of funny moments, it is mostly an exhausting and uninspired take on everything that contemporary Hollywood typically has an eerily similar take on.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Pacing suffers at times, but overall really fun movie.
Rated 23 Jul 2023
Kate McKinnon killed me. Then, Will Farrell stomped on my dead body. (The ultimate Gen-X, self-conscious, total-subsumption-under-capitalism movie. Gerwig and Baumbach: what a screenplay achievement, EVERY. JOKE. LANDS.)
Rated 23 Jul 2023
Barbie gets sidelined a bit in her own movie by a surprising Ken story, and lot of the character progression for the human characters was either rushed or generic. But... Barbie easily entertains with its commentary on Barbie Land and the Real World. The sets and colors were refreshing, and the performances were great. Could have used some more Charli XCX.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
I challenge anyone to make a better movie about Mattel's Barbie in 2023. Nah, this is great stuff though. Advertisement and Art symbiosis on a intensly powerful level where the product is us and we are the product. It should be harrowing but instead skewers + explores gender politics often in the most endearing possible way, such that it is basically undeniable. The messages are excellent but yet again sadly told through a thing you gotta buy to experience. Don't care about all that though FUN.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
This movie literally made me suicidal. Good luck to Gerwig's two sons.
Rated 17 Aug 2023
[spoilers] A scatter-gun satire on its own trip: The brief glimpses of fashion drawings re-imagining angst-ridden contemporary Barbies seem to be the anchor for the delightful and joyous chaos (we sorely need a Proust Barbie should there be a sequel). I too was saddened that the patriarchy was not mainly about horses. N.B. don't mistake this one for a film to take very young children to, unless you want them asking what a gynecologist exam is in the car home.
Rated 31 Jul 2023
Mostly lighthearted, crowd-appealing fun. Maybe tries to have its cake and eat it too at times with trying to insert a proper message and stumbles a bit for it (see how the "real" character's arcs are oddly rushed). But that's not too much of a detriment when there's this much fun and style on display. Gosling, Robbie, and the set design all deserve to win awards.
Rated 03 Aug 2023
Watched this two weeks ago, and I'm still not sure how to review it. The film's thesis that Barbie is a blank slate that you can project your own meaning on to, also applies to the film itself. What does it mean? Whatever you want or need it to. My interpretation: the film is a symbolic reenactment of the Proto-Indo-European invasion of Europe. (Historically, patriarchy really did start with horses.)
Rated 19 Jul 2023
again rating based on enjoyment - Ryan Gosling actually stole the show which I don't think was the intention!
Rated 19 Jul 2023
Painfully self-aware, but enough so? I had fun, even with the flaws. Such a cast. Such cinematography. Such a soundtrack. Definitely a watch once. Watch many? Not so sure. Also, whoever tagged this as 'romance' clearly didn't see or understand the film.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Greta Gerwig made an Adam McKay movie and it's kind of brilliant.
Rated 24 Sep 2023
Cool production desgin and great acting by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. I liked all the goofy parts where the movie doesn't take itself serious and hated all the serious parts where it tries (and fails) to convey a message.
Rated 23 Jul 2023
My mom couldn't stop crying and I couldn't stop laughing... I wonder who didn't get the movie
Rated 29 Aug 2023
It kinda stumbled with messy messaging. They tried to add a lot of messaging, both explicitly (dialog borderline delivered to the audience) and subtextually, but there was to much of it, some of it contradictory, some of it to on the nose. But it was occasionally effective, and often fun and funny. Its kinda cringy woke at times so if that actively bugs you, you probably already watched 50 YouTube video essays about this movie being part of the death of Western Civilization.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
This is "not a feminist movie" said the man in charge of the MattelCU, and yeah: Gosling is sublime and there are moments of poignancy (Ferrera's speech), but it's very corporate and its script (in everything but its comedy) is ... uninspired. The patriarchy is hardly anything but hilarious and its solution is regressive. It has none of the positive masculinity exuded by Gosling in interviews. Being a friend is less than love. Like, it's a lot of fun, but it's specifically not revolutionary.
Rated 27 Jul 2023
Only very rarely have I seen a movie that made many audience members cry like a baby and also put them to sleep. But it was, after all, only the third baby-friendly screening I've attended.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
Inventive and often fun, but also too silly for it's own good. The Will Ferrell scenes are tedious, but both Robbie and Gosling nail their parts.
Rated 18 Sep 2023
An endless stream of Big Sentences and Wise Insights that consistently gave me the itch of pretention. Couple of funny moments, especially the singing from gosling. All in all: A meticulously produced piece of boredom.
Rated 28 Dec 2023
Feminizm ve erkek egemenliği meselelerine ortaokul müsameresi ayarında temas eden, büyük şeyler söylediğini sanan aptal bir film.
Rated 17 May 2024
For 3/4 of the running time, this is amusing and fun. For that whole period, my only real thought was, “how can people have any kind of serious political objections to this silly fantasy comedy?”. In the final quarter, however, when the filmmakers try to make more of it than that, nonsense about Barbie's “place” spews forth and the film comes to an absolute dead halt. In short: recommended viewing method is to switch off at the conclusion of Ken’s big song-and-dance number (which is very good).
Rated 03 Aug 2023
This is an abomination by any standard. And I'm not even riffing about the woke politics, I don't care. But iq level doesn't possibly go lower than this.
Rated 20 Jul 2023
audiovisual 82 acting 72 overall feeling 80 avg 78
Rated 04 Jan 2024
Can’t deny the spectacle, Gerwig’s ref point of Tati feels apt, the existentialism of plasticity, the Lego Movie meta humor is shallow but cute. Becomes an indulgent mess through its well-meaning but misguided and blunt force messaging, pop feminism unable to reconcile its clunky metaphors with the real world because they’re simply too meta-specific. I would feel like a knob for poking holes in the damn Barbie movie but if yr gonna yell this loudly at me I’m gonna yell back. Buy Mattel products.
Rated 21 Jul 2023
Some nice cultural references and a well-intentioned movie, but I'm not sure it ultimately fell on the right side of crass commercialism. Not actually enough character depth is explored, we waste a lot of time on slapstick/adventure setpieces (Will Ferrell absolute didn't need to be in this movie). The musical numbers and set design were some of the best parts though.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Have no idea what the target audience for this will think, but I thought it was goddamn brilliantly hilarious.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
This movie met all my expectations with its great attention to detail, well-crafted sets, costumes, and music. While the story follows a predictable path, it brilliantly captures the essence of the Barbie world. The presentation of gender equality is both bold and self-aware, offering a satirical take from various perspectives. It effectively exposes the absurdity of sexism. The film appeals to a wide audience, which is uncommon for most feminist content. Definitely lives up to the hype!
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Reassuring to see that the film was self aware and it was enjoyably camp and full of recognisable British talent - the story outside of Barbie land was lacking in the majority with some moments of redemption.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Barbie n'est pas le film léger et déjanté que vous pensiez, c'est un pur produit sectaire revendiqué, qui jette des seaux de merde sur les hommes du début à la fin. Ryan Gosling est la caution sexiste du film. Greta Gerwing, et son mari ont utilisé l'image de Barbie pour parasiter les esprits des enfants, et nous faisant croire à nous les adultes, que nous passeront un bon moment avec deux acteurs excellents. Tromperie totale, et curieusement diffamant pour les femmes. Pourquoi tant de haine ?
Rated 29 Dec 2023
I don’t get the praise. I found the film unfunny, preachy, and very obvious. Go watch the Lego Movie instead!
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Really good. One of the monologues lacked self-awareness, but otherwise lot of life-enhancing ideas, many good jokes, lovely performances. Gosling really funny, particularly in the dancing
Rated 05 Nov 2023
I'm glad I chose to watch Oppenheimer in movie theater than this preachy turd. The only reason this movie gets 70 is for Ryan Gosling and some funny gimmicks here and there.
Rated 23 Jul 2023
Overall, it's a really fun time, although the movie does have a lot of heart, and there are moments where Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and America Ferrera really show their acting chops. Great visuals and music, too.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
If you want to shove feminist messaging down my throat, you had better be clever about it, and 'Barbie' is just that. In fact 'Barbie' is probably movie of the year for me. Also, can I just say, to all these people complaining about anti-male messaging. Ken is not a man. He doesn't even have genitalia. He's just Ken. He does Ken things. Think like a kid or grow a sense of humour or something ffs.
Rated 08 Sep 2023
Margot Robbie is incredible in everything she does, and this is no exception. This movie is about 50% fun, and 50% boring musical. Many extra points for Margot, as she is fabulous. I also liked seeing America Ferrera. They took the Ken story to new lows however. And frankly, I'm really not a fan of Will Ferrel.
Rated 23 Jul 2023
The best feminist film in decades perhaps (though lacking in its critiques of capitalism and somewhat queerphobic.) An invitation to authenticity in a plastic world. But remember, simply *critiquing aloud* and voting/constituting a new sovereignty is not enough, perhaps even counterrevolutionary. We must go further.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
The blend of blatant toy commercial and overt feminist thesis is occasionally wonky, and the first act is bizarrely unfunny compared to the others, but overall this is still an absolute winner, full of gorgeous production design, brilliantly dedicated performances, wildly funny lines and weird meta concepts, and a lot of extremely strong thematic material about the damaging effects of living under the patriarchy. A deserving future classic and a movie I hope every young girl sees.
Rated 28 Sep 2023
what Koalafish said
Rated 26 Mar 2024
I probably would have liked it more had it not been so hyped up before I saw it
Rated 25 Jul 2023
About as good of a Barbie movie as you could make. Surprisingly smart satire of gender relationships and corporate activism. Gosling deserves an Oscar nomination for his role. Highlight of the movie
Rated 23 Sep 2023
If only every movie could save us from the patriarchy.
Rated 24 Sep 2023
Genuinely disappointed as it wasn't funny, and smothered with shameless feminist points. Expected more from a movie with such a good cast.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
Definitely have my issues with it and the discourse surrounding it, both positively and negatively (and the responses to that discourse!) has been hilarious/stupid. Looked great with the final Ken dance sequence being a standout. Clearly Berkeley Inspired. The Malkmus joke was great. Had to mansplain to my date about why proustian Barbie was funny
Rated 18 Mar 2024
"Humanity set up in language a separate world beside the other world, a place so firmly set that, standing upon it, humanity could make itself master of that world" (Human all too Human I:11). Liberals' barbie-utopia is challenged by the decay in real-world/Ken's patriarchal backlash. Instead of "understanding" the this discontent, liberals resort to deception and fraud, hijacking political power and repairing the ideology. They force Kens to believe that a world w/o gender is the best. BS.
Rated 27 Jul 2023
Ryan Gosling steals my heart and I am a straight male.
Rated 27 Jul 2023
Very clever - funny and thought provoking. Strong performances, great sets and soundtrack -but because it is about plastic dolls it lacks an emotional core.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
its funny, original, well filmed, great soundtrack which suits it, great acting by margot and ryan. But a couple lectures on why men are shit and women are great and wokeness throughout kinda ruined it for me. The ken bits where so funny and the way barbie responded was perfect but then they just drop those bullshit lectures and just FUCK OFF with them. Its meant to be a comedy not a vice propaganda piece. The ending was shit aswell as ken should have got with barbie but boss bitch amiright
Rated 30 Jul 2023
I had a smile on my face the entire movie! Funny throughout. It's a feminist statement from first minute until last. It's as meta as anything Charlie Kaufman ever dreamed up. Loses a little bit of steam right at the end, but I enjoyed it more than "Oppenheimer", yeah, I said it! The more Oscars it's nominated for, the funnier it will all be!
Rated 16 Aug 2023
Those hating this because of "woke" or "how it hates men" should really take a long hard look at the mirror. It's funny and original and while the social commentary is heavy handed, it's spot on.
Rated 16 Dec 2023
Rewatch. I'm still not sure whether this is supposed to be played straight. Fun to see all the different characters with relatively different personalities. The screenplay is pretty tight and the part that drags for me, the Mattel headquarters, isn't actually that long on rewatch. Just the right amount of Kate McKinnon. I like America Ferreira but her speech felt disconnected. Fav scene: Barbies playing dumb for the Kens: "I put my money in a savings account" and asking about the Godfather.
Rated 31 Jul 2023
If Idiocracy was the real world, this would be a blockbuster. Oh.
Rated 18 Sep 2023
The movie mixes things together that shouldn't work, but they all do. It's got strong social commentary, great writing, a perfect aesthetic, and jokes that consistently land. It's engaging and totally fun throughout. Fantastic all around.
Rated 29 Aug 2023
This was funny, meaningful, wonderful and had one of the best musical numbers I've ever seen. Pure cinema.
Rated 02 Aug 2023
Fun. Needed to be cuntier though, Charli couldn't do it all on her own.
Rated 21 Feb 2024
good night barbies I'm definitely not thinking about death any more
Rated 18 Aug 2024
A lot of fun. A tricky tightrope of satire, entertainment, corporate backslapping and gender discussion thrown into a plastic pink universe. Was it kenough? Thanks to the Gosling x-factor I certainly think it was kenough. Not to take anything away from Robbie, who nailed her role. I’m cynical at the best of times but I’m suspicious of anyone who can’t have a good time with this film.
Rated 18 Sep 2023
Funny, I've known her most of my life, but I didn't recognize this movie's pink, plastic, infantilized Barbie. The little doll woman I knew as a child was mysterious, distant and dignified. Her sideward glance suggested caution. In other words, she lived in the real world with me, not in some crass idealized capitalist dreamland. Oh I had a Ken, too, and I'm afraid I was just as uninterested in his inner life as Gerwig and Baumbach were.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
I can't believe they shot a whole feature length movie to create the "Mojo Dojo Casa House" meme, but hey, I'll take it.
Rated 14 Aug 2023
Finally, a movie for everyone. A perfect example of Hollywood's ability to fuse art and commerce in a way that, every so often, births a blockbuster where you can feel the culture shifting underneath your multiplex seat. Expertly written and performed, laugh-out-loud funny, gorgeous to look at, etc. etc. but its greatest achievement is provoking a question that I rarely ask anymore as an adult: "Movies can be like THIS?"
Rated 25 Jul 2024
With all the attempts to draw political meanings from this film, a seemingly trivial detail might be noteworthy: in Barbie Land, there are the sexes, they mix and men please women, but there's nothing sexual, in the sense that every real possibility of carnal intimacy is "sterilised". This poses a non-trivial question: when trying to conceive what's possible for and between men and women, politically and so on, are we taking care of the fact that we (unlike dolls) do have vaginas and testicles?
Rated 09 Nov 2023
Barbie is a mix of fun satire, goofy nonsense, boring singing and dreary soapboxing. With its neat visuals, good jokes and hilarious parodies this could have been a good movie. Now it repeatedly slows to a crawl to have people sing or have someone give a speech because we can't trust the audience to "get it". I feel that if they focused more on Ken in Barbieland before 'flipping the switch' it would've worked better. Having *three* actors from Sex Education is also a bit too distracting.
Rated 18 Sep 2023
A film that really tries to have its cake and eat it too. It wants to be everything: a campy comedy, a feel-good family blockbuster, a subversive feminist satire, and a corporate-approved brand booster. Many of these aspirations stand in contradiction to each other: how can you honestly critique society while at the same time bending to kiss the ring of capitalism? So Barbie can't have everything that it sets out for, but I'll be damned if it doesn't get close. An ambitious and equally fun movie
Rated 02 Sep 2023
Dumb AF, avoid
Rated 06 Sep 2023
This is either 1) a clever inversion of third wave feminism 2) stupid entertainment...or 3) really stupid politics. Opening with a 2001 reference to a target audience, that thinks Kubrick is probably a Lego series, shows a pretty shaky grasp on reality. So forgive me for thinking it's number 3. I'm just a patriarch, it's how i roll.
Rated 12 Aug 2023
“It is the wicked deception of love that it begins by making us dwell not upon a woman in the outside world but upon a doll inside our head, [...] the only one we shall ever possess, whom the arbitrary nature of memory, almost as absolute as that of the imagination, may have made as different from the real woman as the real Balbec had been from the Balbec I imagined- a dummy creation that little by little, to our own detriment, we shall force the real woman to resemble.” – Marcel Proust
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Good script and performances from Robbie and Gosling. What surprised me the most is that it was consistently funny. The music was also really good.
Rated 13 Aug 2023
The notion of Ken as an accessory to Barbie, as being defined only with respect to Barbie, is an interesting role reversal that should be further explored. Script and acting was otherwise poor. On another note, despite Mattel’s self-critiques, we become the subject of the joke as Barbie breaks box office records worldwide. To Mattel, anti-capitalism is the new product: the irony of ironies.
Rated 03 Oct 2023
I did not expect to be so bored so quickly: 2/5. The beginning is great and then I giggle a little every 30 minutes or so. There is no story and no real acting and it reminded me of the LEGO-movie.
Rated 17 Sep 2023
A satire begging for a satire? Something went wrong here. Or it was never meant to be right.
Rated 14 Sep 2023
I think this is a good film with an important message. I found it too hectic and amusing-but-not-especially-funny, which detracted from its entertainment value quite a bit for me. It felt similar in tone and vibe to Marvel (especially comedically) and EEAAO---neither of which gelled with me either---but with Gerwig's highbrow touch.
Rated 13 Oct 2023
“Barbie” is a cultural phenomenon film featuring a personified Barbie doll who embarks on an adventure in the real world to fix her dysfunction. The movie draws parallels to “The Emoji Movie” (believe it or not), addressing gender issues and patriarchy cleverly, with strong performances and impressive production, although some find Will Ferrell’s character somewhat out of place.
Rated 20 Dec 2023
Toy ad with social commentary. A few good songs.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
It has some interesting moments, but the ending feels too fairytale-ish (even if it is meant to be perceived that way).
Rated 07 Nov 2023
Not what I expected. Enjoyed it more than Asteroid City. Too much singing and dancing though :D
Rated 02 Aug 2023
a movie with ups and little downs. The plot seemed to have 3 parts sawn together, and it didn't always fit, or was slower at the seams. Some of the speeches felt long and heavy-handed, but maybe because I have heard it before (it's true but I heard it before). The conclusion about being Kenough seems to battle other related lessons for attention. The setting and characters were really fun though, and a lot of the absurd humour had me chuckle through it all. Some great scenes and references too
Rated 07 Sep 2024
It's ironic that the main message here seems to be about the fundamental good of motherhood. I'd also point out that ideas - more specifically generals - are always more important than any person (despite what this film depicts).
Rated 04 Aug 2023
It's a fun movie, no doubt. Politically though, it offers nothing new: It's a rehashing of all the jokes and memes you've seen if you spend enough time online/on social media. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing, this movie needn't be a groundbreaking critique of our society. Yet that creates a confusion about who the target audience is. I wish it were either a full-on comedy or a more original take on patriarchy, not something lost in between.
Rated 30 Nov 2023
I suppose it succeeded in doing what it intended: send a message. And the people making it sure seemed to have fun. But wow, this was not very enjoyable to watch, considering how predictable it often was and how drawn-out the musical numbers were. I group this film with La La Land, as a self-indulgent Hollywood mess that nobody wants to criticize for fear of being labeled something. I don't care what you call me, but don't show me this film again.
Rated 07 Aug 2023
Funny and had its moments but ultimately the structure of the movie is just existential monologues about femininity and purpose. Which is fine but it's not a very creative way to present the material, especially in the second half of the movie, where "talking about feminism" becomes a literal mcgyver tool that the characters have to use.
Rated 04 Oct 2023
This has been my favorite movie of 2023 as of the writing of this, I saw it at the movies twice. It was surprisingly heartfelt and meaningful. It was also a deeply spiritual and political movie. I loved every minute of it. Ryan Gosling for the Oscar!


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