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Drama, Documentary
1h 23m
Notorious killer whale Tilikum is responsible for the deaths of three individuals, including a top killer whale trainer. Blackfish shows the sometimes devastating consequences of keeping such intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity. (imdb)


Drama, Documentary
1h 23m
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Avg Percentile 65.99% from 1231 total ratings

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Rated 12 Sep 2013
The moral of the story is that tiny hairless monkeys were never meant to boss around 5 ton whales (or elephants, lions, etc..) Nature tends to take over and things go pear (or pancake) shaped. The concept itself is absurd. During Roman times at least they understood these animals were dangerous and threw convicts & Christians at them instead of anthropomorphizing them into Disney characters. The film also addresses whale feelings and how it's not nice to stuff them into a small watery cell.
Rated 17 Dec 2013
Maaaan, fuck Seaworld.
Rated 17 Dec 2013
The argument can be made that this is unjustly one-sided, but I didn't get that vibe at all; the film comes off as simply presenting facts from the history of Seaworld, and their subsequent abuse of orca whales. And seeing the archive footage of capturing the whales is about the most depressing thing you'll ever come across in a movie. One of the former trainers sums it up best: "In 50 years we'll all look back and think what a barbaric time we lived in."
Rated 18 Dec 2013
Does a good job of dispelling the notion that animals in zoos do things for trainers because of a "personal relationship" with the trainer and not because these animals just want food to survive. Also effective in highlighting the smoke and mirrors approach of a company like Sea World that, in an attempt to hide the true nature of an Orca's experience in captivity, leads to the death of innocent people, and the erosion of the emotional and physical health of the Orcas.
Rated 07 Aug 2013
Not as engaging, riveting or important as The Cove, but nonetheless emotional and jarring. Makes you never want to go to a waterpark ever again.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
It's truly disgraceful how those whales were treated... and the outcome is as tragic as it was (evidently) unavoidable and predictable.
Rated 07 Aug 2014
My favorite part was the former trainer now embarrassed about having been a cog in the propaganda machine. Having these creatures confined in a watery prison, constantly subjected to social warfare, is it any wonder that they become Psychotic? The documentary was mediocre but the subject is powerful, disturbing and sad.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
It's really f**ked up what people will do just to make money.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Rated 23 May 2014
Well put together and captivating, when Black fish is able to turn your mind off it works, but when thinking at all about what their message is, it's easy to see the propaganda and biased nature of the film. Sure Sea World did bad things, but this film manipulates through editing in an attempt to get a rise out of the viewer. I guess it worked, but not on me.
Rated 08 Mar 2014
The movie Free Willy now takes on a new meaning
Rated 13 Feb 2014
Yet another documentary about the biggest and dumbest predator of the planet - The Human Being. Documentary about human greed, lies and everything that goes along in modern world led by profit and capitalism. I have so much more respect toward this beautiful animals called Orcas now! Very powerful and intriguing movie!
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Hey, its almost as if our environment in which we are raised has everything to do with our mental patterns and behaviors! Now while I still believe that humans and animals can have meaningful relationships and that there is an overall greater good to specific kinds of captivity, clearly Seaworld is not a part of that list and should have been tossed out with parachute pants, Vanilla Ice records, and everything else that was the 90's. I can't believe that place is even still in business.
Rated 16 Dec 2013
Incredibly powerful documentary. It makes me loathe those fucks at Seaworld, even more. What people seem to misunderstand every single time, especially wild animals like the orca, is that nature is wild. Unpredictable. The sheer arrogance some of our kind have, along with the dollars in sight, is unheard of. To be quite honest, I wouldn't give a flying F if Tilikum would attack other trainers, too. If Seaworld doesn't want to learn from its mistakes, learn it the hard way. Again. Again. Again.
Rated 13 Dec 2013
the best part of seaworld is when the animal takes a big piss then splashes it on people. THEY RED ROCKET A WHALE. SPOILERS. OH MY GOODNESS.
Rated 05 Dec 2013
I had never really given two thoughts to Seaworld, whether for abuse or entertainment. It always seemed like a dorky second-tier family park. Now it feels more like a modern form of bear baiting.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
It could've been way less emotional -- the soundtrack tunes look really annoying -- and maybe more objective -- why didn't they tell us right in the beginning that the SeaWorld "repeatedly declined to be interviewed"?" --, but Cowperthwaite manages to bring together with anger, shock and care news reports, trial infos, interviews with former trainers and scientists, reports and videos. It was difficult from the start to run away of such a cause-and-effect structure, but it generally works.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Fairly well made and structured, although i didn't care much for showing the trainers as innocent victims of corporate decisions rather than simple accomplices of fucked up institutions. I mean, if you really love these animals and can't think as far as "hey, maybe ripping them from their families and keeping them in captivity to force demeaning tricks on them actually isn't that cool?!"...well, you just might have it coming.
Rated 22 Jul 2015
Should Killer Whales be kept in captivity? Definitely not. That aside, this is a well made propaganda piece that inevitably tells just one side of the story. There are ALWAYS two sides to every story, and the makers of "Blackfish" are clever enough, and aware enough, to make sure that the emotionally charged subject matter masks most peoples natural desire to hear the other side of the debate. I have no love for Seaworld, but this hatchet job is too lopsided to be of any great value.
Rated 23 May 2015
Blackfish is an incredibly compelling and shocking documentary but it's argument is undoubtedly one sided. I have since researched a variety of alternative sources and I don't regard Blackfish as an entirely correct representation of Seaworld or it's Trainers. On a personnel level I do believe I have seen and read enough to decide that I won't be taking my family to visit Seaworld. However I do urge people to look at the bigger picture and to take the time to research and form their own opinion.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
Another animal cruelty documentary that's main drawback is watching a bunch of talking heads coming to terms with something I could've told em when I was six, namely that keeping massive killer whales in tiny tanks for years and forcing them to do tricks for food may come back to bite you. Literally. There are some moving scenes, and eye-opening footage of past incidents, but the ex-trainers' professed naivety and attempts to blame it all on the corporate angle leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Both a call for better treatment of animals and hatchet job on a greedy -and particularly unfair on it's staff- corporation, so far so good. Some shocking footage, some surprising facts and figures but, I didn't need so much preaching from former staff, seemingly trying to ease their own guilty consciences.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
It honestly feels like a 15 minute 20/20 expose they stretched out into a feature length documentary. Yeah the production values are 10x better, but its completely one sided and very emotionally manipulative.
Rated 11 Mar 2014
It's kind of one sided, but at the same time, I can't see a mega business like SeaWorld caring more about their staff (including animals) than their bottom line, so it's easy for me to believe. How a person can keep an animal around that has already killed humans before, and allow other humans to be put in the same danger is baffling. Either release them back to the wild or put them down.
Rated 11 Feb 2014
Keep your dorsal fins up, there is still hope for humanity! (I was going to spell it hu-manatee but let's not be punny). I loved this documentary. I thought it was well put together and oh so sad. I'm not much of an animal activist but I truly hope not all of this is true. If it is, shame on you Seaworld...
Rated 23 Jan 2014
Superbly informative and pretty fucking nuts at times (trainer footage, whales on a bender) but not particularly moving or even encouraging. Sure, SeaWorld still sucks, but this movie kind of did too.
Rated 20 Jan 2014
A propaganda film filled with lies and distortions.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
I'm kinda torn. I want to give this movie shit because it felt put together in a very exploitative way which wasn't necessary to get the message across. On the other hand, orcas are one of the few types of animals that I actually give a shit about. People say cows and pigs are smart, but that's a bunch of bs. They aren't that smart. Whales, orcas in particular, are highly intelligent and deserve a overzealous voice on their side. Ultimately, very good albeit biased. Also, fuck Seaworld.
Rated 13 Jan 2014
This raises a lot of questions about the ethics of human/animal interaction even outside the domain of orcas. The precarious position of the former trainers is an interesting and sad one. They came into the situation knowing nothing and as their love and understanding of the whales increased so did their horror and revulsion at knowing what it is that they were doing.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
Pretty good documentary, not what I expected. BOO SEAWORLD!!!!
Rated 22 Dec 2013
Balanced documentary learning and insight into the darker side of seaworld. I wish they spent 5 more minutes on the court cases, as the runtime was so short to begin with.
Rated 29 Nov 2013
Very strong subject matter. Could have been structured and presented better.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
Whilst meaning no disrespect to the lives of those affected by this dangerous creature, it almost seemed like the elevator pitch was "think of 'Marley and Me' meets a 10 year olds science fair project". Whilst a good story was told I think I have learnt more from a 30 minute "air crash investigation" episode. Done properly this could have been epic like "An Inconvenient Truth". Worth watching, just don't expect to learn anything.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
A powerful documentary about the enslavement of killer whales, but would have benefited from a bit more background information on the industry as a whole. Some of the footage was simply breathtaking.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
Heartbreaking, infuriating, and beautiful. I think, or at least it always seemed to me, most people are at least halfway aware that keeping an ocean-faring animal in a small concrete pool for its entire life and throwing it into a completely alien social environment is harmful at best and torture at worst, but if anybody needs convincing of that fact then Blackfish will certainly do it. Some things are a bit schmaltzy and manipulative with the music cues and such, but man... fuck SeaWorld.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
Haunting and beautiful. A great story presented amazingly.
Rated 12 Sep 2013
Emotive, partisan doc that nonetheless makes a strong case for the banning of keeping orcas in captivity. It's all a bit amped up with ex-trainers tearing up on camera and lots of heartstring-tugging music, but is well made, unfolding its story in an effective and tense fashion.
Rated 07 Sep 2013
As someone who values animal life over humans, I found this absolutely heartbreaking. The diver relaying his experiences about hunting Orcas and the former SeaWorld employee talking about the mother calling to her child had me in floods of tears. Bias aside, it's a well made, powerful & effective documentary, that is more driven by facts than agenda. If you watch 'Blackfish' and don't think this is a real issue, I have nothing but contempt for you.
Rated 02 Sep 2024
An insightful look into the world of Orca captivity, and shows how these intelligent, emotional and dangerous animals shouldn't be captured and put in captivity, nor should be bred in captivity due to the variety of problems which result from that, including ignoring the basic freedom of wild animals. I think Orca capture is banned now, but captivity and breeding still continue, showcasing the ongoing savage nature of humanity's ignorance in it's treatment of wild animals.
Rated 02 Jan 2024
It was good, but strangely terrifying.
Rated 24 Jul 2020
While its made in a compelling way, it manipulates the viewer into believing a lot of things that are not true. The actual truth would have still been interesting, but instead the documentary goes for cheap shock value. Incidentally I also think they should not be kept captive, either way.
Rated 12 Nov 2019
Documentary film as a medium for raising awareness, but with actual consequences. Really worth reading about the lobbying effect since it was released.
Rated 01 Sep 2019
Rated 21 Dec 2018
Biased, but interesting.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
This is an interesting topic but it isn't an interesting movie.
Rated 25 Jun 2017
Everybody should watch this documentary and stop visiting marine mammal parks.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
It is widely believed nowadays that Orcas are not as smart as people. This movie shows how, with some clever manipulation, murder whales can kill multiple people and still keep in flippin at your favorite local attractions. It also tackles the hard truth that these whales need to be killed themselves in turn, as they obviously could not be reintroduced until the wild after living in captivity. 'Escape from New York' meets 'BBC's Planet Earth' in this heavily biased documentary.
Rated 23 May 2017
Great doc.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Blackfish will forever change the way the general public looks at its controversial subject.
Rated 19 Jan 2017
I didn't see this when it originally came out, but I can tell you that you will never want to go to Sea World again after watching this. If you are wondering why Ringling Brothers is calling it quits, it's because of damning documentaries like this.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
This was very popular but it is manipulative to the point of being propaganda. You should always watch documentaries with skepticism.
Rated 03 Oct 2016
Despite the controversy it later generated, this is still a great documentary and explores an interesting side of captivity. It's impact is pretty obvious considering, even though I'm the biggest theme park person ever, I have not stepped foot in SeaWorld since its release.
Rated 31 Jul 2016
Laudable how this docu brings to light the mistreatment of killer whales by Seaworld. But this message, thanks to the aftermath from this docu, was already know to me, making the impact of the docu a bit less. It's also too talking-heady to be cinematically interesting. It could have been a bit longer, since the most interesting discussion only just started when the movie ended.
Rated 11 Jul 2016
With a less delicate touch, Blackfish could have been a muckracking expose of corporate greed, which is how SeaWorld has tried to portray it.
Rated 27 Apr 2016
Rated 27 Mar 2016
Having already heard about the information in the film, it wasn't really shocking or anything, but certain parts were still effective. It definitely reminded me of Grizzly Man (2005), but nowhere near as good. This film is a perfectly serviceable documentary - it gets the information across just fine. But it lacks any artistry or filmmaking technique that could have elevated it to being great as a film, too.
Rated 11 Jan 2016
I'm sure this is a somewhat biased, dramatized account, but it also is a profound showing of SeaWorld's mismanagement of whales.
Rated 18 Nov 2015
It's aggressively manipulative, but in the manner that a good documentary is. There are some weird stylistic choices, but when it's being a whale-centered crime documentary it is fantastic. Unfortunately, nothing ever tops the former-regime-change-participant-cum-orca-poacher who describes hearing the whales cry for the young they were kidnapping as the most upsetting thing he'd ever done, above literally participating in violent coups and presumably a whole slew of human rights violations.
Rated 26 Aug 2015
Somewhat interesting but not as shocking as it wants to be. Too much personal opinion and emotional manipulation and not enough science for me.
Rated 20 Jun 2015
Netflix should NOT have recommended this to me based on my watching Free Willy, Free Willy 2, and Free Willy 3.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
There is no harmony in the universe.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
It uses it's footage well, and the interviews are great, but I feel like if I didn't already know how terrible SeaWorld were because I followed some of the stories as they happened, I would be more shocked. Nothing new if you've already seen the news, but the extra footage they use is powerful stuff.
Rated 08 Dec 2014
Okay so... Well at least... On the other hand... I give up, there is no way I can even try to defend any of SeaWold's action. This movie's tagline simply ought to read "Fuck SeaWorld".
Rated 13 Nov 2014
Interesting, informative, moving and thought provoking - Glad that I have never been to SeaWorld.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Superficially about man's dominion over animals, much more about the psychosis inflicted by inhumane incarceration.
Rated 30 May 2014
eng; [blackfish]; eine dokumentation über zeitweise tödliche schwertwale, ihrem training in gefangenschaft zur attraktion in seaworld-parks und der grausamen entführung aus ihrem sozialen umfeld.;
Rated 23 May 2014
The live footage is just as intense, scary and terrible as the documentary itself. Brilliant and shocking. (Less unnecessary score and it would have been a perfect documentary.)
Rated 27 Mar 2014
It was very informative albeit depressing. Never going to Sea World, I'll just donate to scientific research and go on a whale watching cruise. :D
Rated 16 Feb 2014
I gave 97 for the importance of the subject and not the quality of the film!
Rated 12 Feb 2014
Not too in-depth, but pretty good rundown of some of the safety issues at Seaworld.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
Interesting subject, but pretty standard doc fare otherwise. Highly recommended if you're into snuff films or whale cocks.
Rated 14 Jan 2014
Depressing and well-documented, but I was not too shocked at SeaWorld's practices; perhaps because I've watched The Cove, which I highly recommend if you enjoyed this one.
Rated 06 Jan 2014
Gutwrenching, insightful and moving. Some of the video footage had my stomach in knots. I never had any plans to go to Seaworld, but now it's on my List of Horrible Things (alongside Wal-Mart, Chick-fil-A, and others). Creatures like these are wonderful and fascinating, but it's best to simply document them in their natural environment, not drag them away from their habitat and give them miserable lives just so we can parade them around in front of a bunch of fat tourists.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
It doesn't take a genius to realize that shoving big ass whales into these little spots might make them aggressive. The same thing applies to humans, after all. So with that said, if you do need convincing of this, Blackfish is an incredibly sad and powerful documentary that does a good job of examining whale behavior and showcasing some of the tragedies that have happened because of SeaWorld. Also touches on SeaWorld covering things up as best they can.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
A one-sided but effective case outlining perils of killer whale captivity. Makes me not want to go to SeaWorld.
Rated 30 Dec 2013
Don't go to Sea World.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
Another in a long line of abusive relationships between man and nature. One begins to become desensitized to these repetitive stories of abuse and mistakes. I cannot deny however the effectiveness of the subject matter and the passion of all the people involved.
Rated 28 Dec 2013
It is kind of sad that we needed an investigational documentary such as this to question the safety of allowing performers to swim alongside and interact with these tortured animals.
Rated 26 Dec 2013
Good powerful documentary with an important message.
Rated 21 Dec 2013
Expertly crafted and naturally chilling. It had more of an effect on me than some horror films, primarily because it's the real world and the horror these whales have had to undergo are still happening! Hopefully this documentary wakes a few people up; my eyes are certainly open now.
Rated 20 Dec 2013
An essential, haunting documentary that will not leave you for quite some time after viewing.
Rated 18 Dec 2013
It's no Grizzly Man...but it'll do.
Rated 14 Dec 2013
I don't know how or why having whales in captivity is still allowed, or dolphins, or primates, or any other animal intelligent enough to need more stimulation than overweight redneck humans yelling stupid shit at them. OK the end of that sentence might have been me projecting what I see at the Indianapolis Zoo...
Rated 20 Nov 2013
Slanted documentary that rounds up ex-trainers that 180'd away from animal captivity either after the 2010 death the film banks on for an audience, or for the camera itself. Blackfish gets interesting when you realise Seaworld management have engaged in husbandry of the trainers themselves. They've found people willing to get the in the water with lumbering psychopaths, separated from any resonance of home and forced to mate with racist, aggressive cows. 70 incidents in captivity and counting.
Rated 05 Nov 2013
Another documentary that confirms the obvious. Water parks with animals in captivity are cruel. Vote with your wallet, stop going to these kind of places.
Rated 03 Nov 2013
in turns heartpoundingly tense and a bit preachy, you cannot help getting sucked into this story of naitivity and regret. Best poster of 2013?
Rated 25 Oct 2013
In which Free Willy takes on a new poingance.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
A somber documentary about the perils of keeping killer whales in captivity, focusing on a particular whale named Tilikum that was responsible for several deaths. Has some seriously harrowing footage of attacks on humans, and it certainly makes a very strong, passionate case.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
Rated 04 Oct 2013
OMG! I don't understand why anyone would want to work as a trainer in SeaWorld. It keeps the tension to the end, and makes you feel sorry for all animals in captivity. Though, a bit over the top with the ex-trainers tearing up and the melodramatic music, however very informative and a heartfeld story. Worth a watch. - Good.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
powerful documentary on the captive killer whales...
Rated 13 Sep 2013
The story of these whales is scary and sad. The documentary tells it quite straightforwardly with some shocking video clips. Towards the end it gets a bit too sentimental for my liking but overall it's pretty entertaining.


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