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1h 49m
Director Alexander Nanau follows a crack team of investigators at the Romanian newspaper Sports Gazette as they try to uncover a vast health-care fraud that enriched moguls and politicians and led to the deaths of innocent citizens. (imdb)


1h 49m
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Avg Percentile 69.72% from 231 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Mar 2021
Real life is sometimes so close to fiction. This is top drawer press drama, but it's all real. Well done.
Rated 02 Apr 2021
Feels more like a political thriller at times than a documentary. Real life is crazy, never watched a documentary that played out with so many twists and turns since "The Imposter". Easily the best documentary of the year. This is a fantastic story and scary to watch how what starts as seemingly small scale corruption, becomes corruption of multiple systems.
Rated 22 Dec 2020
This fly-on-the-wall-style doc follows a team of reporters and an interim minister through a public health scandal and effectively deals with the question of whether persistence, transparency and good intentions can prevail against corruption and apathy.
Rated 28 Mar 2021
This top-tier doc sports compelling leads and an incredible (and incredibly terrifying) true story. It won't put you in a good mood but you will be biting your nails from on the edge of your seat.
Rated 11 Oct 2022
1 sağlık skandalı. Romanya'da yangın çıkan gece klubü Collective, çoğu insan yangından kaçamamıştır. Hastanelerde yaşam mücadelesindeki hastalar, sağlıksız ortamda olmadıklarını görür. Devlet, sağlık şirketleri, doktorlar, hastane çalışanları, bakanların kirli işlerini yüzümüze vurmuşlar. Fakat konu, çok farklı yerlerden anlatılmış. Etkileyici, yalın ama karışık. Filmin sonunda, Mezarlık. Yangından kaçarken doluya tutuldum.
Rated 25 Nov 2021
I was often wondering when reading in the history books about people going through incredible events but they were simply locked inside - how did they put up with that? Now that I know people who were in that night club and survived and also was shocked like everybody else when this happened, I can only imagine what the people in the future will think about us: why were we ok with something like this?
Rated 11 Sep 2021
Öncelikle sinemada belgesel izlemeyi özlemişim, o yüzden yarım puan fazla olabilir. Farklı bi belgesel tarzı var, bazı gazetecilik sahnelerinin bu kadar oyunlu çekilmiş olması hoşuma gitmedi. Hikayenin büyüklüğü ve etkileyiciliğini tam iyi bir şekilde anlatıya yaydığını ve seyirciye aktarabildiğini de düşünmüyorum, biraz hızlı bir bitiş oluyor. Ayrıca yüzü ve kolları yanan kadının hikayesi gazetecilerle pek bağdaşmıyor, kendisine şüpheyle yaklaştım
Rated 10 Aug 2021
Sobering overview of a corrupt health care system brought to light by a fire in a crowded show venue. Hope for change is so dismal that the only logical solution appears to be to dismantle the whole thing and start from scratch.
Rated 25 Jul 2021
Great journalism both in front of the camera and behind it. This is so well composed and constructed that you could forget you're even watching a documentary.
Rated 29 Apr 2021
Easily the best documentary I've seen in recent years, this absolutely demolishes fictionalized American dramas about investigative journalism, like the Oscar-winning "Spotlight".
Rated 23 Apr 2021
Methodic, forensically detailed doco seems a little too perfectly staged at times, even while the dispassionate story telling means a certain emotional connection is lost. Still a gripping and fascinating saga as one breathtaking display of unconscionable incompetence reveals layer upon layer of a sick, ugly and broken healthcare system and eventually stunningly brazen (and infuriating) government corruption. The depth and breadth of information included would probably benefit from a rewatch.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
The narrative gets fumbled a little in the first half hour, but once it gets going it truly gets going. Stylish, frustrating and interesting all at the same time.
Rated 09 Apr 2021
Not quite 'Spotlight done right' or something like that, but actually a true crime documentary about the social complexities of its main theme: state-financed genocide and how it crushes us in an everyday basis. Corruption, death, money, brave journalism. And a finale that is just point blank political tragedy. My head hurts like hell just to imagine how devastating would be a documentary like this one about Bolsonaro government in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rated 16 Mar 2021
An important case for Romania that obviously should have had further repercussions than it did. The lesson applies all over the world: corruption will spread if it goes untreated. Unfortunately, none of it is very surprising, and the talking heads, press conferences, phone calls, and TV shows this cinéma vérité approach encompasses get repetitive. It starts to relate more to the country's own miserablist fiction cinema than to any forthright activism.
Rated 11 Jan 2021
Very strong documentary; if it comes across as slightly one-sided that's hard to avoid, and the story it tells certainly has relevance far beyond one particular country or one particular case.

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