Dallas Buyers Club
Dallas Buyers Club
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Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club

Drama, Biography
1h 57m
The story of Texas electrician Ron Woodroof and his battle with the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies after being diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1986, and his search for alternative treatments that helped established a way in which fellow HIV-positive people could join for access to his supplies. (imdb)

Dallas Buyers Club

Drama, Biography
1h 57m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 62.9% from 4953 total ratings

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Rated 09 Feb 2014
Both McConaughey and Leto give good performances and there are some really hauting scenes here, but I'm torn because of the tone the film takes toward the FDA. According to this, the FDA are murderers and AZT might as well have been cyanide. As a biologist, I will tell you that AZT was one of the first drugs that was effective at treating HIV and many people lived longer or survived because of it. Yes there may have been alternatives, but demonizing things isn't a good way to prove a point.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
I hate gays. I will punch any man that calls me gay. I will use these gays to turn a profit. I will help these gays. These gays are okay. The movie.
Rated 11 Nov 2017
Went into this one entirely cold, and I must say I was rather impressed. The genuinely excellent performances from McConaughy and Leto compensate hugely for a slight lack of dramatic pull, and as a whole this is a thought-provoking and quite affecting piece that somehow remains entertaining throughout. Well worth seeing.
Rated 04 Jan 2014
From beginning to end, it plays out exactly how you'd expect. A message movie that goes through the same motions and plays at the same notes you've seen/heard a million times before. It's still a well-executed melodrama with a strong lead performance from McConaughey. Jared Leto was good at playing a really tired, Oscar-bait character. It's essentially a well-done Lifetime movie.
Rated 05 Jan 2014
"You can't have these drugs" "ILL SUE YOU " "WE CAN WAIT" for 2 hours. I'm not one to hoot and holler over stunt acting (oh wow he lost so much weight what an actor) but McConaughey just about gives himself AIDS to I dont know wher ei'm going with this who careslololol
Rated 12 Jan 2014
Is it bad that at some point I thought Leto looked kind of hot?
Rated 21 Nov 2013
Dallas Buyers Club is a great piece of filmmaking. It has great performances from Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, a consistently inspirational story, a damning message against the FDA, and enough humor to keep the tone somewhat light even though the characters' situations are often very grave. It needed more depth to the supporting characters, but all in all it's a film that's well worth seeing. I recommend giving Dallas Buyers Club a watch.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
The first 40 minutes or so are the best filmmaking I've seen all year. However, after a certain plot-point, the film turns into Erin Brockovich and, whilst not bad, per se, loses a lot of its momentum. Despite this, McConaughey is incredible and worth watching for alone.
Rated 04 Jan 2014
A bit of a one way street in it's point of view (FDA and the industry are all just big bad wolves), but other than that it is a well written and acted flick. McConaughey once again proves he is capable of great things, and Leto proves he should finally take that 30 second ride back from Mars.
Rated 20 Jan 2014
Is Matthew Mcconaughey one of the most talented actors working today? Yep, he sure is. I may not have realized that ten years ago, but now it's simply the truth. He's absolutely superb here. His character is complex, being both unpleasant and sympathetic. And his physical transformation rivals the best ever. But it's not just him that makes this movie great. Let's not forget Letto, whose performance is equally daring. And the story is gripping and the message is important. Great movie.
Rated 08 Feb 2014
Hats off to Leto and McC. Everything else is sort of mediocre, though. Now go watch 'C.R.A.Z.Y.'.
Rated 28 Sep 2020
McConaughey and Leto are great. It's definitely a fantastic story, though I have no idea how close it is to the truth.
Rated 11 Mar 2014
How this won anything is beyond me. It's an after school special with cursing and drugs teaching people that gays are the same as us and AIDS is bad. It's 2014 this movie should have been made when it was set. Every scene is just a direct pushing of the plot, there's no real fleshing out of characters. Closer to a pamphlet than a book. The acting was marginal by leto, he was given an oscar for wearing a dress.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
I changed my mind
Rated 01 Dec 2013
A fantastic movie that wears out its welcome by the end. With a more focused script this could have easily been one of the Oscar contenders, instead it just has award deserving performance on a "one draft away" from perfect script.
Rated 08 Dec 2013
Turns out a little overly gooey at the end, but damn if these characters aren't great. Leto was amazing, McConaughey in a difficult role pulls it off with style. Seriously good stuff.
Rated 05 Jan 2014
Despite its really simplistic view and message, it was a fantastic movie. McConaughey put on one of the best performances in years, accurately depicting man's will to survive. Jesus, that gaze was haunting. I will have to check out Vallee's other films now!
Rated 07 Jan 2014
Never thought I'd say this, but McConaughey should win an Oscar. Just like Sean Penn before him, he's proven that he's more than a stoner dude in movies and that he can actually act. His acceptance speech should go like this, "Alright, alright, alright. That's what I love about these golden statues. I keep getting older and they stay the same. Yes they do... yes they do"
Rated 23 Jan 2014
Interesting character study of a homophobic cowboy turned into a man who's forced to be sensitive and careful about not only his situation but also people in the same condition. The tone shifts maybe too much -- and the film occasionally drags from time to time --, but McConaughey manages to keep every situation and dialogue working by his brilliant performance -- he fills Dallas Buyers Club with the amusements of a crowd-pleaser and the dark, unsettling aspects of a real-life drama.
Rated 28 May 2014
There's a lot to dig here, particularly in the performances, but in the end it was Oscar bait through and through. Look, this guy starts off homophobic in the beginning and then makes a trans friend and becomes more tolerant! What a hero! apparently the real dude wasn't homophobic in the slightest anyway
Rated 09 Dec 2013
And the academy awards go to...
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Great performances and a really interesting look into the early AIDS crisis. At times it's a bit simplistic in its view of "big pharma" and the evil doctor who serves as its mouthpiece in the film. McConaughey puts on a show again. He and Leto have a dynamic that's hard to describe and is totally fresh. Starts to lose steam as it crosses the finish line, but it's a solid film nonetheless.
Rated 01 Mar 2014
Matthew McConaughey proves that he is a decent actor through a superb performance in the engaging Dallas Buyers Club
Rated 04 Jan 2014
It's been a pleasure watching the rehabilitation of Matthew McConaughey over the past two years, and this is maybe his best performance yet. It's a raw, committed and charismatic performance that, coupled with Leto's similarly impressive turn, make this well worth watching. The film struggles a bit in the middle, however, when it becomes too caught up in the practical details of Woodruff's operation while accelerating and resolving his positive moral development a little too quickly and neatly.
Rated 09 Jan 2014
A stellar performance by a skinny to the bone McConaughey, and a similarly impressive supporting turn by Leto, is at the heart of this man-against-system story that beautifully balances heavy AIDS drama with light humour. The message could have been more balanced, I guess, but the gritty feel and images and the seamless direction by Valleé makes it ring more true and more hard-hitting than Milk and Erin Brockovich.
Rated 14 Jan 2014
A very well acted movie with a really interesting story. The problem is that the movie is weaker than what it could have been in the second half and really just didn't live up to the potential it could have reached.
Rated 19 Jan 2014
Leto and McConaughey both prove themselves quite capable of carrying it. Of course it checks every box on the Oscar bait list (period piece with mustaches! Actors changing their weight! Controversial subject safely locked in the past! Simplification of real events!) and screams its important subject from the rooftops, but it carries itself with enough goddamn and sharp direction to work without veering into sentimental backslapping. Now go watch "How To Survive A Plague".
Rated 19 Jan 2014
McConaughey is fantastic, and carries this snapshot story of the AIDS crisis from beginning to end. Although it does slow near the end, I must say that his performance had me hooked from the start. Great pacing and direction for a story that could have become buried under its somber subject matter.
Rated 20 Mar 2014
An absolutely incredible performance from Matthew McConaughey elevates this otherwise decent film. The story is pretty straightforward and has some good points to make about bureaucracy, but it doesn't take any risks beyond that. A film like this is just begging for a greater emotional power or profound societal comment. It never finds that extra level and this bars it from greatness. It's well worth the watch for the performances alone and the film is very competent, so I'd recommend it.
Rated 28 Feb 2014
It falls into the biopic trap of making the protagonists a bit too saintly (in the second half) and portraying any opposition as superficially selfish/evil, but those complaints are easy to overlook when McConaughey and Leto just nail every scene they're in. Doesn't have too many surprises past the halfway point, but it's solid drama-filmmaking all the way.
Rated 22 Jan 2014
Absolutely loved this film. The very, very ending fell a little flat and became kind of clunky and awkward, but the remainder of the movie was fantastic. McConaughey and Jared Leto were phenomenal.
Rated 22 Jan 2014
Matthew McConaughey looked almost emaciated in this role, but it made him a convincing character for the story. I was very surprised by the content of this movie, which makes the FDA and medical establishment seem mired in slow bureaucracy when the AIDS epidemic began to widen. Jared Leto was surprisingly good as his cross dressing partner. There were a few surprises and intense moments while showing the sometimes ugly truth of what a man will do when he is desperate to survive.
Rated 24 Jan 2014
Oscars for both McConaughhey and Leto. They outshine the competition by a long shot,no matter how sad the slaves or how messed up the stockbrokers were.These two nailed it and that is actually quite rare, to REALLY nail a role. The acting chops aside this is a remarkable film about a pretty dark time in history when HIV/AIDS was still a very scary lethal disease. Partly because of the pioneer Ron Woodroof a lot of awareness was raised and he left his mark, helping himself and others. Good film.
Rated 25 Jan 2014
Engaging view of the emergence of the AIDS virus sold to a great degree by McConaughey's no-holds-barred portrait of a by turns reprehensible and ultimately quite heroic character; his physical and psychological transformation is quite extraordinary, without overt show-boating. By taking an admirably dispassionate, unsentimental perspective of its tale, the screenplay occasionally struggles to be cinematic, relying on too many facts and figures rather than emotions to tell the story.
Rated 08 Mar 2014
Great idea and execution. It's fun watching McConaughey try to beat Bale at his own game.
Rated 23 Apr 2014
Honest question. Seriously, I don't know the answer. When McConaughey was being 10/10 homophobic early in the movie, were we supposed to find his behaviour funny? Or relatable? Or were we supposed to feel culturally superior? Was the movie being detached in those moments, showing us something ugly in a slightly ironic way? To be perfectly honest I got a slight vibe like we were supposed to find him funny or charming in those scenes. But I don't know. I'm willing to be wrong about that.
Rated 01 Feb 2014
so grateful this straight, straaaaaight reforming bigot showed me how to embrace homosexuals (from afar), else i'd have been totally lost.
Rated 02 Mar 2014
This film leaves me with a feeling that something was missing. It was a bit too straight forward. And I never got truly invested in the characters. But I guess it can be hard to please, had the story gone for more sentimental moments, I would probably have accused it of being Oscar bait. Despite the unfulfilled potential, the performances are impressive.
Rated 07 Feb 2014
Two terrific performances by McConaughey and Leto elevate the film significantly but certainly could have been used better. Where the first half contained very dark tones of a character study, the second half succumbed to sentimental, political Oscar bait with an unfortunately downplayed character arc for Woodroof. With a better screenplay that wasn't afraid to explore the grittiness that a film about AIDS rightfully allows this really could have been something special.
Rated 10 Feb 2014
I honest to god thought Jennifer Garner was Julia Roberts with botched botox the entire film. DBC features the latest gay/AIDS martyr after Milk & whoever Philadelphia was about, Ron Woodroof. He as a person is a shining example of what's fucked about Dallas & the 80's at the same time. He straightens out (for survivals sake) his views on a few key issues to some extent..well, long enough to point out apparent FDA corruption & let Jared Leto wet the panties of the worlds trans-gender community.
Rated 10 Feb 2014
Struck a truly impressive tone for me: a beautiful, melancholy balance between sentiment and amusement, light and dark. It's not an easy plank to walk, but Dallas Buyers Club manages it with a confidence rarely seen; the story moves at a meticulously-judged clip, never dwelling unnecessarily but always keeping its characters completely three-dimensional. And as for Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto's performances, well, they deserve all the plaudits they've been subject to and many more besides
Rated 11 Feb 2014
Worth it for the first third of the movie alone, unfortunately it gets worse from there. The opening scenes of McConaughey dealing with his newfound disease are some of the best he's ever had a part in. After meeting Leto and starting up the Buyers Club the movie goes on too long and becomes a kind of upbeat fight against the man movie while rarely dealing with the reality of AIDs. Cool story, just too long and not real enough, also Leto isn't very good.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
McConaughey has been killing it recently and impresses even further playing Ron Woodroof, self-centered prick turned conscientious activist who refused to succumb to his fate. Equally impressive is Jared Leto who, despite a four-year absence from movie screens, delivers a sweet and soulful performance. I definitely enjoyed the film but the acting is something to truly admire.
Rated 31 Jul 2014
It took me a few tries to start watching it, but once I sat down to it it proved to be engaging yet predictable human rights drama. Oscars for acting and make-up are well deserved - both McConaughey and Leto (always hated him, so it's a big deal me saying this) did a good job, and it was hard to physically recognize them.
Rated 03 Aug 2014
Dallas Buyer's Club is a good movie. It sports magnificent performances by McConaughey and Leto who bring life to interesting characters. Despite this, the script and direction are nothing special, while the rest of the cast, including Gardner, are pretty awful. The first half is an exemplar for modern film-making but it quickly turns into a cheap Oscar grab. This is a good movie, with some great performances, that just never could have reached its full potential.
Rated 12 Dec 2015
Yeah, the performances are pretty good, but the rest feels like a pretty standard biopic arc focused on hitting points rather than exploring what it presents, particularly in the second half. At least it does that aspect well, though, so it still manages to be enjoyable and compelling.
Rated 22 Feb 2014
I don't need my films to be factually or historically accurate but when a film makes grossly inaccurate scientific or science-related claims and tries to present them as facts and puts them front and center just so its main characters could be the heroes who make a stand against the big bad government, it's a totally different matter. It's wholly irresponsible. Just thinking about this film infuriates me. A score of 20 for the decent acting.
Rated 03 Aug 2014
Ugly, boring and sure as hell overhyped by a wide margin.
Rated 16 Nov 2013
This is a pretty fascinating story that I had never heard before. It definitely resonates today - our relationship to medicine in this country is so fucked up, and it's interesting to watch a Schindler's List type story about a guy who is initially just interested in saving his own ass and turning a bit of profit, but eventually becomes an unexpected hero for a group of people that fate through him into contact with. Solid performances all around, especially from McConaughey and Leto.
Rated 18 Nov 2013
Unassuming and warm, Dallas Buyers Club is an unexpectedly effective film that melds a fascinating true story with great performances from Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto to make a film that is well worth seeing. A solid biopic.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
Working-class hustler Ron Woodruff (Matthew McConaughey) is diagnosed with AIDS, and when AZT fails him, he sets up a "club" to import and distribute more effective medicines, in the process running afoul of the FDA. True man-against-the-system story, quite well directed by Jean-Marc Valleé, undermined by an unremarkable script and a lead performance that owes more to radical weight loss than anything else. Jared Leto, as a transvestite hooker, is more effective (if baity). Slack period detail.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
Enjoyable, but overrated and predictable. Good performances by McWhatever and Leto, but playing stereotypical characters. The message is simply wrong and historically inaccurate. It will remain in cinema history just for the "McConaughey renaissance", if somebody will care about it in 10 years. EDIT: 9 years later, nobody cares anymore.
Rated 04 Dec 2013
Dumb. Stupid bigot gets redeemed by helping and "learning to love" the saintly, queer martyr. Some Assayas-esque flashes and it does have Jared Leto and Bradford Cox doing drugs while listening to T. Rex. That's pretty much it, though.
Rated 07 Dec 2013
More ups than downs. The emotional spectrum is just a little too simplified, but at the same time, this is what gives it any of the power it earns. Jared Leto, though.
Rated 08 Dec 2013
McConaughey plays his role well, and definitely plays it up, but he was always entertaining. The first half of the film is the strongest, because we get to see Ron Woodroof wrestle with his new affliction and lifestyle, but towards the end it becomes a pretty straightforward and sentimental message film, but the message is good so it's hard to dock it too much. It reminded me of a more low-key and gritty Milk (2008). Extra points for the usage of T. Rex's song "Life is Strange".
Rated 05 Jan 2015
Excellent film.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Well acted and with some fairly adventurous cinematography for a big release. Definitely improved my opinion of McConaughey after seeing him typecast as a smooth talking all American southerner so many times. This movie is inevitably a downer, but keeps the schmaltz under control. Well done overall.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
I describe it as a queer 'Schindler's List,' as they are oddly similar. Excellent film, well acted, and has a refreshing feeling of genuineness for a 'based on a true story'. Seemed to be plenty of attention to detail and great casting, though, the leads were probably much more handsome or beautiful than their counterparts. As foreign a lifestyle to me as 'Wolf of wall street' but by far an easier and even pleasant world to connect to for a few hours.
Rated 04 Jan 2014
SO worth the wait! McConaughey completely won me over this year, first with "MUD" and now with this. Let's take away the physical tole that making this movie took on the man (having to lose 50 pounds on his frame) -- the performance is so damn good, and is actually MATCHED by Jared Leto's portrayal of the fictitious Rayon. Add on top of that the superb direction (Jean-Marc Vallee needs more work, immediately), screenplay, and the remarkably-empowering story of survival. This is cinematic gold.
Rated 23 May 2014
I'm glad this didn't turn into a cliched "homophobic guy learns the error of his ways" movie. The story of this guy pioneering new treatments for AIDS was a lot more interesting to me.
Rated 02 Aug 2015
Well enough made story, but Matthew McConaughy aside not much sticks in the memory. It's that's the sort of thing you like, this is as good as most.
Rated 05 Jan 2014
oversimplified script and one sided look on AZT which is a drug that still saves millions... Jared Leto is giving a wonderful performance.. I believe McConaughey was much better in Mud & Im sad for Jennifer Garner, thats a terrbily written role.. good cinematography though
Rated 02 May 2014
Good film but McConaughey certainly didn't deserve an Oscar. He plays the same damn character in every movie - a likable male chauvinist with a Southern drawl... Is he even acting or just playing himself over and over? I guess he gets the statuette for losing 50 lbs but then shouldn't Christian Bale have gotten one for the Machinist? I guess AIDs is more politically correct than dementia...
Rated 03 Mar 2014
1222: i don't like homo themes!
Rated 11 Jan 2014
Exceptional performance by Matthew McConaughey..
Rated 12 Jan 2014
"Dallas Buyers Club" is a classic fighting-for-a-cause movie with BIG focus on character development. Due to a good story and especially superb performances by McConaughey and Leto, this movie is lifted to a level above a lot of similar flicks. Worth a watch.
Rated 01 Mar 2014
Here's a film made by people smart enough to understand the subject matter is heavy enough, and so there's hardly any sentimentalism - it's only hard truth. It's captivatingly made, McConaughey is aces; I guess it just didn't move me enough, which is a strange criticism but I'll stand by it. Dallas Buyers Club is a good film and I totally understand those who love it, I just didn't love it.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
This month has been the McConaughey appreciation month for me, he really redefined himself as a great actor. Leto was impressive too. Generally real stories lost momentum pretty quickly, but Woodroof and Raymon seemed to be genuinely interesting characters. The FDA story is unfortunately as alarming as it was those days, there is something wrong with the whole drug industry. The line that summarises the movie "The doctor said I have chlamydia, but I had crabs. What do they know?"
Rated 03 Apr 2014
Wish I could have met Ron Woodruff-- there could not possibly be anybody quite like that personality. But of course if the system creates an environment where you have to rise up or die, who knows what forms of subterfuge might just unfold . . .
Rated 03 Mar 2014
Who said that you can't buy some extra days of one's life. Movies like these teach us to never give up the will to live. Don't forget it's our life, so lets fight for it.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
Intelligent and affecting, despite being up-in-arms, slightly sentimental and fairly Hollywood in its organization of the story. Kind of like "Philadelphia" in those respects, but probably a bit better (and less sentimental). McConaughey's performance is very strong. Earns my recommendation.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
Özellikle finalinde klişelere doğru yuvarlansa da, hikaye anlatımı, oyunculuklar ve bazı teknik numaralarıyla dikkate değer bir film.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
McConaughey and Leto are excellent in this. The story itself is moving and gritty and hard to watch but a must see just the same.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
wow.. mcconaughey proves that he is at least a 'bale class actor'. you should see him in killer joe too. also not much to say about jared leto :) we have a beyond the line flick here with great direction and pace. maybe script lacks a little intensity, but anyway this movie is moving.
Rated 22 Jan 2014
Career performances from McConaughey, Leto, and Garner highlight this well-written AIDS drama.
Rated 22 Jan 2014
Really good acting but I felt it lacked a certain punch to really drive it home.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
Bravura performances can be as good as wholly spectacular films. Thoroughly enjoyed McConaughey in one of the most physically transformative roles since Cast Away or The Machinist.
Rated 24 Jan 2014
both leto and mcconaughey look so incredibly fucked up, it's insane. big respect for their transformation. still, the plot never quite gripped me, and the performances, although top notch, couldn't reel me in either. it stays too superficial on the impact and effects of the virus itself to be an actual aids drama, yet the heavy topic hinders it to become anything besides that.
Rated 26 Jan 2014
A good biopic about Ron Woodroof, a man diagnosed with HIV. We follow his dramatic change from a homophobic, drug addicted rodeo to a man with a true purpose in life; To stay a live and help other people in the same situation. Although a little slow at times, it's the unique relationship between McConaughey and Leto that sticks with you, thanks to the sacrificing, powerful performances.
Rated 26 Jan 2014
And thanks to the power of cinema, yet another piece of shit gets hailed as a hero. There's a decent story in here somewhere but it' all been Hollywoodized beyond recognition. Jennifer Garner doesn't have a purpose, nevermind a character, and is there only for you to have a pretty lady to oggle. The film forgets to tell you that Woodrow knew about his HIV before the official diagnosis and probably gifted it to several other people, but those whores must have had it coming, right?
Rated 08 Sep 2014
McConaughey plays his role so well as a sometimes likable asshole. I thought this movie was really good, and kept me interested the whole time.
Rated 05 Jul 2015
It was good, just kinda boring. But I think this just isn't my type of movie.
Rated 30 Mar 2014
A powerfully-acted and emotionally resonant story that has just enough warmth and humanity mixed in its depression soup to avoid being a Schindler's List-esque homework watch. (Though I probably won't rush to rewatch any time soon.) McConaughey is great, again. I want to say the FDA bad guys seemed a little one-note, but hell, I was a baby in 1986 - maybe this depiction is dead accurate.
Rated 28 Jan 2014
Seems like I should've seen this thing on ABC on a Sunday night circa 1992. No real risks were taken by anybody, including McConaughey (whose performance here consists basically of losing a bunch of weight and then saying "okay! that'll do it!") or Leto (who minces around in an offensively underwritten supporting role). Very lockstep, very rudimentary, and very boring--plus all those goddamn leaps ahead in time were annoying.
Rated 30 Jan 2014
Stunning, rich story of a dying man's fight for his right to the medicine of his choice. Well crafted, there are a few clunky directions and overt dialogue but McConaughey gives one of his best performances yet. succeeds in tackling the larger subjects of the pharmaceutical industry and homophobia without detracting from Ron's really story.
Rated 31 Jan 2014
MM transforms himself into the character like never before and he does great job in really making us believe that he suffers AIDS and this movie is about surviving against the odds.
Rated 31 Jan 2014
Talk about solid acting.. There wasn't a weak link in this one. Very well acted, directed and edited. Even though the message is left very simplistic for today, still a great watch.
Rated 26 Aug 2014
If it wasn't for McConaughey's performance this would get a much lower rating. Interesting story though.
Rated 03 Feb 2014
The story loses some steam towards the end but McConaughey, Leto and Vallée all do an excellent job.
Rated 03 Feb 2014
Matthew pulls this movie to a new dimension. Wonderfully played by him, should be an Oscar winner (Sorry Leo).
Rated 04 Feb 2014
This film was very very good. Leto played an amazing support role, and for once I actually liked McConaughey. Acting and script were great, and quite frankly its one of my favourite films of 2013
Rated 11 Mar 2014
I appreciate the arc of the central character from a self-absorbed user of others to a selfless giver to others. This is ultimately a story about what it means to be human, and Woodroof has to see the end of his life fast approaching before he can change. Leto's performance is my favorite of the two leading men, mostly for its toned-down fragility, which plays nice in contrast to Ron's in-your-face attitude. All that said, the film is strictly by the numbers in its narrative conventionality.
Rated 09 Feb 2014
Well acted, but conventional.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
Dallas Buyers Club is first a movie about a guy who finds he has a month to live, and about how he spends the time he has left, and about why, and it will grab your heart and squeeze just about as ungently as it can.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
Mostly watchable for it's top performances. I was especially surprised to see Jared Leto back on screen - happily surprised too, 'cause he's doing a tremendous job. I hope he wins the oscar (I've still to see Fassbender in 12 Years a Slave, but I doubt he can beat him). Story wise it is lacking a lot, if you ask me. His 30 days to live vanished strangely with no comment at all, switching quickly to focus on his club instead.
Rated 13 Feb 2014
Dallas Buyers Club is a venerable punch of heavy drama and manly transformation. Vallée really sells the clusterfuck of depression and makes it consistently effective and thoughtful; add in McConaughey and Leto, who both deliver just frighteningly perfect performances, and you have a classic that people will talk about for some time to come.
Rated 08 Feb 2018
Superb acting. Losing weight, mid-southern charm. The movement style of a rodeo cowboy. McConaughey brings his A game for this movie. And about movie its based on a true , enlightning story. And it executes very well. Damn great. Its a solid proof about the power of cinema and the power of the art. Im impressed. There were some dragged parts ı mean pacing and context aint good as acting and story. but mostly excellently executed.
Rated 13 Jun 2015
It's a true story but that doesn't make it the most exciting one to watch. The acting from McConaughey and Leto makes it completely worth the while. Lived up to every expectation I had. *Very good.
Rated 19 Feb 2014
Awesome performances by McConaughey and Leto!
Rated 21 Feb 2014
brilliant performance by the actors but the overall story was really weak


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