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Dönerse Senindir
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Dönerse Senindir

Dönerse Senindir

Romance, Comedy
1h 49m
Mehmet who is an idealist advertising photographer, has just separated from his girlfriend Selin. He deeply suffers but doesn't lose his hope of regaining her. Then he meets the mysterious Defne, who encourages him to take action before everything is too late. With the other close friends of Mehmet, they make a secret plan to bring back the lost love, Selin who is a very popular singer now, and the hopeful adventure which no one is sure of its ending whether it will be happy or not, begins. (imdb)
Avg Percentile 16.87% from 66 total ratings

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Rated 13 Nov 2023
Eski sevgisinden ayrılan Mehmet, bunalıma girmiştir. Her yerde eski ilişkisini anlatan Mehmet, barda tanıştığı Defne'ye de eski ilişkisini anlatır. Defne, Mehmet'e Selin'e kavuşması için yardım edecektir. Film bol miktarda sanat göndermesi içeriyor. Fotoğrafçılık, kavramsal sanat, tiyatro gibi :)


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