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Comedy, Drama
1h 57m
Inspired by his love of comic books, high school student Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) decides to transform himself into a masked crime fighter -- a decision that eventually thrusts the teenager into Internet stardom. Soon, Dave's antics inspire a wave of would-be heroes to don costumes and live out their superhero fantasies.


Comedy, Drama
1h 57m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.43% from 9735 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 17 Apr 2010
If the Dark Knight is the comic-book equivalent of the Godfather, than Kick-Ass is its Pulp Fiction. Fun, funny, and downright entertaining, Kick-Ass' own title describes it to a T.
Rated 27 Dec 2010
This is what a superhero movie should be! Fuck grittiness, I want entertainment and humour. Less realistic than 'Unbreakable' and not aiming for 'Watchmen''s psychological depth, this is all-out fun, with some inventive, twisty turns. Johnson, Strong and Mintz-Plasse are all good but, really, this is Hit Girl's movie and Moretz gamely manages to embody this cool, cursing, killing mo-fo. It's been a long time since I've been this satisfied with a popcorn flick. Hats off to the versatile Vaughn.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Kick-Ass is a stylish, neat, violent, inventive, crude, funny and refreshingly insane superhero film. It takes a ridiculous twist on the genre while still retaining its most prominent elements. Cage is at top form here. He steals the show with his Big Daddy persona and newcomer Aaaron Johnson definitely has potential in the film business. Moretz was epic. Overall one of the best experiences you will ever encounter in film.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
The terrible writing really drags this down. Some good action sequences but the protagonist is just a giant, unlikable pussy and I couldn't get behind his wannabe Peter Parker persona. Everything unfolds EXACTLY like you expect it to and it just becomes an exercise in the superhero cliche. No surprises, no interesting twists and turns, just a big fucking cliche. Boring! And the director is obviously a fan of Zack Snyder (slo mo anyone?). Also, the music and pop culture references were terrible
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Highly entertaining, but shot down by various fields. Poor soundtrack and dialogue, but I suppose I've come to expect that from superhero movies now though. The characters were interesting, and the main plot was rather good, but the love sub-plot, as usual, was unnecessary and boring. The main character was also a little bland as well. It would have been so much better to focus on Hit-Girl. Her action scenes were pretty awesome. I wish she killed that Red Mist though, god his voice was annoying.
Rated 23 Apr 2010
Not a complete waste of time, though severely flawed, faulty execution and shifting focus come to mind. My sympathy for the titular character grew weaker as the film progressed, he ended up feeling like a peripheral character. The film seems to pride itself on deconstructing the superhero genre yet ended up paralleling the classic superhero film. Quite compelling (Big Daddy/Hit Girl's story, Cage and Moretz in a great turn) and a lot of fun, but that's not the film I set out to watch.
Rated 08 May 2010
Unlikeable characters. Immoral/unethical relationships that I might be able to overlook except that it's so egregious. Suggests realism and then throws it out the window. Creates a counter-argument for everything it purports itself to be. Is it some analysis of heroism like Watchmen, a semi-serious hero movie like Spiderman, or a flippant action movie like Wanted/Crank (2)? I don't think even Mark Millar knows.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
It's not terribly deep, it's goofy, it's violent, but it does Kick Ass. It's not Watchmen, but if you ever wanted to see a grown man beat up an 11 year old girl, this is the film for you!
Rated 08 Apr 2010
Loved it. Funny, well paced and had some sensational action scenes. Aaron Johnson is someone to watch out for though the acting in general was all class with Cage once again choosing the right role. Was ridiculously entertained.
Rated 05 Apr 2010
The first half of this movie drags a little bit, & occasionally the jokes fall flat, but this films awesome second half really saves it. Some great fight scenes, satisfying gore, & a dash of cinematic style make this very enjoyable. Cage and Moretz steal the show and pretty much lift 'Kick-Ass' to another level all on their own. Good fun. EDIT: Score increased from 79 to 83 as I have seen how much this movie pissed off the UK Newspaper & sensationalist hate-mongers 'The Daily Mail' :) hahaha...
Rated 21 Apr 2010
With genuine appreciation of the genre this faux x-gen superhero wannabe gets sour along the way. Since all it does is smart flip floppery of the cliches into laugh tracks, the fuel runs dry pretty quick. Still it's fun.
Rated 23 Apr 2010
Overrated by some, underrated by others. The opening act does a much better job of satirizing the first Spider-Man film than something like Superhero Movie did, but somewhere along the way, the movie loses its edge. It's still entertaining, and Vaughn has a wonderful sense of style, but there are so many opportunities for satire that the movie passes up in favour of a more serious approach. A movie like this shouldn't take itself seriously, but this one does. Still, as is, it's good summer fun.
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Kick-Ass is the most kick ass movie of the summer. Not only is it not stop fun, but it also teaches a valuable moral. The movie will be an enjoyable ride for some but for others it will be a violent and immoral roller coaster.
Rated 03 May 2010
Simply one of the best comic book movies ever made. Absolutely hilarious and unlike really anything I've ever seen in American cinema (at least in a long, long time). Features the resurrection of Nic Cage, acting genius. Must see!!!
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Christopher Mintz-Plasse should be pulled apart by wild horses.
Rated 27 Mar 2010
*Possible Spoiler Review* Any film which has a small child say the word "cunt" before brutally murdering around half a dozen people is instantly a great film in my eyes.
Rated 27 Mar 2010
This movie was exactly what I expected, total dumb fun....and then it just got completely ridiculously hilarious. I loved how stylised it was, and although it did KIND OF bug me how much it glorified violence, I was enjoying myself too much to give a massive amount of a shit.
Rated 09 Apr 2010
When loads of individual parts that could each on their own make a movie worthwhile pile upon each other and come together seamlessly you know you have a winner. Possibly the best superhero film I have ever seen, and shockingly probably the best performance of Nic Cage's career (among an overall great cast). He has, despite all his ridiculous shenanigans the past decade, re-won my respect in a matter of hours. My early bet for most entertaining film of 2010, and certainly most kick-ass.
Rated 13 Apr 2010
A brutal, hysterical, almost perfectly balanced blend of comedy and violence gives this film the edge it needs to deliver a strong emotional punch as its rabbit in the hat. Seriously recommended viewing. Only The Dark Knight and possibly Watchmen can claim to be better superhero movies. Having aged a little in the years since its release, and with the shock value perhaps a little, well less shocking, this probably wouldn't entertain me quite as much anymore, but it's still a good film for sure.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Feels like it's running on fumes, a collection of half-baked ideas delivered in an utterly predictable fashion.
Rated 17 Apr 2010
Along the lines of Death to Smoochy. A pretty serious and intense story that revolves around a rediculous premise. I highly enjoyed it. The only thing I would change would be to have the movie renamed Hit-Girl. She was fantastic, I could watch her kill bad guys for hours.
Rated 17 Apr 2010
A fun concept executed horribly because of characters with a faulty moral compass who barely blink an eye at murder, a plot that falls on its face as it oscillates between reality-based satire and absurd comical ultra-violence (sacrificing unique style in lieu of pushing the hard R envelope), trite pop-culture references/soundtrack, and a failure to break the mold of typical superhero films even though the comic provides a more unorthodox, satisfying conclusion. Maurice DuBois should be ashamed.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
I have not read the comic and I knew nothing about this story. Although I didn't care for the protagonist, this film was still exactly what I wanted. Nicholas Cage was great, and Hit Girl stole the show! I find it ridiculous that top critics such as Ebert all of a sudden become moralists after seeing Hit Girl destroy 11 or 12 men in a hall way with no mental consequences. I guess everyone forgot Kick-Ass is indeed a film, a very very fun film with the best gratuitous violence to date!
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Entertaining, but bogged down by poor writing and one terribly misplaced soundtrack. My god the soundtrack is bad. The theme from For a Few Dollars More? The theme from the Banana Splits Show?! Seriously?! The Banana Splits?! Did I mention the soundtrack was bad?
Rated 19 Apr 2010
Lives up to its title. Some of the most pure fun I had in a movie theater in 2010.
Rated 26 Apr 2010
Kick-Ass is a mess, an entertaining mess, but a mess none the less. It combines two polar opposite genres: on one hand it claims to be a "what if" tale about a regular guy becoming a super hero. However, on the other, it has characters with supernatural abilities and supernatural technology right out of the fictional comic books. On a whole Kick-Ass never decides what kind of movie it wants to be. Thankfully it has a strong cast, even Nicholas Cage who I normally detest, making it worthwhile.
Rated 28 Apr 2010
Overrated by my peers and underrated by critics, it shows that McLovin can, in fact, act, and that directorial control is necessary even in a hero movie. The problem is that the film is billed as a comedy; it's not. There are laughs sprinkled throughout, but it's much more of a coming-of-age action movie than anything else. Very enjoyable, though, and totally worth seeing.
Rated 17 May 2010
I am literally blown away by how madly awesome this is. A completely different look on the superhero theme like Watchmen, but just as brilliantly pulled off.
Rated 02 May 2010
The general public will likely be thrown for a loop with this flick. It'll be all fun and games until violence really kicks in. Hell I loved it, I got exactly what I was expecting.
Rated 27 Jul 2010
Hollywood strangles creativity but occasionally something so absurd gets made outside those boundaries that it just blows your mind. The great thing is this opens up with a lame tv show premise of a dorky "real world" costumed hero and changes gears into dark comedy and over the top grindhouse style action with a demented twist. I was not surprised to find out who the bent comic writers are behind this and it is brilliant. It also has one of Nicolas Cage's top 3 roles. "Take cover child!"
Rated 13 Aug 2018
Ah yes, perhaps my favorite super heroish film yet. Kick Ass is very grounded in reality, and quite relatable to who you ask (including me) in his persona. That is easily my favorite thing to this movie. Chloe Grace-Moretz and Cage are quite amazing too, their chemistry is something else. Along with this, the film is quite brutal and bleak. It doesn't hold back and it's refreshing to see this kind of genre take chances instead of being PG-13. I find this quite unique to say the least.
Rated 10 Apr 2010
Fun, violent, inventive, smart, and a helluva good time in a movie theatre. You need to be able to laugh at a cool eleven year old kid who chops off legs and torture scenes, and the "red mist" character is just not as well thought out and played as the rest - but at least if you enjoyed Zombieland I believe you'd enjoy this as well.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
One of the few comic book movies that actually manages to rise above it's source. Vaughn's skilled directing was the biggest surprise.
Rated 13 Jun 2010
Superhero deconstruction is obvious, yet just subversive enough to be entertaining. It's giddily violent to the point of nihilism (or, as Ebert puts it, "morally reprehensible"), devoid of any vital message or theme, aiming only to indulge in its absurdly fetishistic view of superheroism. Takes itself a bit too seriously, perhaps (despite its constant hilarity), but this also allows its low-down and dirty style to reach some lofty heights. Thrilling pulp decadence.
Rated 17 Apr 2010
Needed more Hit Girl and Big Daddy and less Kick-Ass and Red Mist. Other than that solid.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
The teenage raunchy comedy meets the superhero movie. I was expecting an enjoyable time, but this has some actual emotion, along with some of the most epic fight scenes this side of the Matrix. The soundtrack, though, is very random, as is some of the conclusion.
Rated 14 May 2012
So much fun. Exceeded expectations for sure.
Rated 20 Apr 2010
Better at being meta than at being good, there are some fun inversions of superhero tropes in Kick-Ass, and the extremity of its violence is fitting, but there's never a great balance between the action and school elements. The teenagers don't feel believable (much of the script reads like a Newsweek story about kids on the internet), and the action scenes have to be too heavily edited to conceal the realities of using a 12 year old action lead. It's fun enough with the brain turned off though.
Rated 11 Oct 2011
I was expecting a straight up comedy and definitely would have been much happier if I'd got it. The comedic portions were by far the highlights of the movie.
Rated 23 Apr 2010
OK, I noticed the R rating, but it didn't sink in until the very talented and younger-looking than her 14 years, Chloë Moretz, started icing bad guys and slinging expletives around that I began to give this super-hero comedy the seriousness it deserves. It has as much substance as fun, neither of which were done real justice in the trailers--which is as it should be. Great use of music.
Rated 26 Apr 2010
This movie can't decide if invincible superheroes do (hitgirl) or don't (kick-ass) exist. After the first half hour the hero named Kick-Ass has no real role to play in this movie anymore, and the movie suddenly changes lead-role and story. So the first half of the movie doesn't need the second half of the movie and vice versa.
Rated 28 Apr 2010
Entertaining split of peter parker like nerd becomes hero comedy and well choreographed kill-bill style action sequences. Each time you grow expectation with the films mood, it changes things up entirely. Furthermore, the entire 9 year old killer girl thing is so fucked up that it makes the scenes a degree more interesting. Also Nicholas Cage gets to do something he's good at again. I hope they set him on fire on every next movie he's in.
Rated 04 Aug 2013
A "Kick-Ass" movie that manages to combines real laughs with an incredibly violent, and really threatening storyline. This pulls no punches in either department and it is a real credit to Vaughn for managing to balance things beautifully. This could so easily have been a geeky comedy about a boys superhero fantasy, or it could have been a charmless, violent bloodbath. It was neither and helped by a really strong cast who are simply irresistible, this is everything a superhero movie should be.
Rated 01 May 2010
A film that didn't know what it wanted to be, caught somewhere in between the worst traits of Superbad and Kill Bill.
Rated 22 Jun 2010
It starts out decent enough, but every deviation from the comic (yes, I'm one of 'those' people) made the film less interesting and seemed only to be included as crowd-pleaser. Once we have a finale with a jetpack and bazooka I even felt a bit embarassed to be watching it. The film is good from a stylish point of view (I really enjoyed some of the scene transitions) but it dragged in places and the ending was just painful. Might've enjoyed it more without knowing the comic.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
kick-ass has a great concept, but the title character simply does not live up to his name, and nick cage doesn't have enough screen time so that only leaves hit girl to pick up the slack. it's not that she's not awesome, she just can't hold up this movie all on her own. so all that combined with an average script and ok action and sparse comedy pull this down from a movie that should have been great. that an i hate christopher mintz-plasse with a passion.
Rated 04 May 2010
Entertaining enough, but the deconstruction is really shallow. Not much more to it beyond, "Umm, so if real teens became super-heroes, they would, like, get hurt and stuff." Would have been much more solid if it had decided to be either a deconstruction, straight-up superhero movie, or an insane actioneer (like Crank or Wanted). Would have also worked if they'd had a better combination of the three.
Rated 13 Oct 2010
For a comic book movie hater like me, this was finally the perversion of the genre which made me sit up and cheer. Liked the violence and comedic edge; didn't so much like the happy ending and resolution. I thought Matthew Vaughn handled the material well and, at times, with great visual panache. The actors were just about acceptable, with Aaron Johnson the standout for his goofy bemused expression. I'll watch this over *****man any day.
Rated 09 May 2010
Hey "Scary Movie" team, take a look at "Kick-Ass" that's the way a parody has to look like. Kick Ass never takes itself too serious but on the hand it strikes with some really cool fight- and action scenes. Nicolas Cage is quiet cool as an weapon obsessed super hero and the other actors have potencial, too. all in all a recommendable comeady flick!
Rated 09 May 2010
Unfortunately the movie does not maintain it's own premise when it has hit-girl performing gravity-defying leaps and kills.
Rated 21 Jun 2010
Wow, I think this is the most entertaining movie of the year, and what a daring entertainment! It's absurd in its violence and profane dialogue, helped by a colorful and vigorous visual. Like a Kill Bill for kids... oh, wait, this is rated R!
Rated 12 May 2010
Works wonderful for the first part of the movie, but loses (or better yet shifts) focus when Hit-Girl appears - from superhero satire into more-less Watchmen type od superhero flick. First part promises a really great movie, but in the end you're left with enjoyable but forgetful watch
Rated 04 Apr 2010
Not perfect as it plods a bit in places due to having to set up origins and stuff, but some brilliant scenes and an amazing last act. Really amazing last act.
Rated 02 Dec 2023
I'm sick of the "super-hero derivative stories" genre by now, mainly due to being exposed to it too much as someone deeply interested in comics. Because of that, I started with a "here we go again" feeling; and it didn't change much by the end. Nicolas Cage character was brilliant and he acted it to perfection, but the rest was "meh" for me.
Rated 22 Oct 2010
Fun to watch and easy on the eye, Kick-Ass' kiddie-superhero tale is different enough to make you sit up and take notice. It certainly has its nasty side but you get the feeling it would have been better had it been even darker. In fact the main criticism is the script is not quite brave enough (was I the only one who wanted to see Hit-Girl eat a bazooka round at the end?), with the backbone of the story extremely formulaic. The direction is much better than the writing then; a generous 7/10.
Rated 16 Dec 2010
I liked the comic a lot more, and I didn't really care for the comic.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
A bit too much of an actual superhero movie than I was hoping for and, surprisingly, when it succeeds the most is when it is being serious. But when it's on, its on! The last 30 minutes are pretty incredible and everything with Nic Cage and Chloe Moretz is pure gold. The soundtrack is really great too!
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Crude, Violent (though not as much as I expected), corny, and insanely fun. The antithesis of most comic book movies these days, and it's really refreshing. Just don't go in expecting oscar worthy stuff based on the high ratings.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
Boring, poorly-executed. God himself could emerge from his mighty throne room to declare this movie good and I would spit in his face and accept damnation.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
If only all super hero movies could be this kick-ass. The cast was perfect in this, and finally they utilized Nick Cage to his best purpose... being a total weirdo. The show-stealer in this was Chloe Moretz. She is incredible. The action sequences are amazing and most of this movie kept me in rapt attention. I just love a good dark comedy/action film. I can't wait until the sequel and I think Matthew Vaughn can't do wrong. He has put out some excellent movies so far. Keep it up!
Rated 13 Sep 2010
Good cinematography, fine acting, and a decent premise. On the other hand, the narration tries to place the film as being smart and self-aware; it's all talk. The lead character for most of the film is the least interesting person in it--he's like Spider-Man with twice the whining and none of the accomplishments. The other characters' behavior makes no sense because they only exist to affect Dave and his precious emo feelings.
Rated 17 Apr 2010
Completely brutal but fantastically funny, an excellent blend of comedy and violence. The costumes and characters were ridiculously hilarious but despite never taking itself too seriously a range of savage slow motion sequences and a loud over the top sound track provide a real cutting edge. Completely refreshing !
Rated 17 Apr 2010
I went into the theatre knowing nothing about the comic or film, so the big reveal of Hit Girl and Big Daddy was pretty great, and they remain scene-stealers for the rest of the film. Wasn't too fond of the protagonist, though -- I realize this is a comicbook movie, but Kick Ass's love interest subplot was one of the most cringe-inducing, least interesting plots ever, and it was just for a handful of throwaway jokes.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Hey look, a movie with a kid that doesn't suck, that's rare.
Rated 06 Feb 2011
As with Let Me In, it was all about Chloe Moretz. Other than her scenes, the film was kind of a drag. Not boring at any time, but something was missing and I'm not sure what.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
Not for the faint of heart, Kick-Ass takes the comic adaptation genre to new levels of visual style, bloody violence, and gleeful profanity.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
This was a pretty awesome movie. It molds humor, action, ridiculousness and realism together wonderfully. In a time where action movies like this often get "dumbed down" so they'll get a PG-13 rating, it's great to see a movie stay true to it's source (in terms of violence and language) and take the R Rating. My only real complaint was that the villain was pretty cliched, but the actor was good enough were it didn't bother me too much as I watched it. Fully endorse for fans of comic book movies.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
Great well rounded movie. Rarely do you find a movie that has everything, Comedy, Action, Touching Moments and great gritty writing. This has everything you'd want in a film and more. See this film!
Rated 20 Nov 2011
Holy S***! This movie is extremely entertaining. I didn't have the highest expectations, but damn, did it deliver!?
Rated 20 Apr 2010
overrated, but not the worst
Rated 03 Jan 2011
Kick-Ass is action-packed, funny and completely over the top making it a very, very enjoyable movie. It does drag in a few spots but it was refreshing to see a much darker and violent comic book movie come out.
Rated 21 Apr 2010
Stylish and bloody, but Hit Girl was a way more interesting character than the nebbish Kick-Ass. Nic Cage's Adam West impression is pretty funny, too.
Rated 09 Jul 2014
A frequently funny take on the superhero genre as long as you don't try to take any of it too seriously. I loved Chloe Grace Moretz as the totally over the top Hit Girl. Several hilarious and awkward moments and a lot of over the top action. I was surprised to like it. It feels like a guilty pleasure, because there was a lot of stupid stuff to ignore. Big Daddy was also comical and amusing. Entertaining silly fun.
Rated 23 Feb 2011
The all-too-obvious cultural references get tiresome fast, as if Vaughn is trying to be Tarantino but didn't have as deep a well to draw from. It's often TOO tongue-in-cheek; although I do prefer my superhero movies not to take themselves so damn seriously, this one is a little high on the "nudge nudge wink wink" meter. The movie needs to figure out what it's trying to say, but I had some fun with it, and there is something compellingly disturbing about a little girl creating homicidal carnage.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
Kick-Ass features over-the-top violence, lots of funny moments, a great soundtrack, an involving and sometimes pretty deep story, many interesting characters. But it is Hit-Girl who is the obvious star of this movie, and as such, she elevates the movie from being really good to excellent. Morally reprehensible? Maybe. Incredible, adrenaline-releasing fun? Indeed.
Rated 24 May 2010
I enjoy this genre. Always will. But, I'll also never cease to detest how film adaptations change VERY INTEGRAL PARTS of the original canon of work. Exhibit a-million -- a pivotal story point with Dave and Katie. In the comic, when Kick-Ass reveals himself as Dave, Katie has her then-boyfriend Carl beat him up, and then texts Dave a picture of her sucking Carl's cock. But in the movie, it's a typical Hollywood lovey-dovey cop-out. Film also makes bad music choices, but, entertaining nonetheless.
Rated 03 Dec 2010
I went in expecting little more than a superhero parody with cheap laughs but it delivered so much more. Excellently written with fantastic performances, Chloe Moretz in particular stood out, perfectly portraying the tiny terror Hit Girl.
Rated 30 Jun 2010
Rated 13 Jan 2011
Has some great laughs and the action scenes are pretty good, but it's also uneven and seems to be unable to decide what it wants to be. The main character isn't the most interesting of the characters on display, so sometimes he makes it drag when it's solely focused on him. But it does reach such a level of absurdity at the climax that it's hard not to enjoy.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
There's plenty of things to like here but Nic Cage's take on the old Adam West Batman role is so hilarious that it's hard to think of anything else. But yeah, it's all awesome.
Rated 01 May 2010
What Kick-Ass does best is steal music from better movies. It's not firmly grounded in reality and not crazy enough at the same time, oddly enough. A fun Cage performance and other solid acting from the leads is appreciated, as are a few fun action sequences, but the movie rang hollow, with no over-arching themes or messages. A fun theater picture for sure, but I was left wanting more and not from the assured sequel.
Rated 02 Oct 2010
Rated 01 Sep 2011
I didn't expect to like this movie. The plot is really lame, but it's still one of the coolest superhero movies. HitGirl is the best!
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Ultra-violent and controversial, it's also funny, well acted and directed, and satisfying as parody and straight-up action flick. Definitely not for the kiddies.
Rated 07 Jun 2010
It was real fun. But like almost every parody it got sauer at the end. Anyway, I'm almost satisfied.
Rated 08 May 2010
For the entire second half I kept wondering why it completely gave up on its premise, but I can't deny I was entertained and (appropriately) mildly disturbed. Cage hamming it up is excellent and while the message is kind of a mess there's still some interesting food for thought.
Rated 07 Jun 2012
Big Daddy's death was awesome! Refreshing, funny and action-packed is all I can say about this film. Looking forward to a sequel.
Rated 18 May 2011
Did anyone else realize that this is basically like a multimillion dollar Hollywood version of Save the Green Planet!, and probably just as weird and subversive as that would imply? I'm not going to say that it is as good or as funny as Observe and Report, but for a Hollywood "comedy" it's not too far from being on the same wavelength.
Rated 11 Jan 2011
There's some great action sequences here and it starts great, but it's too ludicrous for the "what if" theme, it's too navel-gazing for the serious moments, and Hit-Girl is essentially a murderous child soldier. It's cool, but it's tonally idiotic and morally... not despicable... but certainly wonky and fucked up in a way I can't put my finger on.
Rated 15 May 2010
Great acting, funny and great action scenes, but in between disappointing at times. Completely over the top as should be expected. The little girl is awesome, as is Nicolas Cage. They scenes they're in are pure fun to watch but the whole kick-ass person is rather a disappointment imo. Exept this, I must say: great pacing, especially towards the end and a final scene in which I haven't even blinked I guess.
Rated 14 May 2011
i can't believe no one else mentioned how they stole the theme song from '28 days later' and just changed a riff.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
A 'novelty' superhero movie that's decent entertainment and well cast, but every bit as mindnumbingly stupid as the next superhero movie. Despite its delusions of meaningfulness, it offers little more than a fix for the teenage consumer's need to drool over slapstick violence. I give it extra points for using The Sparks' This Town in the soundtrack.
Rated 31 Jul 2010
Not the realistic superhero movie I felt it was sold to be, but screw that when it does such a tremendous job doing what is does: Humor, action and almost over-the-top kick-ass scenes!
Rated 11 May 2010
One of the rare occasions that a parody is better than some of its source content. Ha, this is better than Nick Cage's first comic book outing, that's for sure.
Rated 25 May 2010
The problem with nearly all origin stories is that the making of superheroes is almost always more interesting then where they go next. Before turning into a conventional action film, Kick Ass starts out as a tragicomedy of a teen trying to bring his daydreams into reality. More time spent on the main character would have been nice, especially since watching a little girl kill someone loses novelty quickly.
Rated 27 Aug 2010
Good Movie
Rated 24 May 2012
It lives up to its name, but also goes a bit off the rails. I personally thought Hit Girl and Nic Cage were a weird mix of underused and overexposed.
Rated 09 Apr 2013
I love this movie more than I should, but goddammit, the dialogue, the visual style, the humor, and above all, the insanely violent fight scenes... this movie might have set a new definition of fun for me, and it's addicting!
Rated 05 Oct 2010
Thought it was going to be dumb. I was sooo wrong - loved every second of it.
Rated 15 May 2010
It is a quite entertaining movie. But could hold more my attention if I tried to be more realistic than that.


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