London Has Fallen

London Has Fallen

1h 39m
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Avg Percentile 23.3% from 820 total ratings

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Rated 06 Mar 2016
So I'm sitting in the theatre thinking: "Jezus, this is a real piece of shit." But then all of a sudden, like a giant bald eagle with a billowing American flag clutched in its beak appears whilst the The Star-Spangled Banner plays in the background. *Cue standing ovation and thunderous applause*
Rated 14 Mar 2016
London Has Fallen is the unnecessary but inevitable sequel to follow Olympus Has Fallen. The first film is by no means great, but the flaws are forgivable and admittedly it's enjoyable. This sequel however is appalling. This is such a lazy and poorly put together action film that overall I found incredibly dull. The set pieces are forgettable and the whole experience is moronically jingoistic and xenophobic. But there will certainly be an audience out there who will love this mindless drivel.
Rated 02 May 2016
You wait the entire movie for Butler to be all "No one touches my man". I now live for unofficial Die Hard sequels.
Rated 06 Mar 2016
I might as well be honest, I liked it, just like I enjoyed Olympus Has Fallen. The script sucks, though some of the humour worked, and most of the cast is misused (Butler is fine in this role). There's blatant xenophobia and Jingoism, but I'm more forgiving of that. Ultimately, it's just an action movie, and it takes more for action movies to leave me feeling like I wasted my time/money. It's fun and stupid, I had a good time.
Rated 11 Mar 2016
The first hour's very rough stuff indeed, but once all the awkward exposition's out of the way and stuff starts blowing up, this settles into an easy enough to watch mid-tier Schwarzeneggerian actioner. Fine, in other words, if you're an old school action fan with a couple hours to kill. Probably less than fine if you're not. Easier to take than OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, though.
Rated 08 Aug 2016
The initial terrorist attack sequence is actually a reasonably engaging depiction of the pretty base concept, "What if terrorists successfully planned and set off dozens of shootings and bombs in one city simultaneously?" Pretty much everything after that sequence feels increasingly perfunctory though, like, oh yeah, we have to make another hour and a half of movie, eh, let's just have our hero charge down some dark alleyways shooting up bad guys for a while.
Rated 08 Mar 2016
These special effects look about as bad as a Wii game. I'm honestly not sure this would fly even in early 2000s. Terrible though at least consistent in quality with the rest of the production.
Rated 11 Oct 2016
The people responsible for the bad-bad Whitehouse takeover film a few years back double down on straight faced patriotic paranoia action by way of blowing up half of London in one of the most contrived and over-reaching evil plots in a long time. Makes you nostalgic about the subtleties and nuances of Air Force One.
Rated 21 May 2016
Good action. Decent one-liners. Writing is shit. But who cares. It's a lot of fun.
Rated 18 Apr 2017
This isn't good. In fact, it's pure awful. A few snappy one liners merit it some points, but the rest is ham fisted stereotypical trash,
Rated 16 Mar 2016
I would be all-in for a fun 90s-era action film, but like its predecessor, 'London Has Fallen' is a cheap ride - and I mean it looks and feels cheap. It would seem a top notch cast could elevate a thriller like this, but they can't. (Oscar winner Melissa Leo is given one line of dialogue I think?) While it shares a lot in common with its elders, 'Die Hard' and 'Air Force One,' this money-grab barely compares.
Rated 23 May 2016
Not only is it a generic, poorly written, and predictable action movie but it's also insulting as well. Probably the worst expositional dialogue/symbols I've seen in years.
Rated 09 Jan 2017
its funniest exchange is also its truest: 'was that really necessary?' 'no.' its second funniest line, is less true: 'well that was inspiring.' the fuckheadistan line isn't funny, guys.
Rated 08 Apr 2016
Great counter-terrorist action film with an intensity level comparable to 24 and Olympus Has Fallen. Butler isn't quite on the level of Jack Bauer, but he's a solid choice for the role and a great actor in his own right. I hope they keep making films like this.
Rated 12 Apr 2016
This is really well-directed and scored: sweeping, jacked up, hyper-masculine standoffs that constantly speak of an end battle between good and evil. In purely cinematic terms this intensity and ruthlessness counts for something. I just wouldn't wanna see what enjoyment right-wingers get out of it.
Rated 03 Mar 2016
London Has Fallen is a more tolerable exercise than its predecessor because it has better pacing and a less serious tone. It has low production values, a bad lead actor in Gerard Butler, and it's easy to question its politics, but I didn't out-and-out hate it. London Has Fallen is a mediocre-at-best action movie that moves through its almost nonexistent plot quick enough to not be bothersome, and that's as much praise as it's going to get from me.
Rated 21 Feb 2017
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Someone opened up the Die Hard screenplay, chopped out six or seven lines, and fed them into the White House Cliché Thesaurus.
Rated 14 May 2016
Pretty sad stuff. And then they blew up the Canadian Prime Minister which made me more sad than before.
Rated 20 Apr 2018
I came to watch LHF by closing my eyes and clickng play after scrolling blindly through Netflix's action category. Wish I'd known it was a sequel, but whatever. I thought the beginning, the very last part, and some of the quips were bad, but I was shockingly engrossed in the action. I understand why people dislike it so -- and I agree that it's peddling insensitive, hurr-America stupidity -- but nevertheless, it was a much easier watch than expected. 26th film of 2018.
Rated 16 Dec 2016
A step below the original in every way, which is not very good. Where that was just barely workable, this one pushes its absurdity too far without adding enough humour or entertaining action to justify it. It's not a terrible way to watch stuff get blown up, but there are much better ways to satisfy that urge than this.
Rated 06 Aug 2016
It's starts off "strong", but slowly devolves into something practically worthless. It's action sucks, and it's ideas and messages are ham-handed and dull. Honestly there just isn't much that I can love about this one.
Rated 23 Mar 2016
The core story is pretty good, but the peripheral soap-operas drag it down.
Rated 19 Jul 2016
Some nice action with okay animation in the beginning, but the message of the film was full of bull. I almost mention about the story.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
I enjoyed the action and one-liners, ignoring the plot and politics completely. This approach worked quite well.
Rated 19 Dec 2016
Slightly and I mean only slightly better than the first film. The terrorist weren't given quite the dumb reason the first one did which is why it's rated higher. The thing about this movie is that it's basically a video game and as such it kept me entertained. I could pick this movie apart easily but why bother it's exactly what I was expecting it to be.
Rated 15 May 2016
terrible acting and appaling script, couple of good actions scenes, 538746868 people getting killed...
Rated 13 Mar 2016
Do with that what you will. My reportorial role here is not a political one, after all. Which means I'll wrap things up by repeating the fact that London Has Fallen is saturated with violence. And that even if the mayhem makes it past your familial sense of protectionism, the obscene language probably won't. (
Rated 24 Aug 2019
I mean, it's certainly not good, but I wouldn't say it's as bad as everyone else here says. It's glaring issues are it's script and horrid CGI. Aside from pretty much feeling like I rehash in a lot of ways to Olympus Has Fallen, you really gotta play into the cheesy bits of the movie, and kind of make you self aware. Similar to a not so similar movie "22 Jump Street" this movie just needed to go balls to the wall with it's fun, instead it takes itself way too serious.
Rated 16 Jun 2016
It has its funny moments -- Butler saying fuckingnistan or telling a terrorist they (the Americans) will always be there while punching him --, but overall it also works as a fantasy thriller about taking action in a modern world of terror and random violence. Film opens and closes with Butler trying to send an e-mail and retire and drone bombing enemy sites -- between those shots, he has the chance to have some fun killing terrorists and to avoid a love decapitation of the president. Wow.
Rated 10 Apr 2016
This film requires Total Suspension of Disbelief. The premise that the vast the infiltration of terrorists into to London's security system is completely absurd. If you just blow that off, and enjoy the carnage and special effects, you might enjoy the movie.
Rated 01 Jan 2017
Monumentally, catastrophically, staggeringly shit. Worthy of you hate and bile and then some. There's nothing retro-90's about this fuckfest except perhaps its special effects budget. Clearly written by a collection of imbeciles, literally none of it makes any sense. There isn't a single contrived scene that doesn't make you scratch your head and wonder "what the fuck?". Xenophobic, terror-porn drivel aimed certain kind of audience no doubt. Everyone involved should be ashamed.
Rated 05 Nov 2017
In a world where everything is the opposite of how things actually are this film would be somewhat interesting... Maybe. Sensing some DoD marketing to scare the public into not feeling safe with out the amazingness of US military.
Rated 26 Aug 2016
Boom. Boom. Pow. Pow. Pow. Then profanity. Boom. Pow. Profanity. More of the same in this one and dreadfully boring.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
A Cannon film with more money and even less charm. I've admittedly found some right-wing action films entertaining, even compelling, but this one is just revolting and dull. Worst of all, they had a fight scene in a room with exposed rebar and no one got impaled. What the fuck, movie?
Rated 23 Jan 2017
"No civilians in the area" is heard, as the already en-route missile is moments away from its target, as if it would have mattered. But it's nice that movie-revenge murder is more conscientious than real life revenge murder.
Rated 03 Aug 2016
Solid 90s action flick
Rated 20 Sep 2016
Just a boring, bad movie with terrible CGI blood effects and incredibly poor pacing. Good performances from Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman were not enough to make this film work.
Rated 24 May 2016
Great cast. Mostly entertaining plot with tense moments & good action. Gerard Butler makes a good secret service superman. It was nice to see Radha Mitchell, Angela Basset & Aaron Eckhart. The bad guys were also good. Morgan Freeman was awful. Charlotte Riley was beautiful but hard to understand. A few grand locations & settings. Mostly good music. Very poor computer graphics. Some awful dialog. The many shoddy details undermine it badly & drag it down significantly. Could have been much better.
Rated 10 Sep 2016
This satisfies a specific craving i occasionally get for a movie with less plot and character than an NES game and constant shooting. Butler says "fuck"like a frat boy. I enjoyed the continuous shot of the firefight through the street. Killing every world leader but ours (in a foreign capital!) is the best AMERICA moment since Independence Day suggested July 4th as an international holiday.
Rated 11 Apr 2016
Sure it's lunkheaded nonsense but it breezes by. In the end the big problem is one of my least favourite tropes - gotta save the Prez. Thousands die, don't care, US President grazed by a bullet, worst tragedy since 9/11.
Rated 12 Jul 2016
Liked the overblown plot. Feels almost old school.... except for those cheap looking CGI effects and overly chaotic action sequences ruining it. But if you're in for some action, London Has Fallen (2016) tries hard to deliver.
Rated 29 Sep 2017
Look, I'm all for suspending disbelief in order to enjoy high-octane action and macho violence (e.g., the John Wick movies). But this movie is just ludicrous in its plotting, in its jingoistic fear-mongering, and even its action sequences, which are simultaneously frenetic and dull. Most of all, it's just very unpleasant watching the bile & cruelty that motivates all the characters.
Rated 08 Jul 2017
Ridiculously silly follow-up to OLYMPUS is so brazenly over-the-top in its violence and sledgehammer sense of humour that it's impossible to take seriously -- but it is incredibly entertaining, personified in Butler's Bronson-like macho man of action, and one man wrecking ball. Arguably less satisfying than part 1 simply because the notion of being 'trapped' in a city is less convincing than being trapped in a single building, but still a well-wrought, self-aware action feast. Great fun.
Rated 22 Sep 2016
Spoiler in last sentences. I love Eckhart from Thank You For Smoking and I have a soft spot for Butler. I hoped this might be fun, and there were a few parts I enjoyed. I appreciate when certain characters can be brutal and kill; like Jack Bauer in 24. There were too many moments where I face palmed. This is one of the few movies I feel disappointed that I took the time to watch. ********spoilers*******I sure hope someone finds that long lost Delta team. Like Gendry on that boat.
Rated 11 Nov 2016
At the end the "send" button is highlighted, he hits the enter key, then "delete" is selected instead! Totally unbelievable!
Rated 24 Jan 2017
Joe Strummer is rolling over in his grave right now. Odd how a tobacco lobbyist and deceased South African prime minister could get elected to the highest offices in the nation.
Rated 12 May 2016
oh, god. why?
Rated 16 Dec 2016
Why is the entire British army on vacation during massive London bombings? So Butler can have his badass 'Die Hard' moments. What an unnecessary sequel.
Rated 15 Apr 2016
Enjoyed this!
Rated 30 May 2020
An even bigger, big dumb sequel to a big dumb action movie. Wherein Gerard Butler now not only saves the president from the bad guys, he also saves pretty much all of the presidents of all of the countries. I won't sugar coat it and tell you this is high class cinema, but Butler does make a decent action hero, and he looks damn fine in a suit too.
Rated 13 Jul 2017
Pretty decent action with this popcorn flick, just don't take things so realistically. One example is the lady with a huge piece of metal through her chest and manages to give a little speech, come on man!
Rated 10 May 2016
Rated 06 Jul 2016
It almost doesn't get more American than this. A cheesy and tacky sequel with not much good going for it. Only Freeman was half decent. (Sidenote: I only registered Melissa Leo for one line..? Really?) *Bad
Rated 24 May 2016
filmy, childish
Rated 12 Jan 2017
I seem to recall the first one was dumb fun. This was dumb propaganda.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
This movie is a toxic stew of rampant xenophobia that truly believes audiences will line up to watch a computer-generated London, from Parliament to Chelsea Bridge, go down in a storm of bloody shootouts and muddy megapixels.
Rated 27 Sep 2016
OK, that just got overly silly. Everyone of the president's detail is killed except Mike. Other leaders are also killed. Everyone stay inside. Except Mike and the President, feel free to move around willy nilly. Oh, millions of bad guys, fortunately Mike can kill them all! No way military wouldn't be far more involved in something like this, and get there a lot more quickly as well. Also, let's slowly kill the president so there's time to escape Bat Man. Just go watch Die Hard, so much better.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Oh the cliches are hot
Rated 09 Jun 2016
Finally a decent action movie, so tired of all the politically correct PG-13 drivel with nu-males posing as action heroes. A real action movie among the oasis of watered down kiddie crap.
Rated 08 Nov 2017
So, when I saw this movie in the theater, I LOVED it. It blew me away because it was unpredictable, unstoppable, was just an insane first act, and I forgave everything else because to this day, I love that first act...but seeing it again after all these years, I can see how flawed the film is. More mindless action than the first. It never takes the time to breathe and find an emotional footing for the characters. So, it's pointless.
Rated 22 Aug 2019
Even more ridiculous and tasteless than the first film. Also much more entertaining.
Rated 11 Aug 2016
What a dreadful movie. Just appalling. A copy and paste of "Olympus has fallen" My disappointed review here :
Rated 11 Aug 2017
In these serious times with so much real life terror, it just doesn't work for me to mix it up with semi-badass-one-man-hero-show and tacky action. *Bad
Rated 04 Oct 2018
Le scénario et les événement sont absurdes et téléphonés. Les héros sont des dieux pare balle capables de tout. Les effets spéciaux (en particulier les impact de balles) sont à peine dignes d'un moteur graphique de jeu ps2. Niveau dialogue, 75% de blagues suffisamment lourdes pour ancrer le titanique, 25% de répliques mégabadass "faites attention à vos couilles" avant un assaut. Et et ca fini même avec une "frappe chirurgicale" digne d'une pub Bush. Le positif ? C'est un bon nanard.
Rated 05 Jan 2021
In London, the British Prime Minister died under mysterious circumstances. His funeral is an unmissable event for the leaders of the Western world. But what begins as the most secure event on Earth turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders and destroy every known landmark in the British capital. Only three people have any hope of stopping it: the US president, his head of the Secret Service and an English MI-6 agent.
Rated 08 Jul 2016
Rated 28 Jun 2016
#16#, exp2, rw1, popcorn
Rated 04 Jul 2016
A trick to seem like a great action star in Hollywood is to hire Stuntmen-Cameramen. A person who can fill both roles who can follow you with the camera. There's a pattern if you watch action movies by Liam Nieson, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis, etc. These stories are unbelievable. Too much killing and too much organization for a terrorist so the viewer cannot properly suspend disbelief. I think an increased amount of bullets shot should indicate the crappiness of the action film. Add more story.
Rated 17 Aug 2021
Got going for it compared to the first one that this one takes itself less serious with more humor inserted into it, f.e. the typical badass oneliners. Got against it compared to the first one that firstly Najafi isn't a good in directing action as Fuqua is. Secondly the amount of mayhem produced by the terrorist takes a lot, too much, suspension of disbelief.
Rated 21 Jun 2023
what can I say, I like Eckhart and Butler. I wish more world leaders had died. also, whatever happened to the Italian president? did he bang the chick? will it be revealed in the sequel?
Rated 14 Aug 2021
Another dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb movie. Worse in pretty much every regard, yet way better directing? A couple of great sequences worth seeing, but mostly brainless autopilot action.
Rated 21 Aug 2021
Drone strikes: the cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
Xenophobia the movie. I don't understand how fear mongering like this is legal.
Rated 20 Mar 2017
Previously rated [70] on March 20th, 2017
Rated 10 Apr 2024
Call of Duty the movie
Rated 28 Sep 2020
I'm not sure if the extreme brutality is offset or aggravated by the shoddy CGI. But it's all a good deal more unpleasant this time around. The killing of the terrorist's brother is an uncommonly honest moment of sadism, almost admirable.


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