Spirited Away
Spirited Away
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Spirited Away

Spirited Away

Family/Kids, Fantasy
2h 5m
From the legendary director Hayao Miyazaki ("Princess Mononoke") (Studio Ghibli), this film follows the fanciful adventures of a ten-year-old girl named Chihiro, who discovers a secret world when she and her family get lost and venture through a hillside tunnel.

Spirited Away

Family/Kids, Fantasy
2h 5m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 76.16% from 15066 total ratings

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Rated 04 Jul 2015
A serious contender for the best animated movie of all time. Weird and wonderful - it's like a waking dream.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The more I watch this, the more I am blown away by it. This is possibly the most imaginative children's animation film ever made. Miyazaki's success lies in his unmatched ability to deliver messages that are abstract, yet so powerful and visually engaging that the concepts settle firmly into one's sub-conscious. It really leaves the viewer to take the ideas with them, and that is the essence of a powerful movie.
Rated 29 Aug 2009
Totally deserving of its oscar. This film has a really simple, yet moving plotline that sucks the viewer in from the beginning. Even if you aren't a big fan of animation, this film forces you to go outside your usual box. The artwork is stunning, allowing the viewer to see another world within the everyday reality. Overall, Miyazaki out did himself with this, and I recommend it to people of all ages.
Rated 17 Feb 2016
Japanese people eat like monsters, I hope you've all been spirited away by my insights.
Rated 15 Feb 2007
If only I could've seen this as a child. But wait... I can! Because Spirited Away feels and looks precisely like seeing the world through the eyes of a child -- everything is magical, wonderful, frightening. The animation is second to none.
Rated 14 Jul 2007
People sometimes laugh at me when I giddily describe this film as "magical", and they will continue to laugh at me because goddamnit, "Spirited Away" IS magical. A strange and wonderful coming-of-age tale about a young girl who takes an incredible journey and discovers her inner strength. And no, I'm not CRYING... my allergies are just acting up! Stop laughing at me!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A beautiful movie from the powerhouse Studio Ghibli, I consider "Spirited Away" to be one of the best animated films of all time. The art is beautiful, the story is flawless and full of hidden surprises that you only notice with repeated viewings. A definite must-see.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This film has the most fascinating ethics. Unlike Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, Chihiro never takes the obvious path in making sense of her abnormal predicament. And there really is no obvious path. Faced with a surreal world of spirits, she constantly makes choices which have no apparent rationale but which always turn out to have been right. I find that mind-boggling, in the awesomest sense of the word.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
I don't even have a way to conceptualize the amount of imagination necessary to create something like this. Even my dreams are still in mono.
Rated 17 Apr 2017
This is immensely likeable. It is beautifully animated and scored, and it is bursting with imagination and creativity. I really got into the story, and really liked the main character as she dealt with all the unexpected challenges that came her way. Glorious.
Rated 12 Jan 2007
A truly original story that realistically depicts the reactions and emotions of a child, but also a child's inner strength. The setting and characters are whimsical and spooky all at the same time, and it's wonderful.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Anime may not be my thing, but this fucker sure was beautiful.
Rated 27 Apr 2011
Chihiro & No Face riding the train in a water world of imaginary tranquillity. One of the most beautiful moments in cinema history. It's worth knowing a bit about the allegorical and social commentary aspects the film deals with before watching.
Rated 18 Nov 2011
One of Hayao Miyazaki's most ambitious movies, and certainly one of the very best animated films I've seen. Everything is so strange yet so unashamedly beautiful and raw with emotion. Joe Hisaishi's score is stunning as in the storytelling itself. Everything is easy to follow and the main character is easy to sympathize with. Did I mention how gorgeous the animation is? Because damn. Even if you don't like Anime or international film, you should still give this one a shot.
Rated 07 Jan 2012
Words cannot describe my absolute love for this movie. I have seen it so many times and am left amazed and touched by it with every single viewing.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
It's the best Japanese animated feature until Miyazaki does another one! Magical and extraordinary experience in all aspects..
Rated 27 Nov 2008
My first Miyazaki film, and still one of my favorites. The modern-day fairy tale is beautiful in both script an animation, with a terrific set of loveable and unique characters. It's rare to find something this charming in modern theatre.
Rated 04 May 2017
If you ever want to feel absolutely terrible about your own creativity, just compare yourself to Hayao Miyazaki.
Rated 28 Apr 2017
This viewer may have a soft spot for movies thematising rivers and industrialisation, especially when the virtues and vices of tradition and modernity are treated with some subtlety and complexity. Very impressive, often beautiful animation, showing great imagination and care. Very good for children of a certain age, so long as they haven't already been screwed up by other social and cultural garbage. James Cameron clearly borrows from this animistic fantasy, but AVATAR remains more superficial.
Rated 07 Oct 2020
We linger in many places. It begins to feel as if Miyazaki feared leaving anything out. The film soon becomes overstuffed with fantasy, leaving plucky Chihiro as nothing more--a brave, kind cipher to witness this world for us. She remains static through the film and so did I. Her fears and her triumphs meant little to me since they were entirely secondary to the phantasmagoria. Which leaves Spirited Away as a beautiful nothing to me. I can take it or leave it.
Rated 10 Sep 2008
Probably Miyazaki's most accomplished film, and proof that kids fare should be slightly scary, otherwise there's no danger (Meet the Robinsons, this is not). One of the most visually atmospheric/imaginative and touching films in ages, and probably the best coming-of-age film off the top of my head.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
12 because that's how old you have to be to enjoy this garbage.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
Beautiful Japanese animated feature with an amazing art style and is just magical, thrilling, amazing and unbelievable! Great story too, and the more I watch, the more I love it.
Rated 16 Jun 2009
The best animated film of all time. Possibly the best fantasy film of all time (Pan's Labyrinth owes a lot to this). The incredible creatures are what make this film a true visual feast -- what I wouldn't give to spend an hour in Miyazaki's brain!
Rated 23 Aug 2018
I did really like the animated pigs.
Rated 25 Dec 2006
This movie deserved its Oscar and then some. Miyazaki is a genius filmmaker, that's all there is to it. This film oozes imagination and originality in every single scene. Gorgeous art from beginning to end. Hisaishi Joe contributes one of my favorite scores ever, exquitiely beautiful. Love this movie to death. Olne word of advice, though: stay away from the GOD-AWFUL Disney English dub at ALL COSTS. It is horrendous, and would ruin the movie if it were at all ruinable. The Japanese voic
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Sometimes the character history and motives are a little muddled, but you really don't end up caring because everything is so brilliantly strange and beautiful.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Beautiful animated movie that will go down as possibly one of the best ever made.
Rated 20 Mar 2007
A surreal and involving animation backed up by a deep plot and some very memorable characters. Yet another great film from Miyazaki.
Rated 23 Jul 2010
It has a way of making you feel vulnerable and naive, just like that snot-nosed little kid you once were. One of the best animated films of all time and with a score that just fits so well with the theme and feel of the movie. You can stop crying now inner child, eating a lot of Japanese food really wont turn you into a pig.
Rated 24 Apr 2007
To this day I am not totally sure why I find the train sequence so moving.
Rated 04 May 2007
Watching a Miyazaki film is a unique experience, and this is a fantastic example. You'll literally lose yourself into the movie.
Rated 04 Jun 2007
Probably my most frequently rewatched movie. I pretty much *have* to see it at least once a year.
Rated 16 Aug 2013
Not just beautiful, but mind-boggling, stunningly beautiful. Miyazaki's masterpiece. Pure poetry in even second. If you'd ever pined for traditional hand-drawn Disney, this is your only refuge. Also. anyone else notice how negative reviews are easy, but in positive reviews words fail you?
Rated 30 Aug 2010
I sense Miyazaki to be some sort of Willy Wonka character who while ushering people into the theatre to see one of his films starts to sing softly "come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination". This is an animated triumph to just how deep ones imagination can go and where it can take you.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
This is to me the unrivaled choice for the best animated film of all time.
Rated 27 Jun 2009
Wow. I expected good things but not quite this good. Animation is surreal, alive, colourful and just all around fantastic. The script is great and extravagant. Memorable characters who react realistically (realistic in this world). It's also an emotional movie, along with being deep (so much can be discussed about its views on adolescence, politics, the environment, etc)
Rated 31 Oct 2017
It's gorgeous,magical, and entertaining. With its rich, detailed, and beautiful animation, it sucks in viewers and doesn't let go until the credits roll--and even then, you'll want to stay sitting until the screen becomes black. It gives us a girl, transports her to a supernatural world, and allows her adventures that we get to go on, too. She learns things, we reflect upon our own lives, and we have a good time for a couple of hours. Anyone can enjoy Spirited Away and everyone should.
Rated 16 Feb 2012
One of the most detailed and creative fantasy worlds I've ever seen. The animation is great, the character designs are amazing. Time just flew by, and I was always entertained. Sure, the story is a bit simple and random at times, but the experience as a whole was cute, surreal and interesting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
null yoy
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Freaky and bizarre and delightful. Didn't like it quite as much as Princess Mononoke, it doesn't have as much emotional involvement. But the animation is incredible, and I'm awed by Miyazaki's imagination.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
Arguably the best animated film ever made. The score is simply majestic. Everything floored me.
Rated 13 Apr 2008
A fascinating fairy tale based on Japanese legend and folklore. A lovely glimpse into their world. And my second most-favorite Ghibli film.
Rated 25 Oct 2013
I wish the movie was longer to make up for the dropped pacing in the last quarter. Partially I want it longer just so there's more to see.
Rated 20 Apr 2010
A beautiful parable on the perils of growing up. While it occasionally feels like a straight-forward fantasy quest (a complaint I had with a similar film, Coraline), I was impressed by what it did with the final act -- or rather, what it didn't do. The creatures and characters lift the story above whatever trappings it falls into. The film made me feel the way I always felt I was supposed to react to Fantasia (which bored me as a kid). Truly marvellous, if only it had existed when I was younger.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
Coming off the heels of one of the best animated feature film ever, Miyazaki again brings his "A" game and gives us his second masterpiece. The magical world that he shows us is full of life and detail that is populated with many fantastical characters (No-Face, the clad in black spirit is one of Miyazaki's best). The heart of the movie though is watching Chihiro, the main character, grow up throughout the movie. It is an amazing coming of age story and one of the best films of any medium.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
Superb steam-punk anime. Full of haunting images you have never seen before.
Rated 07 Dec 2008
One of the most creative and imaginative movies I've ever seen. However, it didn't captivate me like it does to others and man I just can't get into anime, and I don't think I want to.
Rated 26 Jan 2007
Absolutely brilliant film. Truly truly amazing to watch. Not only is the animation and art superbly done, but the story and character development as well as interaction is great to watch. The way Miyazaki ties the characters together is just simply beautiful.
Rated 01 Feb 2007
It's amazing the imagination of this director.
Rated 27 Jun 2010
I'll be crucified for this, but I found this conceptually lame and embarrassing despite the obvious visual mastery.
Rated 16 Dec 2010
The best kid's movie since the eighties. Has that perfect balance of light and dark that they haven't done since the likes of labyrinth and dark crystal.
Rated 14 Apr 2013
Best animation ever!
Rated 09 Apr 2019
Charming fable is stuffed to the gills with characters and ideas (are there any two species of character that are even remotely similar?) and while this sensory overload inevitably leads to a somewhat lurching, episodic narrative, the richness and cleverness of the writing (with echoes of ALICE IN WONDERLAND madness) more than compensates, creating a unique and genuinely captivating world.
Rated 30 Mar 2007
One of the most creative animated films to come 'round the pike for a long time. A good children's story yet not sickeningly sweet
Rated 10 Jan 2013
The sheer imagination on show here is staggering - everywhere you look there's a wonderful idea that is beautifully put on the screen with some of the most gorgeous animation you will ever see. The film really puts you in Chihiro's shoes. You feel her excitement, her dread, her sense of feeling lost, her love, her want to help her parents, her sense of awe. This is just one of the most sheerly enjoyable, heartfelt, heartwarming and fun films I have ever seen.
Rated 17 Oct 2011
it seemed a good animation & kid story; but what is SO special about it?
Rated 16 May 2007
not as good as hyped
Rated 02 Jul 2009
The most deeply nostalgic and bittersweet animated film I've ever seen - and the best. Spirited Away, time and again, grants me a sense of recaptured youth and innocence which Miyazaki recognizes is all too fleeting, and several scenes - namely Chihiro's epiphany about Haku's identity, and the ending, with that wonderful fantasy world giving way to the comfort and serenity of reality - make my heart swell up in my chest. To say nothing of that gorgeous credits song. Incomparably beautiful.
Rated 28 May 2007
One of my favourite animated films. Only one word for this: wow!
Rated 14 Aug 2008
Quite possibly the most unique animated film of all-time, it's a masterwork of genius writer/director Hayao Miyazaki. The story of a young girl who discovers a secret, magical world ruled by witches and monsters where humans are turned into animals. The imagination that it took to create this film is nothing short of mind-blowing. The animation is truly a sight to behold and the characters are some of the most unique and memorable in film history.
Rated 29 Sep 2020
I'm blown away how a cartoon can amaze me to this level. Watch it please - you will be surprised how it's possible to fall in love with a pencil-drawn-kid", and you will see creatures you have never imagined excited. *Fantastic
Rated 14 Jun 2007
A great animated film about growing up and handling both fantasy and reality with resolve and passion.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
Very fun adventure with some really memorable images. The plot is far from unique, but the imaginative characters and locations more than make up for it.
Rated 08 Jul 2007
It's always fascinating to see the psyche of Japanese culture brought to the screen. Allegories to World War II and the atomic age abound. Better story than Princess Mononoke, IMO, and a must see.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Jaw dropping animation from the master Miyazaki. Watch the Japanese track if possible, as this film really loses a little in the English dub. A wonderful coming of age story, with insane characters and bursting with imagination and wonderful little touches. One of the finest animated movies ever.
Rated 25 Oct 2010
I only viewed this for the first time last year. I now feel like I had such a deprived childhood.
Rated 14 Aug 2018
I have never gotten over this film. The creativity, the animation, the premise and how characters are set up by their interactions with each other is done masterfully. Honestly, there is not a single thing wrong with this movie.
Rated 01 Jul 2019
Featuring brilliant animation, creativity and originality in spades, and an array of fantastical characters and set pieces, plus a very likeable protagonist, it's visually a masterpiece and holds up fine nearly 20 years later. But, the story just doesn't make much sense and feels jumbled- too many things keep getting tacked onto the narrative, while characters and plot points disappear for chunks at a time. Overall, though, it's still plenty of fun to look at and is worth watching.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
A bizarre, yet very original story of a little girl growing up. The characters are good and the visuals are perfect. My only real complaints are that it moved a bit too slow for a kids movie and the music wasn't on par with the rest of the show.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Perfect kids movie, everything modern American movies aren't now- timeless, thrilling and inspiring. The evolution of Chihiro is absolutely breathtaking.
Rated 18 Feb 2024
The animation is strikingly beautiful, and Chihiro is an interestingly different protagonist compared to most of her Western counterparts.
Rated 02 Jul 2018
Spirited Away is the kind of film that could be viewed start to finish every single day for two years and would never get old. One of several flawless masterpieces from Miyazaki. The voice acting is great and the animation is probably the highest quality from the Studio ever. If not always the most breathtaking.
Rated 21 Jun 2008
Hard to say which is my favorite Miyazaki film. The man is a genius. This one migth be it for me though. Maybe it's the psychological/mystical/religious themes, or maybe it's the world of the film and its bizzarre spirits... ?
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A Japanese "Alice in the Wonderland"-ish story. Very imaginative and breathtakingly beautiful. I personally liked Miyazaki's "Nausicaa" a bit more, but "Spirited Away" certainly is a must-see for children and adults alike.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An inspired creation that is a joy to behold.
Rated 14 Oct 2015
Another masterpiece by Miyazaki.
Rated 27 Feb 2008
One of the most beautiful cartoons ever created.
Rated 30 Oct 2017
Very beautiful and imaginative. A great work of creativity. I especially loved the ending. And what a beautiful credits song.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Captures a sense of wonder and adventure like no other film I've ever seen. Incredible storytelling.
Rated 13 Aug 2010
This beautiful animation proves that good fantasy is not a matter of simple imagery: it needs a wonderful storytelling. And I'm quite sure Miyazaki's got that.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
This has earned a reputation as one of the all-time great animated classics, and it's very obvious why. This is Miyazaki's imagination at its very finest, a sort of Japanese Alice in Wonderland story. The plot is full of wonderful twists and turns, and you're never really sure exactly who to trust and who not to trust until the final act of the movie. Magical in the same way that all the best Disney movies are.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The animation is beautiful (that's a given I suppose), but this one didn't grip me like most other Miyazaki films (besides Howl's, I didn't enjoy that one too much either). The movie is great for a fantasy, but it's odd watching a love story about 10 year olds I suppose. It reminded me a lot of "The Neverending Story".
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A delicate and amusing animation with an interesting story. Miyazaki's team takes special care when animating Chihiro's movements and mannerisms.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
A strong candidate for the best film score of all time. Overall, a truly monumental work of art and ranks along the two of three most awe inspiring movies I ever watched. Indeed, the only other movie that is comparable in terms of it's awe inspiring quality would be Kubrick's 2001. Though, not my pick for best animated film ever made, it comes really close.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The best anime I've ever seen.
Rated 03 Jan 2022
wasn't expecting this one
Rated 15 Mar 2016
A beautifully animated and thoughtfully told morality tale of sorts.
Rated 05 Sep 2019
I am not someone who is familiar with anime and was recommended this regardless. It's weird and, to be honest, I didn't know what was going on half the time, but regardless, it was fun and interesting.
Rated 16 Jul 2013
miyazaki's worldview never really captured me, nor his penchant for mawkish sentiments, but his imagination is another matter. this was my FANTASIA when i was 14 with no real conception of japan let alone its films and animations, and yet, now with reams of anime under my belt, this remains a unique enchantment, an indelible nightmare. i'm lost again each time i return.
Rated 01 Jun 2008
So gorgeous.
Rated 06 Aug 2015
Spirited Away is a triumph of the cinematic medium. The narrative itself feels almost superfluous, with Hayao Miyazaki content to present the film as simply a collage of emotions. Few films can claim to be as rapturously joyful as this one (and most of the other contenders are directed by Miyazaki anyway).
Rated 11 May 2011
Indescribably beautiful and painstaking visuals and make up for a story that throws an exorbitant amount of fantasy elements into a story that's already fantastical enough. I can see why someone would love this film even though I didn't. It is definitely an artistic accomplishment.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Nearly perfect twist on Alice in Wonderland.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
The animation is still great, but the love story between these two kids is kind of weird. The story and characters are just so imaginative that it just doesn't feel grounded in reality. I think this would have blown my mind as a kid, though.
Rated 20 Apr 2021
I'm sure there is a lot of context about Japanese mythology woven into this story where I am completely clueless but this might make the movie better. Spirited Away has such a bizarre and fascinating world that it is impossible not to be impressed and amazed by every minute detail.
Rated 28 Nov 2010
Re-watched on the big screen. By the end I couldn't wait to leave. There were some things I liked. The soot balls had a funny moment. The many-armed boiler room dude was cool. And the monster vomiting or shitting out ectoplasm or whatever was kind of interesting. They're aiming for a "Wizard of Oz" and "Alice in Wonderland" story, but there's no dialogue. Just very terse "My name is blah", "Go see blah", "Don't do blah". There's no conversations between any characters so it all feels so shallow.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
Zeniba: "Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember."
Rated 28 Apr 2011
Perhaps Hayao Miyazaki's greatest film. Pure, wonderful magic.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
With only a few exceptions (I didn't like Kiki's delivery service), Miyazaki movies are enthralling masterpieces. The visuals are unmatched.


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