T2 Trainspotting
T2 Trainspotting
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T2 Trainspotting

T2 Trainspotting

Comedy, Drama
1h 57m
A continuation of the Trainspotting saga reuniting the original characters.

T2 Trainspotting

Comedy, Drama
1h 57m
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Avg Percentile 53.95% from 1334 total ratings

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Rated 03 Aug 2018
In 96, everyone involved with "Trainspotting" had something to prove, they were all at the beginning of their careers. Boyle pushed the envelope, he made it edgy, stylish, exciting, and repulsive all at once. Twenty years later, they're all middle aged, and T2 might be a very faithful sequel, but a movie about addicts just isn't edgy anymore. It's like meeting up with old friends you don't talk to much anymore, fun, but not the same. The magic is gone.
Rated 26 May 2017
Choose middle age.
Rated 29 Jul 2017
If you're a fan of Trainspotting, you'll probably like this, and I loved the first film so I thought this was a worthy sequel and a good, emotional way to end the story. At times it does seem to just poke at some nostalgia but it's still well directed (big surprise) and well acted and written. Like critics are saying it doesn't quite have the "subversive thrill" like the original but it was well worth the wait. If you liked the first movie I definitely recommend this one.
Rated 27 Feb 2017
So you're at a party, and suddenly this whacky childhood friend shows up. Even though you don't click as well as you used to, you have a fun evening together, exchanging anecdotes past and present. You wake up the next morning wondering where he came from. After a few days, you seriously start questioning the validity of some of his stories. Oh well, no biggie.
Rated 06 Jun 2017
Choose good memories of 90s' movies.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
It would be impossible to capture the manic grit of the first film. The surprise and freshness and impact. So they didn't try. That's not to say the sequel isn't genuine. It is. It's about reflection and penance and nostalgia and falling into old habits, without falling into their worst one. It won't resonate like the first film, but it's a must-see companion for the fans.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
A group of aging junkies (who hate each other over some 20 year old baggage) attempt to open up a brothel with the expected disastrous results. Fun times catching up with some interesting characters, and this flick has a handful of really great visual scenes even if it cannot hope to compare to the original film. 20 years later and heroin is still some pretty awful shit, can you imagine that?
Rated 06 Jun 2017
Lacks the freshness and impact of the first film, and also attempts to pay a little too much lip service to its predecessor, but this is still well worth watching. There are some laugh out loud moments, some quietly affecting scenes, and the main characters remain entirely watchable throughout. Fans of the original and Welsh's writing will like this, newcomers might not appreciate it as much. Another fine effort by Danny Boyle.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Pretty disappointing sequel. Unlike the original movie, which had themes touching upon friendship, trust, loyalty, and at the very least had a clearly defined character arc, this one had none of that. It had nothing new to say, the story was all over the place and didn't know which direction it wanted to take, and the dark comedy is all but absent here. It's still a decent watch, but can't hold a candle to the first movie.
Rated 12 Mar 2017
Friendships are only as strong as the foundation they are built on. Years may pass and times may change, but that cloud of betrayal will always hang over your life, like a winter fog that never seems to clear. What remains is a lasting, if invisible scar; the memory of a shared past relived only through feelings of wistful longing and nostalgic contemplation. T2 skillfully taps into that well of memories with mostly pleasing results.
Rated 15 Mar 2017
Great to see the places that I know in Edinburgh and a fun and funny watch but not spectacular, doesn't hold up to the original though the cast is brilliant and the characters great. I like the contrast with the first film too, in many ways.
Rated 15 Jun 2017
Trainspotting is a quintessential 90's film, but it isn't great cinema. Judging from interviews, it's easy to get the impression that Boyle and co think otherwise, but T2 is a pseudo-event that struggles to justify its own existence. It certainly doesn't capture middle aged regret as effectively as the original captured its hedonistic sense of youthful abandon. The story is aimless with shameless callbacks to the original, and it looks ugly with gaudy colors and pointless visual flourishes.
Rated 30 Mar 2018
A lovely companion piece to the seminal first film. Riffs beautifully off the original and laments superbly on ideas of regret and lost potential. Narratively it’s got some problems, and Nedyalkova’s character felt like something of a square peg in a round hole. Overall another solid Boyle effort.
Rated 09 Apr 2017
Not bad.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
The storyline fails to be engaging and ultimately the film felt unnecessary. The thing that interested me most were the flashbacks to the original. I feel like it was unintentionally successful in showcasing the contrast between middle age vs youth, the 2010's vs the 90's. I say unintentionally because this was simply the vibe I got from it, wherever it tried to say something relevant on this subject, it fell flat (e.g. the updated Choose Life speech). Technically well made, but poor script.
Rated 25 Mar 2017
I have to say, this was a pretty damn good sequel. It was inherently less shocking than the original, instead treading into more melancholic territory. If I had to nitpick, I would say that while the Begbie revenge plot pushed the film forward, it became a little contrived as it reached its conclusion. And while the relationship of Renton/Sick Boy felt nuanced and real, the character progression of Spud also felt a little forced. Still, a great second time around.
Rated 19 Mar 2017
Very satisfying sequel, both in terms of continuing the stories of these characters and reminding you of the original without just re-treading it.
Rated 01 Mar 2017
Went in with high expectations, was quite let down afterwards. The story puts too much emphasis, ney only puts emphasis, on quibbles between the 'cult' characters, in a washed out way. Compared to the original it's truly nothing to write home about. It's all a bit so so and bland. Shame.
Rated 25 Aug 2017
good movie
Rated 21 Feb 2017
As Sick Boy/Simon says in the film: "You came back for nostalgia", because you'd be hard pressed to find any justification for this sequel other than how Boyle and his actors are enjoying themselves in the revisit. But the enjoyment is contagious.
Rated 29 May 2017
Choose something else.
Rated 18 Feb 2017
I was pretty damn satisfied with it as a sequel. It strikes just the right balance between paying tribute to the original, and being its own thing. It really felt like this was where the story and these characters would be in 20 years. The 4 leads just stepped back into them effortlessly, too. Boyle's direction felt spot on. It conveyed everything perfectly while adding in appropriate stylistic flourishes. It was sad, laugh-out-loud funny, and just an fantastic experience overall.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
A tribute to the first one. It didn't try to compete with it, and that's a good thing because it wouldn't be possible to catch the surprise of that one. It's about reflection and repeating history. Very well made! All the actors slipped in there former characters smoothly.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
35% nostalgia, 25% new plot, 15% cast reunion, 10% fan-service, 5% footage from the original, 4% forced dialogue, 3% pegging, 2% unsubtitled english & 1% heroin abuse.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
Better than expected
Rated 04 Jun 2017
Watch: Full price if you're a fan, Netflix if you're a casual | It feels like T2 (that's what it's actually called) is the main movie and the first one is a prequel. The character arcs are better, the story is grim, and it just feels better all around. It's mostly a story of middle-age consequences to making terrible decisions early in life. Some do decent, some don't change much, and some spiral into the inability to make any good decisions anymore.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Strangely I loved the second movie more. Just more of the same but even better. Choose life Veronica!
Rated 17 Jun 2017
Great to see the whole cast back together 20 years later. Need to finish the books.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Acho que nunca vi uma continuação que trabalhasse nostalgia de uma forma tão bonita quanto esse filme, sobretudo o modo de trabalhar a trilha sonora como leitmotivs incidentais da trilha sonora do filme prévio.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
Less of interest as a sequel as much as just being a solid Danny Boyle movie. Great soundtrack and style but its best moments have a healthy helping of nothing between them.
Rated 26 May 2017
T2 Trainspotting is a fun reunion of Danny Boyle's incorrigible Scotsmen, Rentboy, Sickboy, Spud, and Begbie. Based upon the novel Porno by Irvine Welsh, T2 has lost much of the novel's complexity and at least half of the characters and subplots. As a pure sequel to Trainspotting it sort of works though.
Rated 15 Aug 2017
Has a couple of serious medical issues in its sickly chronic homages to the original, and Boyle's overzealously experimental directing. But on the whole, good to be back with the lives of these four transcendentally iconic characters all hanging in the balance once again. The Veronika character was both a clumsy narrative framing device, and easy on the eye. Some of the plot was silly, some genuinely moving (poor old Spud!) Its pace holds it together even if some of the material is contrived.
Rated 17 Aug 2017
It's always exciting to catch up with favorite characters, but what makes this so riveting (or not if you want more of the same) is that it's not about addiction, but about the cost of lives either half-lived or arguably, lived too much. In fact what works the least are the callbacks to the 1st film since they seem so unnecessary & the climax which doesn't feel as satisfying as it should given the edge these guys have lived on. Still, Boyle's got style to burn & the visuals remain glorious
Rated 19 Aug 2017
I remember liking the original Trainspotting, but watching T2 makes me wonder if it was only fit for 90s viewing. Or is it only T2 that's ultimately charmless as it goes through all the motions of reconstructing the stylistic gimmicks and cynical humor, shabbily updating the "choose life" speech, and otherwise torturing the source. The original cast is still great, and Nedyalkova is an eye-catching addition, but the plot really isn't that exciting.
Rated 09 Jan 2018
Better than I expected and much better than I feared. Anjela Nedyalkova is cute.
Rated 02 Nov 2017
pretty much a huge chasm of nothingness, propped up by the first film & fondness for it's characters
Rated 24 Oct 2017
In my mind Trainspotting was way more crazy then T2, but that's OK. I kind of liked how the characters are older, but haven't really grown up at all. The acting of all of them is amazing. 63/100.
Rated 31 Mar 2017
The first film felt unique as a hodgepodge of stories around heroin users getting off and getting back on like passengers of a train. T2 lacks the heroin and chooses to have a lot more focus with one long narrative. The long narrative just isn't that interesting, though. There's a lot lacking in this film, yet it's still enjoyable. It is a vehicle of fanservice and nostalgia and that's okay. It could have been much worse.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
This sequel stands up well. [some spoilers] Some really stand out moments save what could have been over-sentimental: The updated 'Choose Life' soliloquy is great, the scene in the protestant bar is possibly the funniest thing I've seen in a long while. Really felt like I was getting a snapshot of the much loved characters again, although the transformation of Spud into the literary Irving Welsh persona felt a little forced.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Thankfully great sequel, criticising nostalgia rather than utilising it, though plenty of the throw-backs are clever and useful rather than cringey. Years later, this sequel feels it runs along with the same energy of the first film, amplified by some of the budgetary and technological allowances, and on top of Hodge's virtuosic, yet clear screenplay, each of the four leads demonstrate their understanding of the malaise of middle age in the modern age.
Rated 02 Mar 2017
It's really entertaining, felt kind of like lock stock
Rated 25 Mar 2017
Not as gritty as the first one, but just as challenging.
Rated 28 Mar 2017
Nostalgic but also super intriguing. Boyle has adapted this into the 21st century in a beautiful way. The story was so-so, with things just happening and feeling very forced (especially the choose life monologue), but the rest of it was eye-candy. The camera never stands still and it is always beautiful to watch. And the soundtrack is top-notch. It may not be as good as the first, but it certainly is energetic and feels at home.
Rated 01 Jun 2017
Made me realize the fucking really great 90s are long past....
Rated 12 Apr 2017
This doesn't really compare to the original, but it does an amazing job of bringing back memories and for nostalgia's sake (granted I saw the original, right before I saw this one). It felt like old friends that wanted to get back together again for old time's sake. This isn't to say it was bad, the film connected the stories well and settled a few things from the original, but this won't become an icon.
Rated 18 Apr 2017
Was good fun seeing the gang again, but started to stall and lose momentum in the final third.
Rated 07 May 2017
It was simply great.
Rated 20 May 2017
Choose sequels. Choose watching a highlight reel from a film you loved. Choose wasting your time on this here shite
Rated 23 May 2017
Like the older and not any wiser characters here, this sequel is just a faded version of the original, and although it's not terrible, and it's fun to see what became of Rentboy and the gang, any novelty wears off fairly quickly and we're left with what feels like a rather generic and contrived cash grab, once again proving that good films should be left well alone.
Rated 26 May 2017
I didn't realise this needed a sequel but damn this was fun. Kudos to Boyle, exceptionally well done.
Rated 28 May 2017
There is something fascinating in re-visiting the characters from the cult classic and I honestly believe T2 is a more than a worthy sequel. It's bursting with 90's nostalgia, it's witty and smart with a great soundtrack to top it off. I think Danny Boyle and the cast did an excelent job at bringing back the spirit of the first film.
Rated 27 Jan 2018
Man, I feel so old.
Rated 24 Apr 2018
Maybe the best thing about this film: Boyle and his team don't try and recapture the greatness of Trainspotting, they build upon it, and give us just enough call-backs, references and dark humour to satisfy fans.
Rated 20 Jul 2018
Same scenerio different year.
Rated 26 Jan 2018
The cocksuckers have legalized vitamin C
Rated 29 Jan 2017
A sequel which does things completely different in terms of story, and cinematography that works and also treads on familiar ground which makes you fall in love with these characters all over again. Soundtrack again amazing. This film is different enough than the first that you don't have to compare them. Like the first, it will present a snapshot of the time it was made without hitting you over the head with it. Perfect ending. Emotional film that makes you look at the past, present and future.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
Cinematography, editing and use of colour is absolutely beautifully presented with a brilliant soundtrack. The film unfortunately loses itself in the narrative. I found myself enjoying some plot points and really not feeling emotionally invested in many others.
Rated 14 Mar 2019
Friends reunite after 20 years. Old friendships bloom again and old wounds are opened. Everyone still talks in the thickest Scottish accent imaginable. They show the scene from the original where Robert Carlyle says something imcomprehensible and then fights some guys at a bar. I did not understand him in 'Trainspotting' and I did not understand him this time either. To this day I don't have any clue what he says. And I will probably never find out. It's one of the great mysteries of life.
Rated 06 Jul 2022
I found T2 to be funnier than Trainspotting, and for this reason probably enjoyed it more. However, Boyle's direction (or at least the cinematography) is a tad annoying with the repeated freeze-frames mid-action and the overlaid images throughout. The cast is great; Miller and Carlyle have more presence this time round, and all the character feel more substantial. The 1st and 2nd acts are great ("Choose Life" & the protestant bar being highlights) but the 3rd act feels predictable and generic.
Rated 16 Sep 2017
redundant with a capital R. unengaging plot and shameless throwbacks to the original.
Rated 31 Jan 2017
Brilliant- funny and sad in equal measures - a perfect sequel, builds on the first in terms of character, story and style with many references but still feels fresh and of today.
Rated 19 Feb 2017
There is no better director to represent modernity than Danny Boyle
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Entertaining enough but redundant.
Rated 21 Mar 2017
It is better than I expected, but it was a bad movie, overexploiting the emotional carriage of the first one and obviously losing the initial fresh sensation. It entertained me and had a couple of funny moments, that saved it for me.
Rated 26 Mar 2017
What was the impetus for this film? Apparently, they liked the first one so much, they decided to make a sequel about all the good parts from the original. There didn't feel like new insights, new harsh revelations of life like the original. This isn't a bad movie and quite enjoyable, but this didn't seem to add to the mythos of the first. At best, this is a strong footnote, an amendment worth the time, but it won't leave the same mark on your memory or emotions.
Rated 07 Apr 2017
I am a huge fan of the original film by Danny Boyle. This second film has several good moments. It is great to see these characters again after so many years. The actors all do a fantastic job again in this sequel. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 26 May 2017
sad nostalgia.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
An equivalent of a night out with the boys. It was a lot of fun but your memory of the events that transpired wouldn't be considered bible.
Rated 12 Aug 2017
Over-edited and all over, this movie's plot dwindles with no clear focus and you don't feel much attached to protagonists. Also nice try Danny Boyle, but the title T2 is already taken and it stays there.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
1. ogled 2020/07/09 [80]
Rated 12 Aug 2023
Almost boring. I'd skip it. It's not that it's a terrible movie, it's just such a let down after the first one.
Rated 13 Apr 2023
Danny Boyle, unsurprisingly, makes a very handsome film. The energy is not quite what it was in 1996 but our characters are older and slower themselves. Nostalgia and the importance of where we came from are what Boyle wants us to think about, but then we get lost in a Begbie story. He is insufferable and everything gets plotty as the 3rd act focuses on his arch.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
This is not an objective rating because Trainspotting is my favorite movie. I haven't seen T2 since it came out, but I remember being very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it (perhaps I was psyching myself up for disappointment though).
Rated 06 Jul 2022
Definitely inferior compared to the first one, but i still enjoyed it quite a lot.
Rated 11 Jan 2022
Felt like most of the movie was a trip down memory lane rather than trying to exist on its own.
Rated 20 Dec 2021
Indisputably a great approach to sequels--instead of pandering to nostalgia, make a meta-movie about the addictiveness of nostalgia. It certainly doesn't exceed it's predecessor, but it certainly adds a bit more closure to the events of the first movie.
Rated 25 Oct 2021
Hell, this was great, at that's what I remember as I've forgotten to write the review! Must rewatch in home cinema!
Rated 21 Aug 2021
Not bad for being a completely unnecessary sequel of a 20-year-old classic. Fun at times but doesn't have the emotional impact of the original. Stupid action movie ending almost ruined it.
Rated 21 Oct 2020
Amusing but overly nostalgic. The soundtrack is also weak, with remixes and overly famous songs. Like the movie it lacks edge.
Rated 13 Sep 2020
There are some moments of skillful direction and fun, alongside a few uninteresting and distracting digital effects and some supposedly heartfelt/emotional scenes that didn't work for me at all. It's a decent movie that suffers its sequel status.
Rated 06 May 2017
Rated 18 Oct 2019
Suffering from First Movie Syndrome while giving a decent amount of new ground to trace
Rated 02 May 2019
Funny, dramatic & dramatic. Successful sequel. Amazing performance by Spud.
Rated 15 Apr 2019
surpeendemente é bom
Rated 26 Feb 2019
A surprisingly good follow up to Trainspotting. Everyone still sucks except Spud.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Overall ok, but I felt it didn't have the same artistic flair that Boyle gave the first one, which I think made Trainspotting so good.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
A couple of cool moments, but most of it is quite forgettable.
Rated 30 May 2017
Rated 06 Mar 2018
Rated 31 May 2018


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