The Man from Earth
The Man from Earth
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The Man from Earth

The Man from Earth

Drama, Sci-fi
1h 27m
An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation, in this movie adapted from a story by acclaimed Sci-Fi writer Jerome Bixby, his last great work, finally completed on his deathbed in April of 1998.

The Man from Earth

Drama, Sci-fi
1h 27m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 64.88% from 4469 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Nov 2007
The acting ranges from good to spotty, the lighting is pretty bad at certain points and it's clearly shot on a shoe string budget. But I'll be damned if I wasn't completely captivated by the premise. The idea, the concept, is just flat out memorizing. Even if you don't like it you simply have to keep watching to find out more. If you've got an attention span that will allow you to simply watch people talk about a terribly interesting premise for two hours you owe it to yourself to see this.
Rated 06 May 2008
The amazing story keeps the movie going in a single room with just a handful of actors. Who said you need lots of money to make good scifi?
Rated 20 Sep 2008
Such a captivating story that at this point I don't really care if it's got any merits as a film. Some might find certain parts of it dull, and the ending is a bit on the boring side, but that doesn't take anything away from the intriguing story and the fascinating arguments.
Rated 26 Jan 2017
A very stupid film filled with undergradute level of information about the history of civilization. John's declaring himself Jesus was the final blow to the story. The so very unbelievable professors were quite funny. Overall, this is one of the most overrated films ever.
Rated 05 Jun 2018
I kept waiting for someone to say, "You're a towel."
Rated 27 Aug 2008
As you would expect with a low-budget film, there's no special effects and very little by way of sets. A film forced to keep the viewer interested using only its dialog-heavy script - and boy does it! An interesting concept explored in-depth with acting which, aside from a couple of hokey moments, is decent enough to make you forget you're watching a shoestring flick. It's cerebral, thought provoking and, at times, downright controversial; just like any good sci-fi should be.
Rated 15 Dec 2007
Some things about it bothered me a little, but overall this is the sort of minimalistic science fiction movie I'd like to see more of.
Rated 30 Jan 2008
I completely forgot about the small budget and few of the worse acting performances cause the story was so compelling and interesting. Ending felt a bit rushed though.
Rated 14 Mar 2008
What an aggravating film! A for concept, but D for execution The acting is sub-par throughout (except for Tony Todd). The script feels unnatural, so that doesn't help. The 'professors' are peddling pseudo-intellectual claptrap. Most of them are unlikable and, fucking hell, outright stupid. And so, so many things make no sense. I wanted to like this. I really did, and on some level I like bits of it, tiny bits.
Rated 19 May 2008
I didn't like everything about this movie but the premise is very interesting. if it was made in the '60s , this film would have been a classic. It would also work better as a play I think.
Rated 05 Aug 2008
Quite obviously a low-budget film, but one with incredible ideas and story behind it. The ideas alone carry it so much I didn't care about the spottiness of the acting and the lighting. These kinds of stories deserve more attention.
Rated 08 Jan 2010
While the directing is lacking (the zero budget shows), the brilliance of this movie is in the writing. The reactions of the characters to John's story felt so real. Just the right amount of skepticism is presented to keep the viewer connected to the premise. All the logical questions are asked and many interesting concepts are discussed. I felt like I was in the room with these people hearing John's unbelievable story. One of the most engaging and thought provoking movies I've ever seen.
Rated 12 Apr 2010
Very entertaining low budget sci-fi. The performances are solid enough, with some familar faces who are so often bit-part players in other movies doing very well, & the concept is fun & intriguing. Most of all however this film manages to remain interesting, thought provoking & sporadically controversial in its nature. The script does occasionally fluctuate from the simply brilliant to the slightly clumsy, but no matter, this remains a rare piece of satisfying charactor based sci-fi.
Rated 02 Oct 2018
As a thought experiment this was really interesting. For 2/3 of the film everything is actually plausible, given the central premise. After that it collapses for an educated Christian. That a guy could come into 1st century Palestine preaching Buddhist philosophy and get pegged as the Jewish Messiah is laughable. The ignorant (or deceptive) and offensive assumptions that pervade most of the latter part of the film reveal another filmmaker's attempt to discredit Judeo-Christian faith.
Rated 04 Jun 2010
Low budget is NO excuse for this overwrought and poorly acted kammerspiel (compare this to 'Primer'); the kind they love in theatres. A professor pimps his goodbye party by revealing that he's 14.000 years old. Excellent dental hygiene! His colleagues are shocked, angered and confused, apparently to the point where they are incapable of asking intelligent questions (how 'bout insisting on a picture..). The end is fumbled by Schenkman, whose earlier work includes playboy-videos. Stupid as hell.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
A cerebral movie with people sitting around discussing the long life of a man who claims to be 14,000 years old. The story is compelling, but the listeners reactions did not feel genuine. Also, the mock violence was stupid as were the reactions of some of the characters.
Rated 10 Jun 2009
One of my favorite movies. Everything happens in the living room of a cabin where they disguss wether or not the protagonist is who he says he is. Just fantastic.
Rated 16 Jun 2009
Proof that a compelling concept and interesting characters trump shoddy craftsmanship. Yes, the acting is spotty and the camerawork and lighting are mediocre. Its budget is apparent, but because of the general simplicity these faults aren't very distracting. It's not very cinematic, but the ideas presented through a single conversation provide the movie with more than enough kinetic energy. Truly fascinating and thoughtful.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Saw this movie cold. A cerebral Sci-Fi, all dialouge. Liked it, with reservations. 1) Casting: The concept would have been better served with a different cast. Not necessarily a-listers, but better actors. 2) The ending is contrived. If you remove the last 10 minutes to leave the audiance guessing, I'll add 10 points. 3) Quit lumping religious people together as ignorant. The one religious character is unsympathetically played by Crawford. (evilchaser is SPOT-ON! would make a better play!)
Rated 18 Jun 2018
An interesting thought experiment shown via a stagey low budget film. Acting is spotty but the idea is interesting enough to overlook most of the lesser points.
Rated 30 Jun 2015
What I would consider all the indie trappings both in script and acting. An interesting concept that keeps getting lost in the aforementioned. A simple ending to satisfy people who might be too dim to get a clever one.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
Am I smoking crack or something? How did almost everyone like this? It's like a sane (and therefore boring) Neil Breen movie. It's a single-room film with annoying characters and a story that takes its premise down the most obvious road possible. I'm baffled.
Rated 05 Jan 2008
A great concept horribly executed. The acting is forced, and the direction is so mis-paced it's very understandable why some might turn it off halway through. Nothing whatsoever of note happens in the first 45 minutes and then all the interesting stuff is rushed through at the end with no exploration of the implications. This film will leave you very unsatisfied and with the feeling that it could have been so much more that it was a horrible waste.
Rated 01 Mar 2008
Great idea, bad execution. The acting and direction are horrible, but a good idea keeps it interesting.
Rated 13 Jul 2019
A fascinating, well-considered premise is developed in interesting ways; it's to Schenkman and his cast's credit that this single room gabfest remains compelling and involving for its entire duration. If the ultimate resolution feels a little shaggy Bobby Ewing-ish, the thought experiment that forms its basis still provides considerable food for thought. Largely unknown cast are all fine, with veteran Riehle's "doubting Thomas" standing out.
Rated 10 Jan 2020
A college professor is stepping down and his friends give him a farewell party. He reveals that he isn't who they think he is. I hate this movie. It's nothing but people sitting in a room and talking. This is fine if they are talking about something, but they are not. This feels like a movie that thinks it's about deep concepts. It's about a guy explaining how he's the caveman Forrest Gump.
Rated 02 Jun 2008
this movie is one of the least sci-fi movies ever, there is actually no sci-fi in it, except for the the main character's claims. aside from that this movie takes its plot and story to the best possible, and succeeds with flying colors.
Rated 07 Jun 2008
As evilchaser says, if it was made in the '60, it would would have been a classic. Although it made me think about lots of things, I don't think I'll bear this movie in mind for long.
Rated 22 Oct 2008
I have a passionate grudge against whom or whatever prevented Jerome Bixby from writing more.
Rated 31 Jan 2009
This explores some really great ideas, and the story is really well presented and interesting, but I believe they should have explored the Buddhism in greater detail. I personally would have changed John to be more at ease with himself, a sort of inner peace and joy as seen in many Buddhists or other important religious figures. The script and ideas are fascinating, but you can't help but imagine that the idea might be best portrayed through a book.
Rated 01 Feb 2009
While the beginning is quite promising, it gets gradually more and more silly until it culminates in an explosion of sheer stupidity which you probably expect since a certain moment, but hope that the movie can't be that predicable.
Rated 17 Mar 2015
Some 8.0 rated films on IMDB: Rocky, Jaws, The Graduate. So who the f*k snuck this one up there. At first it's a tasteful and fun little intellectual exercise, then it begins to second guess itself before jumping the shark at precisely the halfway point. Consistency points though, for being technically low budget terrible throughout. It must be cool to like Jerome Bixby or something.
Rated 26 Aug 2009
The best ever script for a sci-fi (not only) movie. Who cares if the acting is mediocre, if the production is poor and if the whole movie is shooted in a room?! If the script is clever, flawless and scientific correct nothing else matters. An oasis between the script trash.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
A thought-provoking movie that engages you very well from the start till the end. It's a sci-fi themed courtroom drama movie that has nothing to do with a courtroom. There are only a couple of flaws in the script, and ignoring them, I would have rated it even higher.
Rated 23 Jan 2010
Poorly made movie in many ways, but a pretty interesting idea that makes you think about a few things.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
I heard people talking about how poor the acting was, that the film doesn't offer anything but talking in one single room, but does it always have to be more than that? This film is proof that you can make a (in my opinion) wonderful film without millions of dollars. Great story that didn't let me go, and this from second 1. The dialogues are of such level that you get sucked into it, only to be released when the film finishes in a (maybe not superb but) decent ending.
Rated 18 Jul 2015
As dumb as I imagine the Left Behind movies must be. Schenkman's prior work was soft-porn, and he went on to direct Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
You don't get many sci-fi chamber pieces, much less films that seem like a dramatic take on Brooks and Reiner's Two Thousand Year Old Man.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
Simple film, amazing idea
Rated 13 Feb 2011
Think of it as watching an audio book.
Rated 02 Apr 2011
"I'm going to go home and I'm going to watch Star Trek for a dose of sanity." A great example of thought provoking, low budget sci-fi.
Rated 18 Dec 2019
Not good at all. Corny and boring as a movie. Not even interesting as a thought experiment. I was excited to watch it too.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
The budget was just enough to rent a building and a couple of decent C-list actors. However it manages to rise above its production value to the level of excellent film-making, just through the magnitude of its ideas and the twists in the conversation. Almost all the credit goes to Bixby's story, which has stuck around in my mind longer than I expected.
Rated 01 May 2011
Flawed in places, especially acting-wise, but the concept is irresistible, thought provoking and mind boggling; exactly what Sci-Fi needs to be.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
I like the way it feels absolutely sci-fi not only without any special effect, but without anything 'touchable' outside their conversation. It's too theatrical (I think in fact, watching this in live action on stage must be great), so there's nothing we can expect technically (nothing!), this movie belongs to screenwriter and actors. I didn't found it so original as some did and it has some flaws, but it's self-concious, catching and absolutely deserves the try (and some think after watching).
Rated 11 May 2015
The acting is laughably bad.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
This is direct, plain filmmaking, but a marvelous and incredibly poignant piece of sci-fi teleplay. I could literally spent 140 centuries listening to Jesus, John, whoever this guy is, was and will be.
Rated 16 Feb 2023
Almost everything in this movie is subpar - acting, direction, set, screenplay, rushed and lame ending. Story itself might have been decent for a movie, but it's hard to say given what came out of Schenkman's hands. Feels heavily overrated.
Rated 30 Nov 2007
Definitely a sleeper. One of the few examples of a science fiction movie which lives up to the quality of the original story.
Rated 03 Dec 2007
Quite an intriguing and thought-provoking film about a man who has lived all throughout history, never dying, to the present day. Simply and beautifully filmed, excellent acting, and extremely interesting. An excellent Sci-Fi film with absolutely no special effects.
Rated 27 Oct 2013
This kind of story needs a different format. It seemed to me like a perfectly wasted idea for an intriguing, multiple-season series. Here, without a proper fleshing-out and lacking any true depth, for me it all comes through as nothing more than a rather cheap attack on Christianity.
Rated 06 Apr 2008
Definitely a movie that keeps you interested and leaves a mental mark, but it had all the cinematography of a radio drama, a medium it's better suited for.
Rated 01 May 2008
Truly different. I was amazed they managed to keep the movie floating the whole way through. Not the best acting in the world, but sometimes that's OK.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
The Jesus parts were too much for me.
Rated 27 May 2008
I keep hearing about the poor acting, but I guess it didn't bother me because I don't recall that being the case. Just a great story that's plausible through and through.
One of the few films I can remember watching where I vividly saw what the story was conveying.
Rated 01 Jun 2008
A very good movie, for those who like to rethink their beliefs, and stay in this state of analytical processes for a while.
Rated 19 Oct 2008
Although badly acted and directed, this film provokes thoughts. Makes you think about eternal life in a more realistic setting, about birth of concepts and meaning, religion. It keeps echoing in my head, so it's better than most.
Rated 09 Nov 2008
Pretty good story.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
Interesting premise, but that's about it. The acting is bad. What's worse is the script and dialogue of the supposed college professors: nothing but dumb, pseudo-intellectual babbling. It's quite aggravating to watch. Could be quite good if re-done by an intelligent writer and some decent actors.
Rated 27 Dec 2012
Very interesting.
Rated 05 Apr 2009
The movie itself isn't especialy stary in any way. The story itself is amazing. I really do reccoment to read the book.
Rated 18 May 2009
I don't care about the acting nor directing. Those are not the things to take in consideration when reviewing this film. The brilliant script makes you forget about all the imperfections which seem so small ,because, to make a great movie without special effects in this century is an accomplishment enough.
Rated 20 Mar 2016
20 Març 2016 - la història és curiosa, permet imaginar-la, entrar-hi. Poc cinematogràfica. Poc creïbles unes quantes coses, però entreté.
Rated 25 May 2020
The story is amazing, but the acting is quite bad.
Rated 08 Dec 2012
Perfectly showcases how you do a low budget film. The movie plants this rather ridiculous idea in your head then nurtures it throughout its duration, painting an expansive and beautiful picture without special effects or large scale shots. This is honestly one of the most interesting and innovative films I have watched.
Rated 03 Aug 2009
An OK watch, but grossly overrated. This just reeks of community theater acting and although the story is interesting, it is hardly a new (or novel) concept. Why are people so blown away by this?
Rated 04 Oct 2009
The story's pretty cool and gets better as it goes along, but the acting is terrible making a film that already is very reliant on suspension of disbelief that much harder to take seriously. And I hated the soundtrack. Still, that it can remain interesting with such mediocre production values says something about the film.
Rated 04 Jan 2016
With a better cast, this would be very good
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Very interesting basic story with some nice discussions and ideas.
Rated 08 Jul 2022
Simple story-telling prevails in the this one room film. Learn the mystery of John Oldman as his friends inquire into his mysterious background in his rapidly emptying living room.
Rated 03 Dec 2012
Interesting concept that finally finds its legs, and its humanity, in the contemplative third act. While not everything works, the technical aspects of the film are amateur, The Man From Earth at least shoots for the moon, which is never a bad thing.
Rated 06 Jan 2010
fuck this movie.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
What to say? Great idea, intelligent development, but the characters talk like a B-movie, the actors are often clumsy and amateurish, there is a "moody music" in the background that is annoying, picture sometimes overly grainy or blurred, and female characters annoying and stupid. Saw it, enjoyed it, but was also annoyed at it for not being more of what it could have been.
Rated 27 Dec 2015
Mind ... blown
Rated 13 Apr 2010
Sweet Jesus, this is a good script.
Rated 14 Apr 2010
A fascinating movie that explores some very interesting ideas. A lot has been said about the acting, but it's very split. Tony Todd & David Lee Smith both give fantastic performances (the best I've ever seen from Todd,) but some of the other acting is lacking in places (which can in part be attributed to the one-dimensional way in which most of the other characters are written.) I would love to see this adapted into a play; I can see this story having some real legs in that medium.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
It was good, not the best movie in technical ways, and the acting wasn't always amazing, but the premise was fantastic. The weight of research that must've gone into this film is heavy, and equally interesting, although it might seem sac-religious to some christians, 9/10
Rated 14 Jul 2013
Fascinating premise - and well executed.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
Rated 27 May 2010
I really liked this movie. It had some very interesting ideas and did a lot with very little. Low budget and not one quality actor and yet it was still very entertaining. You can see the low budget in every shot which keeps it from being truly amazing but for what it is it's impressive.
Rated 08 Jun 2010
It's stunning in its way of taking you along for the ride, completely wiping out the bounds of realism and surrealism and adding philosophical themes. The acting is formidable and the sudden lights-on really sweeps you off your feet and makes you guess again.
Rated 03 Jul 2014
Beautifully written but poorly acted.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
All things considered it should be seen as a successful film. They essentially had no budget which equals less than ideal production value and mediocre actors. The idea and story itself is enough to keep you watching and it's basically the perfect length.
Rated 22 Aug 2020
An absolutely great premise and a few drafts away from a stellar screenplay. The Man From Earth himself is actually a pretty decent actor, but outside of that the acting is pretty lackluster and the production value here is heartbreakingly low. The conversation is really on fire whenever it teases the intellect but it's never that emotionally incisive. This is my contender for the movie best suited for a remake. Imagining this being remade by someone like Richard Linklater!!
Rated 19 Sep 2010
I really enjoyed this movie. No action, no special effects, just a great story and good acting. Definitely worth a watch.
Rated 30 Sep 2010
A great premise, but the acting is barely "movie of the week" quality and that ruins the story's big revelation. Oh, what could have been.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
"a talking snake made a lady eat an apple, so we're screwed." oh man. haha. Mr. Bixby has just made a fan. awesome writing and the acting isn't nearly as bad as anyone's implied. most characters are sincerely believable and very diverse personalities are easily evident. not flashy. just a visual adaptation of some very good writing. if you're looking for something with a lot of depth, this is it.
Rated 13 Mar 2020
Rated 23 Apr 2013
Simple, plain, amazing...
Rated 07 Mar 2011
Only a few technical details keep me from giving this movie a higher score. It's not only one of the best science fiction films I've seen, it's just one of the best.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
It's a neat film, christians gonna mald I guess. If you can't suspend your disbelief you may not enjoy it, in which case I recommend reading the dictionary.
Rated 12 Jan 2014
Just like 12 angry men, there are guys in room. You're becoming one of them. Dont need high-cost scene technics to make a good movie. If the story excellent, the movie is watched itself.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
uzun ömürlü adam, bilimkurgu, ölmeyen adam (14000 yildir yasayan doktor John Oldman tasinmadan önce arkadaslarina kendisiyle ilgili gercegi aciklar. Film genellikle bir odanin icinde gecer. Ve bu durumu konusurlar. ilerleyen sahnelerde Doktor, Gecmiste isa oldugunu ve Buddha'dan ögrendiklerini anlattigini söyler. Üstelik tanri inanci konusunda kararsizdir. İslam inanciyla zitlasan bir film. finali fena degil. ) begenmedim.
Rated 10 Nov 2011
Very successful science fiction story without a single special effect. This could be done as a stageplay very easily. David Lee Smith is very convincing, and as always Tony Todd is fun to watch.
Rated 10 May 2023
Rated 25 Sep 2017
Rated 30 May 2015
Low budgt, thought-provoking film. Not a huge fan of the whole religion thing, but it sure gives you a lot to think about. The writing is pretty good, but the acting is mostly weak. Would love to see similar concepts in films.
Rated 26 Mar 2015
Fascinating setup that suffers less from the non-existent budget than from giving the story just one turn too many. The hamfisted direction (dear gods, the music cues) doesn't help. But points for an original idea and for mostly pulling off a movie about people talking for 90 minutes.
Rated 12 Mar 2012
Starts pretty well with and interesting set up and terrible acting but understandable for a low budget movie, but then the plot became idiotic and frustratingly obvious, focusing in the least interesting part of the story and was hard for me to finish it
Rated 30 May 2012
Indeed an interesting low budget film! The concept itself is genious, and I like the idea og putting my self in a situation like this. What question would you ask? Would you believe him? But for me it has a clear weaknes; it goes a "little bit too far" in the end, and the acting is horrible at times...


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