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Telenovela Live-Action Series

A Collaborative collection created by Skavau

"Commonly described using the American colloquialism Spanish soap opera, many telenovelas share some stylistic and thematic similarities to the soap opera familiar to the English-speaking world. The significant difference is their series run length; telenovelas tend to focus on the long-form drama of an individual or small groups of individuals, rather than the drama of a suburb, hospital, or community (as is the case with traditional soap operas). They tend to focus on a woman (although sometimes men) in class-conflicted romances, forbidden loves, love triangles, searching for a long-lost family member/love, seeking revenge, fleeing from an abusive relationship with strong emphasis on their domestic dynamics (with sibling rivalries)."
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You've rated 0 of 109 titles in this collection

Telenovela Live-Action Series

A Collaborative collection created by Skavau

"Commonly described using the American colloquialism Spanish soap opera, many telenovelas share some stylistic and thematic similarities to the soap opera familiar to the English-speaking world. The significant difference is their series run length; telenovelas tend to focus on the long-form drama of an individual or small groups of individuals, rather than the drama of a suburb, hospital, or community (as is the case with traditional soap operas). They tend to focus on a woman (although sometimes men) in class-conflicted romances, forbidden loves, love triangles, searching for a long-lost family member/love, seeking revenge, fleeing from an abusive relationship with strong emphasis on their domestic dynamics (with sibling rivalries)."
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