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Mystery movies that keep you guessing

A Collaborative collection created by tipar

"In this list add movies where the main Mystery is solved 20 minutes tops before the end of the movie or the Mystery is left unsolved. Any genre of movies is valid. If the Mystery is presented on the half of the movie but still follow the rules is valid too.

The main purpose of this list is to create a collection of movies where the Mystery is not solved half way and then is over. Although if one Mystery solved creates another one that follows this rules then is valid.

In Mystery movies the characters know as much as the viewer so we are challenged. If we know from the beginning that there is a killer—but the characters do not—even with a police investigation involved then it is a Thriller/Suspense. As a final recommendation, I suggest you to not read the plot of the Mystery movies, it is what I do.
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You've rated 0 of 35 titles in this collection

Mystery movies that keep you guessing

A Collaborative collection created by tipar

"In this list add movies where the main Mystery is solved 20 minutes tops before the end of the movie or the Mystery is left unsolved. Any genre of movies is valid. If the Mystery is presented on the half of the movie but still follow the rules is valid too.

The main purpose of this list is to create a collection of movies where the Mystery is not solved half way and then is over. Although if one Mystery solved creates another one that follows this rules then is valid.

In Mystery movies the characters know as much as the viewer so we are challenged. If we know from the beginning that there is a killer—but the characters do not—even with a police investigation involved then it is a Thriller/Suspense. As a final recommendation, I suggest you to not read the plot of the Mystery movies, it is what I do.
Showing 1 - 35 of 35 results
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