Wondering how Criticker works, or have a question that doesn't seem to fit under requests or bugs?
Posts: 36
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Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:48 pm


Post by garethm »

This must have been asked before but I would be interested in the exact formula used to calculate the PSIs.

I presume its the average of the top so many similar users on the site for any given movie but how many users does it consider.

Also does it only consider users with a TCI less than 2 ?? I only ask this as my top PSI currently is 100 but when I click on it only the top user has given it 100 with many many other people rating it lower but they all have a TCI of 2 or more.

As much detail as you can provide would be great, I get overly interested in these things.

Keep up the good work.


Posts: 654
Your TCI: na
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:47 am

Re: PSIs

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

It uses the scores of your top 10 TCIs from those who've seen the film, but only if they're in your top 1000. It uses tiers to calculate it, not scores, so a PSI of 100 just means it's in tier 10 for all those users. When it converts back to a score for you it scales according to your tiers. When you're on the film page you can click the PSI box and it shows you how it was calculated for that specific film.

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