Adding movies: How do I add a trailer?

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Adding movies: How do I add a trailer?

Post by oddball »

It says embed trailer above that box but if I add a normal link and click continue it says 'no trailer' on the next page, and when I add [ youtube ] [ /youtube ] it's the same nontheless.

So how do I make this trailer thingy work?

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Re: Adding movies: How do I add a trailer?

Post by vincente »

Hello Oddball,

try adding the full embedding code. This will solve the problem. Or did you try this already?

P.S. You ball is pretty odd - what is it (Avatar)?

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Re: Adding movies: How do I add a trailer?

Post by oddball »

Allright,... thanks!

Of course trying the code provided by Youtube should've been the next logical step. But I just thought it would work like a forum post.... and it was late. Very late.

Nonetheless I feel a bit stupid :oops:

P.S. 'The Ball' shall remain a mystery! :P Gotta have something going for me :mrgreen:

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