How do I see the average rating of a movie?

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How do I see the average rating of a movie?

Post by John2DS »

Hello! I just wanted to know how do I manage to see the average rating of a movie. I'd appreciate if you guys answer me.

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Re: How do I see the average rating of a movie?

Post by mattorama12 »

On any film's page, on the right hand side of the screen is the ratings box. Make sure you are on the "Ratings" tab. Then click on the "All Ratings" tab. At the bottom of the box, it will say "Average Percentile xx% from xx Ratings."

If your question is how to get average "rating" rather than average "percentile," I'm not sure there is a way to do that and, in any event, the number would be meaningless. Many people rate on a 1-10 scale, for example.

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