Help finding the name of funny movie

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Help finding the name of funny movie

Post by SwaggyJesus »

I'm pretty sure, the movie is a japanese or at least asian movie.

The only scene I can remember is a guy walking into a bank with a briefcase in his hand, on another level there is another guy who looks down on him.

They both make their way onto the roof and stand opposed to each other. They stand on somekind of bridge, as they probably went onto the roof through the fire escape. The guy on the right is wearing sunglasses.

(I'm pretty sure they talk to eachother shortly.)

After that they start to prepare their briefcases. Inside them there are various makeup tools. They start to run at eachother and leap into the air in an overly cliche manner.

They land on the spots were the other just had been. The guy without glasses took a stance once again just to find, while in air the other guy has done his nails and colored them pink and added various things to them.

The guy with the sunglasses takes off his glasses and realizes his eyes had been covered in makeup. Afterwards he just smiles.

I think it is from some sort of live action mech movie. Not sure about the mech theme though. I really hope you can help me find the name once again.

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