Cold Prey 2

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Cold Prey 2

Post by hotsake »

I'd have to say that I liked this as much as the first film. There is a very long slow build up during the first 25-30 minutes of the film, now this only works because this is a part two and you know shit is going to go down and so you are waiting for it and the wait and reasonably well done suspense help builds the tension and anticipation. The pay off is well done if not overly satisfying, the killer takes on a more Michael Myers/Jason persona than in the first as he is super strong and resilient to pain and fatal wounds. The female Ingrid Bolsø Berdal lead does a great job and so does the sheriff with the little he's given, the rest of the cast give spotty but never horrible performances. The end was really nice even if it was predicable, although the last scene was a nice touch. Not sure how they squeezed a third film out of this given how thing one ends but oh well.

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