New Feature: Customize # Ratings Per Page

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New Feature: Customize # Ratings Per Page

Post by mpowell »

Just introducing a new bit of functionality which will allow you to control how many ratings are shown per page, on the Ratings & Reviews subpage for each title!


At the end of the ratings list, where you find the pagination, you'll now see an input allowing you to select the number of rows you'd like to see by default. This is a preference Criticker will remember, and the choices are distinct whether you're looking at the Detailed or Compact views:

Detailed: 25, 50, 100, 250
Compact: 100, 200, 500, 1000

Your preference will also be shown on the mobile version of the site.

Stay tuned for more updates based on the great feedback you've all been leaving! We hope this helps improve the experience and reduce the amount of clicking needed to get the information you're looking for!

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