Green Room played as Dungeons and Dragons

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Green Room played as Dungeons and Dragons

Post by JSchlansky »

We played through Jeremy Saulnier's incredibly suspenseful thriller Green Room in a super homebrewed 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. Christian and Adonis take on the roles of Pat and Reece and are dropped into the plot of the movie, but from there are able to make any decisions they wish. Our version is not on rails and could unfold in an entirely different way. A third player, Jake, takes control of Darcy and functions as the strategist for the skin-heads. He has a bankroll of $30,000 and a list of resources at his disposal with which to plan and execute. The costs for services and functions come directly from the film. There is a map for the club based on the film and I painstakingly noted down every single object that appears on screen in the green room for the players to do as they please with.

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Re: Green Room played as Dungeons and Dragons

Post by joelwatchesmovies »

:o Very cool!

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Re: Green Room played as Dungeons and Dragons

Post by JSchlansky »

Glad you like it. We've done Bone Tomahawk and The Descent previously if you're interested

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Re: Green Room played as Dungeons and Dragons

Post by JSchlansky »

Part 2 of 2 is up now.
Our D&D version of the film ends in a wildly different way.

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