What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Ideas to improve Criticker and new feature requests, as well as announcements about new enhancements.
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What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by djross »

This is an idea for something to go on the Kumpels page. It would read: "What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?" and there would be a box to enter a movie search. This would look the same as the movie search for tags or collections, but if you select a movie, then what you get is a collation of all your Kumpel scores and reviews for that particular movie.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by Pickpocket »

I think you can do this already, you just have to be on whatever movie you want to look up. Just click show my kumples.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by djross »

Thanks Pickpocket. I can't believe I never noticed that before.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by cagedwisdom »


Would be a good idea to have a search in place, so you could easily look up several films after each other without having to go through the amount of pages it takes to get to a film's page.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by mpowell »

We agree it'd be neat to have a mini-search function available right from the Kumpels page... I've added it to the list of enhancements as a low priority because, as has been noted, there's a roundabout way to get this information.

I removed a couple posts from this thread, in the spirit of civility.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by Pickpocket »

mpowell wrote:
I removed a couple posts from this thread, in the spirit of civility.

A couple of posts is just code for one post that I made.
Last edited by Pickpocket on Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: What do my Kumpels think of a particular movie?

Post by mpowell »

A couple of posts is just code for one post that I made.

Whoops... I apologize about that.

I thought I had deleted all the offending posts; it was an oversight (I missed one, but it's gone now). We're definitely not targeting any one user in our attempts to maintain a civil atmosphere.

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