Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

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Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

Post by Zarkon »

Given that TCI generation is limited for performance reasons, and considering the With Reviews tab for individual films already filters out most ratings (even The Matrix only has 786 text reviews), I think additional TCI computations should be performed when viewing this tab, ordered by TCI, since it's mostly useless at the moment.

A Better Tomorrow (1986):
3 reviews with TCI, 34 without
42 ratings with TCI, 541 without

The Foreigner (2017):
1 review with TCI, 42 without
26 ratings with TCI, 277 without

In both cases, there's >10 ratings with TCI to generate a PSI. If I view All Ratings, Order by TCI, I get a good impression of how my nearest users rated it. But the text reviews aren't similarly informative: there's no way to evaluate if what I'm reading is from the 1001st nearest user, or someone from the very bottom, because so few TCIs are displayed.

I'd be content if TCIs were "filled up to 10", i.e., generated randomly from the sub-1000 users until there's 10 sorted reviews, since at least that'll give me more context to the reviews than what's currently available.

A similar thing could be said of the Kumpels tab -- you can see your kumpels sorted by TCI on your Kumpels page, so why isn't this information available in the individual film pages?

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Re: Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

Post by CosmicMonkey »

I wonder if this is a bug that's specific to you (or you and a few other people). I never have problem with the sort by TCI, it always shows the full number of reviews and ratings for a film, and I even checked out the two films you mentioned and had no issues.

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Re: Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

Post by mpowell »

We do regenerate a "batch" of TCIs every time you look at a film's page, for exactly this reason. Periodically, we check whether we can increase the number included in that batch... I think this is basically what you're talking about. It's just a matter of speed and performance. How many can we regenerate before the loading time suffers too much?

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Re: Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

Post by Zarkon »

I'm specifically pointing out the cases where the current refresh rate is adequate for All Ratings but not for With Reviews, my criterion being the 10 TCI user threshold used in PSI calculation. Your response doesn't address whether there's any differentiation between the three tabs with regards to the balance between performance and informativeness, which is what I'm suggesting.

We do regenerate a "batch" of TCIs every time you look at a film's page, for exactly this reason.

I don't think it's exactly for this reason. For an extreme example: Why is it that when I load a page with the "Just Kumpels" tab and only one of my kumpels has seen the film, their TCI still shows up as "na" if they're not within the Top 1000 users? Computing and displaying that single TCI would be a better use of resources for the sake of informativeness than generating a random batch of TCIs that aren't even being displayed.

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Re: Improve TCI sorting for With Reviews/Kumpels

Post by mpowell »

Alright, that makes sense. We'll take a look into seeing how we can improve the selection process of which TCIs are regenerated. To clarify, it's not totally random -- they're chosen from the users which have seen the title. But I don't believe we filter them based on which tab you're looking at.

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