Organizing collections

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Organizing collections

Post by djross »

Currently, the way collections are organised on a film's page is as one giant list, which first lists public collections, then private collections, then one's own hidden collections. Within these categories, it seems that there is an ordering principle, maybe based on how many films are in the collection, but it isn't clear exactly what that principle is, and it mostly doesn't make it easy to find a particular collection on the list for films that have been added to many collections (for example, 2001: A Space Odyssey has close to 300 collections visible). I think this situation can be improved.

In fact, there are not three but rather five categories of collections visible for any user: one's own public collections; other public collections; one's own private collections; other private collections; one's own hidden collections. I would propose that the collections be organised into these five categories rather than the current three, and further that there should be a button for each category to make it drop down to visibility or pop back up. This alone would make the collections tab much less unwieldy.

Another possibility would be to be able to organise the collections list (or, better, categories within the collections list) according to various principles: number of films in the collection; alphabetically; number of stars, etc. If this is not implemented, I would suggest that listing the collections alphabetically would be preferable to the current method.

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Re: Organizing collections

Post by mpowell »

Thanks so much for these suggestions! We've opened a new enhancement report with these details, and will take a look into them hopefully soon.

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Re: Organizing collections

Post by MmzHrrdb »

are collections a different name for Lists? for example, if I want to do "My Favorite Films of 2020" is is the same ?

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