No longer able to attach an image?

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No longer able to attach an image?

Post by philamental »

I presume this may be a conscious redesign of the site rather than a bug, but I used to be able to upload an image and include it in my posts (very handy for the 'guess the image ...' thread) but when I tried this recently the option is no longer there.

Just checking is this a permanent change or will it be returning in the future?

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Re: No longer able to attach an image?

Post by mpowell »

As far back as I can remember, we've not allowed image uploading in our forums. Most users have been using the img tag and linking it to an image somewhere else on the internet, like on PhotoBucket.

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Re: No longer able to attach an image?

Post by philamental »

That's weird cause I was uploading images frequently and as recently as October in the 'guess the image' thread. All those images are now gone as you can see here ...


I guess you've answered my query (ie this functionality won't be returning), but it's odd that you weren't aware of it's recent existence

Thanks for the clarification

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Re: No longer able to attach an image?

Post by livelove »

advantage: saves site traffic (is that why the feature has been discontinued ?)
disadvantage: forum threads with missing images (image hosts disappear, some store images only for 3 months, etc.)

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