Problem with TCIs/PSIs

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Problem with TCIs/PSIs

Post by Ramy »

When I'm on a movie's page, there's a white box on the right side with the ratings that other users gave to that movie. (Show: All Rankings, Order By: TCI) I know that a movie's 'Probably Score' is determined by the ratings of the 10 users with tastes most similar to mine (TCI).

However, when I click on one of those users to visit their profile and then come back to the movie's page, their name disappears from the box. If that user was in my top 10 TCIs, it'll even change the 'Probably Score' of the movie. Is this intentional? :?

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Re: Problem with TCIs/PSIs

Post by dardan »

As you add more rankings or change previous ones the TCI becomes outdated and, unless you are a paying member, rarely if at all updates by itself. From what I understand updating TCI's requires manual actions like accessing someones profile page.

You can try this for yourself by going to 'You'-->'Best TCI's', click on some usernames and watch your TCI with them change. Remove a ranking you had in common with them, refresh and see how the TCI changes again.

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Re: Problem with TCIs/PSIs

Post by Ramy »

dardan wrote:As you add more rankings or change previous ones the TCI becomes outdated and, unless you are a paying member, rarely if at all updates by itself. From what I understand updating TCI's requires manual actions like accessing someones profile page.

You can try this for yourself by going to 'You'-->'Best TCI's', click on some usernames and watch your TCI with them change. Remove a ranking you had in common with them, refresh and see how the TCI changes again.

You're right. They don't actually disappear, their TCI just gets updated and they move down the list. That's why the movie's PSI changes, cause they moved out of the top 10.

But why isn't this done automatically?

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Re: Problem with TCIs/PSIs

Post by dardan »

Probably because it would require a significant amount of computing power to update this for everyone, which costs money.

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Re: Problem with TCIs/PSIs

Post by Ramy »

dardan wrote:Probably because it would require a significant amount of computing power to update this for everyone, which costs money.

Ah. :(

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