Forum Software Upgrade

Encounter an error, or something which isn't working correctly? Please, let us know
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Forum Software Upgrade

Post by mpowell »

You might have noticed that the forum's been down the last hour or so. We just upgraded to the new version of PHPBB, and it wasn't the easiest thing in the world.

(it's a lesson I should have learned years ago by now -- never do an upgrade on a Friday night!)

Anyway -- we THINK it's working now, but there may be erratic behavior in the forums which we haven't noticed. Please submit any problems here. Apologies for the downtime!

Posts: 405
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Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 6:22 pm

Re: Forum Software Upgrade

Post by iceblox »

No problem. I must say that's the quickest phpbb upgrade I've seen though. Other forums I know have been down for days for the upgrade. But they were much bigger sized forums, maybe that's why. Good going!

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