Franchise not appearing?

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Franchise not appearing?

Post by Geniasis »

Not sure if this is a bug or if the feature was just removed, but I know there used to be a section on entries where it was noted if a Movie/Game was part of a franchise and what it was, like Return of the King being part of the Lord of the Rings or Ocarina of Time being part fo the Legend of Zelda, but I'm not seeing that on any of them anymore.

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Re: Franchise not appearing?

Post by mattorama12 »

I came to report the same issue; franchise is no longer appearing for movies.

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Re: Franchise not appearing?

Post by mpowell »

Sorry about this one! It should be fixed now.

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Re: Franchise not appearing?

Post by BadCosmonaut »

Franchises were working for a bit, but now when on a movie page and you click the link to the Franchise page for that movie, then it loads the wrong URL which then results in a 404 error message page.

For example, on the Barbie (2023) page, if I click the "Barbie" link on the "Franchise: Barbie" line, then this is the URL it tries to load:

The issue is that letter e in front of the number at the end. It correct URL seems to be:

All franchises I checked are affected by this right now.

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Re: Franchise not appearing?

Post by mpowell »

This has been fixed! Sorry about that ... I know it had been fixed, but we must have accidentally introduced that "e" character.

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