Wesley Archer
Total Credits at Criticker: 1 (Actor), 8 (Director)
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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (1) | Director (8)
- The Goode Family: Pilot (2009) - S1 E1
- After-School Special (2009) - S1 E9
- Pleatherheads (2009) - S1 E2
- Goodes Gone Wild (2009) - S1 E3
- King of the Hill: Pilot (1997) - S1 E1
- Square Peg (1997) - S1 E2
- The Order of the Straight Arrow (1997) - S1 E3
- Hank's Got the Willies (1997) - S1 E4
- Luanne's Saga (1997) - S1 E5
- Hank's Unmentionable Problem (1997) - S1 E6
- Westie Side Story (1997) - S1 E7
- Shins of the Father (1997) - S1 E8
- Peggy the Boggle Champ (1997) - S1 E9
- Keeping Up with Our Joneses (1997) - S1 E10
- King of the Ant Hill (1997) - S1 E11
- Plastic White Female (1997) - S1 E12
- How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying (1997) - S2 E1
- Texas City Twister (1997) - S2 E2
- The Peggy Horror Picture Show (2007) - S11 E1
- Arrow Head (1997) - S2 E3
- Hilloween (1997) - S2 E4
- Jumpin' Crack Bass (1997) - S2 E5
- Husky Bobby (1997) - S2 E6
- The Man Who Shot Cane Skretteburg (1997) - S2 E7
- The Son That Got Away (1997) - S2 E8
- The Company Man (1997) - S2 E9
- Bobby Slam (1997) - S2 E10
- The Unbearable Blindness of Laying (1997) - S2 E11
- Meet the Manger Babies (1998) - S2 E12
- Snow Job (1998) - S2 E13
- I Remember Mono (1998) - S2 E14
- Three Days of the Kahndo (1998) - S2 E15
- Traffic Jam (1998) - S2 E16
- Hank's Dirty Laundry (1998) - S2 E17
- The Final Shinsult (1998) - S2 E18
- Leanne's Saga (1998) - S2 E19
- Junkie Business (1998) - S2 E20
- Life in the Fast Lane, Bobby's Saga (1998) - S2 E21
- Peggy's Turtle Song (1998) - S2 E22
- Propane Boom (1998) - S2 E23
- Death of a Propane Salesman (1998) - S3 E1
- And They Call It Bobby Love (1998) - S3 E2
- Peggy's Headache (1998) - S3 E3
- Queasy Rider (2003) - S7 E13
- Pregnant Paws (1998) - S3 E4
- Next of Shin (1998) - S3 E5
- Peggy's Pageant Fever (1998) - S3 E6
- Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men (1998) - S3 E7
- Good Hill Hunting (1998) - S3 E8
- Pretty, Pretty Dresses (1998) - S3 E9
- A Fire-fighting We Will Go (1999) - S3 E10
- To Spank with Love (1999) - S3 E11
- Three Coaches and a Bobby (1999) - S3 E12
- De-Kahnstructing Henry (1999) - S3 E13
- The Wedding of Bobby Hill (1999) - S3 E14
- Sleight of Hank (1999) - S3 E15
- Jon Vitti Presents: 'Return to La Grunta' (1999) - S3 E16
- Escape from Party Island (1999) - S3 E17
- Love Hurts and So Does Art (1999) - S3 E18
- Hank's Cowboy Movie (1999) - S3 E19
- Dog Dale Afternoon (1999) - S3 E20
- Revenge of the Lutefisk (1999) - S3 E21
- Death and Texas (1999) - S3 E22
- Girl, You'll Be a Giant Soon (2004) - S8 E18
- Wings of the Dope (1999) - S3 E23
- Take Me Out of the Ball Game (1999) - S3 E24
- As Old as the Hills (1999) - S3 E25
- Peggy Hill: The Decline and Fall (1999) - S4 E1
- Cotton's Plot (1999) - S4 E2
- To Kill a Ladybird (1999) - S4 E9
- Bobby Rae (2007) - S12 E2
- That's What She Said (2004) - S8 E10
- Patch Boomhauer (1997) - S8 E1
- Reborn to Be Wild (2003) - S8 E2
- New Cowboy on the Block (2003) - S8 E3
- The Incredible Hank (2003) - S8 E4
- Flirting with the Master (2003) - S8 E5
- After the Mold Rush (2003) - S8 E6
- Bystand Me (2005) - S10 E2
- Livin' on Reds, Vitamin C and Propane (2003) - S8 E7
- Rich Hank, Poor Hank (2004) - S8 E8
- Ceci N'est Pas Une King of the Hill (2004) - S8 E9
- My Hair Lady (2004) - S8 E11
- Phish and Wildlife (2004) - S8 E12
- Dale Be Not Proud (2004) - S8 E14
- Après Hank, le Deluge (2004) - S8 E15
- DaleTech (2004) - S8 E16
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Alamo (2004) - S8 E17
- Stressed for Success (2004) - S8 E19
- Hank's Back (2004) - S8 E20
- The Redneck on Rainey Street (2004) - S8 E21
- Talking Shop (2004) - S8 E22
- A Rover Runs Through It (2004) - S9 E1
- Ms. Wakefield (2004) - S9 E2
- Yard, She Blows! (2005) - S9 E4
- Dale to the Chief (2005) - S9 E5
- The Petriot Act (2005) - S9 E6
- Enrique-cilable Differences (2005) - S9 E7
- Care-Takin' Care of Business (2005) - S9 E9
- Arlen City Bomber (2005) - S9 E10
- The Courtship of Joseph's Father (2008) - S12 E18
- Smoking and the Bandit (2005) - S9 E12
- Gone with the Windstorm (2005) - S9 E13
- Bobby on Track (2005) - S9 E14
- It Ain't Over 'Til the Fat Neighbor Sings (2005) - S9 E15
- Hank's on Board (2005) - S10 E1
- Bill's House (2005) - S10 E3
- Harlottown (2005) - S10 E4
- Orange You Sad I Did Say Banana? (2005) - S10 E6
- You Gotta Believe (In Moderation) (2006) - S10 E7
- Business Is Picking Up (2006) - S10 E8
- Hank Fixes Everything (2006) - S10 E10
- Church Hopping (2006) - S10 E11
- 24 Hour Propane People (2006) - S10 E12
- Hank's Bully (2006) - S10 E14
- Edu-macating Lucky (2006) - S10 E15
- Serpunt (2007) - S11 E2
- Blood and Sauce (2007) - S11 E3
- Luanne Gets Lucky (2007) - S11 E4
- Hank Gets Dusted (2007) - S11 E5
- Glen Peggy Glen Ross (2007) - S11 E6
- The Passion of the Dauterive (2007) - S11 E7
- Grand Theft Arlen (2007) - S11 E8
- Peggy's Gone to Pots (2007) - S11 E9
- Bill, Bulk and the Body Buddies (2007) - S11 E11
- Lucky's Wedding Suit (2007) - S11 E12
- Suite Smells of Excess (2007) - S12 E1
- The Powder Puff Boys (2007) - S12 E3
- Four Wave Intersection (2007) - S12 E4
- Death Picks Cotton (2007) - S12 E5
- Raise the Steaks (2007) - S12 E6
- Tears of an Inflatable Clown (2007) - S12 E7
- Dream Weaver (2007) - S12 E9
- Doggone Crazy (2008) - S12 E10
- Untitled Blake McCormick Project (2008) - S12 E12
- The Accidental Terrorist (2008) - S12 E13
- Lady and Gentrification (2008) - S12 E14
- Behind Closed Doors (2008) - S12 E15
- Pour Some Sugar on Kahn (2008) - S12 E16
- Cops and Robert (2008) - S12 E20
- It Came from the Garage (2008) - S12 E21
- Life: A Loser's Manual (2008) - S12 E22
- Dia-BILL-ic Shock (2008) - S13 E1
- Itchy & Scratchy Land (1994) - S6 E4
- Treehouse of Horror (1990) - S2 E3
- Homer's Odyssey (1990) - S1 E3
- Moaning Lisa (1990) - S1 E6
- The Call of the Simpsons (1990) - S1 E7
- The Crepes of Wrath (1990) - S1 E11
- Rosebud (1993) - S5 E4
- Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish (1990) - S2 E4
- Bart the Daredevil (1990) - S2 E8
- One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish (1991) - S2 E11
- Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (1991) - S2 E15
- Three Men and a Comic Book (1991) - S2 E21
- Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington (1991) - S3 E2
- Bart vs. Australia (1995) - S6 E16
- The Otto Show (1992) - S3 E22
- New Kid on the Block (1992) - S4 E8
- I Love Lisa (1993) - S4 E15
- $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) (1993) - S5 E10
- Homer Loves Flanders (1994) - S5 E16
- Lady Bouvier's Lover (1994) - S5 E21
- Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy (1994) - S6 E10
- Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two (1995) - S7 E1
- Bart Sells His Soul (1995) - S7 E4
- Two Bad Neighbors (1996) - S7 E13
- The Day the Violence Died (1996) - S7 E18
- Homerpalooza (1996) - S7 E24
- Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch (2003) - S5 E5
- The Why of Fry (2003) - S5 E8
- Hamburger Dinner Theater (2011) - S1 E5
- Spaghetti Western and Meatballs (2011) - S1 E9
- Bob Day Afternoon (2012) - S2 E2
- Beefsquatch (2012) - S2 E9
- Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks (2012) - S3 E7
- Nude Beach (2013) - S3 E11
- Two for Tina (2013) - S3 E17
- The Unnatural (2013) - S3 E23
- The Ricklantis Mixup (2017) - S3 E7
- Rest and Ricklaxation (2017) - S3 E6
- A Rickle in Time (2015) - S2 E1
- Promortyus (2020) - S4 E7
- The Vat of Acid Episode (2020) - S4 E8
- Mortyplicity (2021) - S5 E2
- Childrick of Mort (2020) - S4 E9
- Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri (2020) - S4 E10
- A Rickconvenient Mort (2021) - S5 E3
- Rickdependence Spray (2021) - S5 E4
- Amortycan Grickfitti (2021) - S5 E5
- Rick & Morty's Thanksploitation Spectacular (2021) - S5 E6
- Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion (2021) - S5 E7
- Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort (2021) - S5 E8
- Bethic Twinstinct (2022) - S6 E3
- Night Family (2022) - S6 E4
- Final DeSmithation (2022) - S6 E5
- Juricksic Mort (2022) - S6 E6
- Full Meta Jackrick (2022) - S6 E7
- Analyze Piss (2022) - S6 E8
- A Rick in King Mortur's Mort (2022) - S6 E9
- Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation (2022) - S6 E10
- How Poopy Got His Poop Back (2023) - S7 E1
- The Princess of Darkness (2018) - S1 E3
- Dreamland Falls (2018) - S1 E10
- Our Bodies, Our Elves (2019) - S2 E5
The Goode Family (2009) - TV Series
Your probable score
King of the Hill (1997) - TV Series
Your probable score
The Simpsons (1989) - TV Series
Your probable score
Futurama (1999) - TV Series
Your probable score
Bob's Burgers (2011) - TV Series
Your probable score
Rick and Morty (2013) - TV Series
Your probable score
Disenchantment (2018) - TV Series
Your probable score