Criticker Newbie - 3 Film Ratings
Member Since: 02 Feb 2012
Location: White, Georgia, USA
TCI: not enough ratings
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Bio: An open minded individual.

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83 66% The Fall (2008) - Rated 13 Sep 2012
"The word you'll hear a lot to describe this movie is beautiful. You won't be disappointed by the visuals or the music but the film lacks an ending worthy of all this buildup. Instead we get kind of a mishmash of director pokes in the side as we see the stories characters and plot devices in the real world. It's almost too artistic at times and not quite certain if it wants to be taken seriously or not. You'll mildly care for the characters but not as much as you'd like to. Definitely worth a go."
67 0% Audition (1999) - Rated 03 Feb 2012
"A memorable end to an overall ok movie. Was expecting it to run a bit longer than it did. It's pretty tragic, both victims were in a way auditioning to eachother and it's most notable scene will definitely stay with you. The tension builds quite nicely and the performances are very good but like most horror films I was never scared. The gore was intense but the creepier stuff never bothers me all that much. Although I admit it does get pretty disturbing very quickly. Deeper, deeper, deeper."
73 33% The Tree of Life (2011) - Rated 02 Feb 2012
"The Tree of Life is a beautiful film worthy of it's own art gallery. But where it shines in cinematography and sound it fails in story telling and character development. If there's a message here, it's not very clear. It tries to portray God as love and beauty and nature as ugly and evil but to any sane person watching this film you'll be completely put off by that notion. But God aside the family isn't particularly interesting and other then a few montage moments we rarely get to know them."