
Criticker Newbie - 3 Film Ratings
Member Since: 14 Jul 2020
Location: USA
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0% The Iron Giant (1999) - Rated 14 Jul 2020
"I saw this film as a kid and I thought it was a bit better then most of the animated films I watched but rewatching it now, it is a work of art that deserves more appreciation. I know this movie has a small cult status with people saying it deserved more love, but frankly they're only saying it because it's so true. If you have a heart, that final scene is sure to make you tear up, particularly if you are a lifelong Superman fan like I am."
100 0% Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) - Rated 14 Jul 2020
"A timeless classic and easily the funniest movie I've ever seen. Holy Grail is not just a funny movie, it is a movie that I have found to define what I think is funny. I will make passing references to it to amuse myself every other day or so just walking around. It is the antithesis of the comedy you laugh at once and then never think about again."
100 0% Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) - Rated 14 Jul 2020
"Most likely the most underrated film, definitely that I've seen, Dawn of Justice is a film about the recognition of shared humanity, of understanding that the dehumanization of others leads up to dehumanizing ourselves. There's so much good I can say about this movie. I just adore it. In almost every way I will defend this movie to the death; it's characters, plot, and symbolism are all both timeless and iconic yet also impart a message important for the times."