
Criticker Newbie - 5 Film Ratings
Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
Location: Mason, Ohio, USA
TCI: not enough ratings
Films in Common: 0
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Bio: 18. College freshman. English major. Avid listmaker. Interested in discovering new (and good) movies, music, and books.

more Recent Ratings

95 0% Fight Club (1999) - Rated 08 Mar 2011
"Chuck Palahniuk is a genius for having written such an incredible story. David Fincher did a wonderful job of adapting it into a film. It's one of my favorites."
78 0% Love Songs (2007) - Rated 08 Mar 2011
"A fun, interesting, perhaps thought-provoking film. I loved the soundtrack."
80 0% Bright Star (2009) - Rated 08 Mar 2011
"As someone who completely adores John Keats, I can't completely write off this movie. That's the number one reason why I found it as enjoyable as I did. Someone who doesn't know of him or doesn't particularly enjoy his writing may not feel the same way. Personally, I found myself completely wrapped up in the story. At times, yes, it was slow, but in the end it was engaging and easy to fall in love with their story. (Or, you know, Keats himself. Is that strange?)"
95 0% Dead Poets Society (1989) - Rated 08 Mar 2011
"Hands down, one of my favorites. And as some of the other reviewers said, it was very inspirational."
100 0% Amélie (2001) - Rated 08 Mar 2011
"Easily one of my favorite movies. Everything about it is wonderful, especially the characters. With most films, I can pick out one scene in particular as a favorite for whatever reason. With this one, I found that incredibly difficult to do, as it was fantastic from beginning to end."