
Flick Fan - 11 Film Ratings
Member Since: 26 Sep 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA
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86 31% The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) - Rated 27 Sep 2009
"I'm a sucker for beautiful visuals and Tom Waits songs, and those aspects nearly made this film great. The director is a deft storyteller making bold choices, especially opening. Acting is great, soundtrack wonderful. The most interesting part of the film is it's unreliable narrator, who is revealed as something of a selfish jerk. The film could perhaps have stayed closer to the book and gone more inside his head for more empathy. The distance makes it more of a mood piece than character study."
94 77% Minority Report (2002) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"based off a story by phillip k dick and deeply stylish, Minority Report stands out from Spielberg's safer (if still masterful) films. The stylization would be gimmicky if the design, attention to detail, and contrast of gritty and sleek weren't handled so well. Great acting from Cruise and Morton especially, the film tackles a heady concept of predestination that manages to keep Spielberg's trademark human element. A few gimmicks and attempts at humor distract, but my favorite of Spielberg's."
65 4% I Heart Huckabees (2004) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"A bizarre film, I Heart Huckabees struggles between satirical deadpan and wacky romp, and would have been better had it commited to either. The movie works rides on the strength of it's cast (especially dustin hoffman) and a few truly funny scenes, but the comic timing is far off and the movie often seems as unsure as it's characters. The novelty of play with philosophy concepts like dolls also sets it apart, but the ending chooses to err toward comedy and ends with a chuckle and a thud."
85 22% Se7en (1995) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"A taut thriller that tries, often successfully, to be more than just that. The set up is a bit high-concept, but the film is best when it leaves the crime scenes for quiet moments and a phenomenal chase scene. Ending is good not great: wrenchingly affecting but it ends with a statement that doesn't leave the viewer thinking. One hell of a ride, with beautiful cinematography and great if sometimes clumsy acting, seven is somewhat less forgettable than other police procedurals. not for the timid."
80 13% 9 (2009) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"A movie that just needed a few more talented people working on it, 9 suceeds on the efforts of Shane Acker. The visuals are gorgeous with the level of detail and creativity that surpasses Ratatouille, and set a (very different) mood almost as effectively. A simple story with an ambiguous ending, 9 could have been excellent with a stronger script. The dialogue in particular is terrible. Voice acting is good, pacing fine, and any movie with a cobra-spider-robot-creepydoll gets my vote."
88 50% Synecdoche, New York (2008) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"The best film i didn't enjoy watching, SNY is a wallow in desperateness from start to finish. Kaufman treats his whimsical premise without wonder, and turns the movie into a fractured and ugly study of a lonely man searching for connection and meaning. Initially repulsive, I think because very few movies bring their ugly questions to the front so brutally. Certain scenes are heartrending, certain scenes are bizarelly humorous. Storytelling could be defter, but it's a first with a lot of promise."
95 86% Fight Club (1999) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"Everythings been said about this movie, truly one of the greats. I'd go gay for Brad Pitt in an instant. I think some of the stylization (like Pitt's shaky monologue to the camera) distract on repeat viewings and could be done without. Brutal and Challenging."
96 95% The Fall (2008) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"The most visually imaginative film i've seen, The Fall finally comes up with some substance in it's story for a wonderful finale. Set in the imagination of a little girl (a wonderful and adorable Catinka Untaru) hearing an invalids tale in exchange for fetching drugs. There are dark undertones throughout, growing to a pitch at the end, but there are moments of humor and, oddly, deadpan, that give the movie a unique tone. Decent acting, simple story well told. big expectations for Tarsem's next."
87 40% Into the Wild (2007) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"This adaptation of John Krakauer's bestseller suceeds on merits very different that the book, which was more of a musing on the drive that pushes people past their reason into danger and wildness. The movie is more of a character study, following Chris M as he travels and meets people who impact (or try to impact) him. The movieambles to an inevitable climax far better than expected. Actors lack some connection and the film is somewhat hit or miss, but certain scenes are brilliant and memorable."
90 59% Big Fish (2003) - Rated 26 Sep 2009
"Burton's tall tale stands out from both in it's tone (peaceful and light to the usual grim camp) as well as it's strength as a story. The production is beautiful, but even without them the story of a son trying to connect with his father who has turned his life into fables works on the strength of it's script and packs a wallop that almost got me crying (not a cryer). The good if somewhat random cast, especially Albert Finney's turn as the elder Edward Bloom. Some lagging hurts rewatch value."