Criticker Newbie - 6 Film Ratings
Member Since: 06 Jan 2007
Location: USA
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100 0% In the Name of the Father (1993) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"This is the film that made me become an actor. I had started doing theatre and was unsure of my path until I was given this film to watch. A masterpiece by Jim Sheridan and an amazing performance by the great Daniel Day-Lewis that will fuel any true actor."
100 0% The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"Wes Anderson's most recent and greatest achievement. I was working on a screenplay at the time when I first saw this film and it changed my whole perspective on filmmaking. As an actor, filmmaker, and a writer I am forever fueled by this film."
100 0% Fallen Angels (1995) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"Wong Kar Wai is one of the most passionate filmmakers out there today. This is a personal favorite."
100 0% The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"An amazing achievement in directing for Martin Scorsese. This is the Scorsese film that gets over looked and it if you have then please go back to it. It is the best picture about the duel age of Christ. Amazing performances, top notch cinematography, and an amazing score by Peter Gabriel."
100 0% The Thin Red Line (1998) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"The 90's were a great decade for cinema, giving 2 films (Heat, The Thin Red Line) that were truly original and flawless. The Thin Red Line is only Malick's third film, but it is riveting and to date holds the record of the best war picture ever made. It was robbed of it's well deserved oscars by the more mediocre Saving Private Ryan. This is the film that seperates a true lover of cinema from the average movie goer."
100 0% Heat (1995) - Rated 06 Jan 2007
"It is very rare and not often when a flawless film comes along. This is one of those films. This is Michael Mann's masterpiece, telling a truly original story with his sleek and emotional style, that will make him one of the greatest directors of all time."