Overall Star Rankings

  • fredericg54

    #1 - frederic_g54 has 4692 stars from 644 users

    Oppenheimer Oppenheimer - frederic_g54's Most Popular Review
    5 - What a waste of celluloid. When your 3-hour dialogue-heavy film gets drowned nearly every second by its music score, that’s a sign you were anything but confident about your story and characters to begin with. I wouldn’t have been bothered by this if Nolan had an Aaron Sorkin-esque talent for writing dialogue, but we all know that’s not the case. My score also directly reflects my annoyance vis-à-vis Nolan’s arrogance and self-indulgence for using miles of IMAX film just to film people talking.
  • martinteller

    #2 - MartinTeller has 5273 stars from 604 users

    Groundhog Day Groundhog Day - MartinTeller's Most Popular Review
    72 - You will not be permitted to continue your life until you fuck Andie MacDowell. THE GODS DEMAND THAT YOU GET INSIDE ANDIE MACDOWELL'S PANTS.
  • alex_watkins

    #3 - Alex Watkins has 4710 stars from 569 users

    Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now - Alex Watkins's Most Popular Review
    6 - My favorite film, a surreal, haunting, visually flamboyant masterpiece. It's one awe-inspiring sequence after another, from the "Ride of the Valkyries" bombing to the incredibly nightmarish encounter at the Do Luong bridge. ("Who's your commanding officer?" "Ain't you?") Few other epics so freely embrace their own insanity, and it works to brilliant effect. Some movies transcend their genres; this one transcends its medium. This is the end...
  • kasperl

    #4 - KasperL has 8135 stars from 567 users

    District 9 District 9 - KasperL's Most Popular Review
    90 - Science fiction is, for me, all about the world that is created. More often than not it is the vision as a whole, rather than the plot, that sticks - and what a world Blomkamp creates here! Nevermind the allegory, this is about faultlessly realized aliens and mindblowingly cool weaponry. It's pure fun and, for once, a mockumentary framing device works very well, meshing seamlessly with the mindless action. Oh, and Copley does a great job, too, as the weird but loveable Wikus.
  • ytadel

    #5 - Ytadel has 5193 stars from 545 users

    Jack Jack - Ytadel's Most Popular Review
    1 - Francis Ford Coppola's masterful followup to The Godfather saga.
  • moribunny

    #6 - Moribunny has 3612 stars from 544 users

    Chinatown Chinatown - Moribunny's Most Popular Review
    98 - Polanski does a wonderful job, the cast does a wonderful job, but Robert Towne's script steals the show. After a thousand little pieces fall right into place at the very last scene, the sheer perfection of this story hits you, hard.
  • pickpocket

    #7 - Pickpocket has 4699 stars from 543 users

    Lost in Translation Lost in Translation - Pickpocket's Most Popular Review
    10 - I love it. It's just nice to look at all the beautiful scenery, very dreamy. I can always pop this in if I'm having a bad day and feel infinitely better. Also, the soundtrack is perfect and Kevin Shields should be forced to work on more films. Bill Murray is always immensely watchable and it's no different here. One of my favorites.
  • barthalen

    #8 - Barthalen has 7933 stars from 530 users

    Jurassic World Jurassic World - Barthalen's Most Popular Review
    48 - "..and as you can see" the head accountant continues, "adding the Poochiesaurus Rex boosts expected revenue to ridiculous heights." The Omni Consumer Products execs applaud. "Once we realised we could simply copy the original product and replace its 'suspense' and 'sense of wonder' with our InsultinglyContrivedBullshit formula, we got results! We present to you... Jurassic World!". A reanimated dinosaur corpse shuffles into the room. It opens its crooked, drooling maw. Money falls out. Applause.
  • mentaculus

    #9 - Mentaculus has 4466 stars from 518 users

    Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi - Mentaculus's Most Popular Review
    85 - Last Jedi manages to intercut a dozen characters of consequence between and through scenes, across the universe and within internal states, and somehow keep its core logic unscathed. And that logic is founded on a sly disregard for fan service. You want proclamations of heredity and lore? Go watch the Prequels. When Luke tosses his lightsaber, he dismisses an entire cottage industry built on safety and expectation. It's a blockbuster looking forward and not back. The sacred texts are burning.
  • billyshears

    #10 - BillyShears has 14215 stars from 513 users

    The Witch The Witch - BillyShears's Most Popular Review
    90 - Nothing really sets a movie's tone faster than a baby in a mortar and pestle.
Showing 1 - 10 of 8365 results