Overall Star Rankings

  • boulder862

    #7321 - Boulder862 has 1 stars from 1 users

    Europa Report Europa Report - Boulder862's Most Popular Review
    90 - "I loved it."
  • sindret89

    #7322 - SindreT89 has 1 stars from 1 users

    Citizen Kane Citizen Kane - SindreT89's Most Popular Review
    82 - "En av de største klassikerne. En historie som gjennomgår livet til Charlie Kane, gjennom øynene og ørene til en journalist. Kane varen mann som i en alder av 25 arvet verdens sjette største finansimperium, men på tross av alt han hadde materielt ikke klarte å beholde eller skape noe som virkelig betydde noe. En selvsentrert mann som til slutt endte opp som en ensom gammel herremann. En bunnsolid film, som blir fortalt i et behagelig tempo, og i en interessant form."
  • fufu

    #7323 - fufu has 1 stars from 1 users

    The Farewell The Farewell - fufu's Most Popular Review
    75 - "nice versus between east culture and west"
  • wandar

    #7324 - Wandar has 1 stars from 1 users

    A.I. Artificial Intelligence A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Wandar's Most Popular Review
    92 - "One of my favorite movies but the last 20 minutes should be cut."
  • santaaa

    #7325 - santAAA has 1 stars from 1 users

    The Ring Two The Ring Two - santAAA's Most Popular Review
    28 - "recycled version of the original. barely solves any loose ends, and when it does, it just creates new ones. no idea why they didn't stick to the japanese plot line."
  • evolving

    #7326 - evolving has 1 stars from 1 users

    Three Monkeys Three Monkeys - evolving's Most Popular Review
    78 - "An example of how a weak story with cliched scenarios can be uplifted to great heights with mastery in craftsmanship."
  • victordino

    #7327 - VictorDino has 1 stars from 1 users

    Evil Dead II Evil Dead II - VictorDino's Most Popular Review
    15 - "Even worse than the first one. It doesn't even worry about the predecessor's events, showing some of them differently."
  • ivory_tusk

    #7328 - Ivory Tusk has 1 stars from 1 users

    No Country for Old Men No Country for Old Men - Ivory Tusk's Most Popular Review
    85 - "the most unconventional addition to the thriller genre since film noir. Silent, brutal and surprising, like the two antagonists, this movie has no respect for action-, drama- or thriller-genre-specific standards, and thus keeps you engaged despite its slow speed and long runtime."
  • forrester

    #7329 - Forrester has 1 stars from 1 users

    The Hole The Hole - Forrester's Most Popular Review
    90 - "One of the best prison escape films I've ever seen. I never thought it would be so exciting to see a group of prisoners digging tunnels. The lack of music makes the film suspenseful and gives it a very realistic feel. I really had the feeling like I was there with the prisoners, and you really hope they succeed in digging the tunnel without the guards noticing. The ending was a shocker and I'm still in awe of it."
  • bugglec

    #7330 - bugglec has 1 stars from 1 users

    300 300 - bugglec's Most Popular Review
    50 - "Kinda gay."
Showing 7321 - 7330 of 8318 results