Overall Star Rankings

  • filmfreak88

    #11271 - 6 stars for filmfreak88's Review of Trance

    Trance 50 - "Boyle's stylistic flourishes could not elevate what is essentially a contrived, messy, and nonsensical concept with a decent enough execution."
  • sirstuckey

    #11272 - 6 stars for SirStuckey's Review of Blue Jasmine

    Blue Jasmine 80 - "If I was as good at anything as Cate Blanchett is at acting I probably would be spending my time doing that thing and not writing mini reviews on Criticker."
  • frederika

    #11273 - 6 stars for FrederikA's Review of The Artist

    The Artist 85 - "On the surface a stylistic exercise meant to evoke cinematic nostalgia in its use of an outdated film language, but because of the craftsmanship involved and the uncanny talent found in Dujardin (seriously, he MUST be a genetically engineered hybrid of Gene Kelly, Errol Flynn and Clark Gable) The Artist emerges as a instant classic on the level with some of the best golden age Hollywood films it imitates."
  • fredericg54

    #11274 - 6 stars for frederic_g54's Review of The Artist

    The Artist 9 - ""We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!" This rings true more than ever in Hazanavicius' homage to silent film, at one time the industry's, now long forgotten norm. While Dujardin and Bejo understand each other perfectly, we must pick it up through every laugh, tear, and captivating gaze; In many ways quintessential to their on-screen chemistry. While the story doesn't take too many risks (such was mostly the case), the characters play off each other perfectly and the score is an absolute treat."
  • alex_watkins

    #11275 - 6 stars for Alex Watkins's Review of The Shining

    The Shining 6 - "Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece; an artful vision of the macabre that is unmatched within the genre. Unsettling and flat-out scary as hell at times, with incredibly haunting imagery and unbearable tension. It also has what is certainly one of the best scores of any movie ever made, and it ratchets up the fright factor another notch during the last half-hour. Stanley Kubrick isn't among my very favorites, but this movie is essentially perfect. I'm in the minority, but this is my favorite of his."
  • barthalen

    #11276 - 6 stars for Barthalen's Review of Wonder Women

    Wonder Women 35 - "The 'Luke Skywalker meets Austin Powers'-looking protagonist murders miniskirt wearing evil Charlie's Angels with a sawn-off shotgun in a steamy jungle. Sid Haig, dressed as a Victorian nobleman, backstabs a basketballer-turned-mad-cyborg with a swordcane. The main villain is a crazy surgeon lady that developed a brainsex-machine and somehow isn't the richest person in the multiverse. And the driving/stunt scenes look irresponsibly unsafe. Despite all this, the movie still sucked Wonder Balls."
  • bunken

    #11277 - 6 stars for Bunken's Review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier 60 - "Marvel definitely know their shit, but it doesn't change the fact that CA imo is a pretty uninteresting super hero. And since all the Marvel stories now take place after The Avengers, why don't Steve Rogers just call his green, iron and demi god friends? Or are they not interested in keeping world peace unless they are the main character? I know, thats not how it works, but it would make sense... And the 3D - f#%$~g useless and at times annoyingly disturbing!"
  • kojiless

    #11278 - 6 stars for Kojiless's Review of Safe

    Safe 50 - "A past-his-prime white male frolicking about New York with an 11-year old Asian girl who's good at math? It's Woody Allen's life with 175% more fisticuffs."
  • kevinjoseph

    #11279 - 6 stars for kevinjoseph's Review of Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas 72 - "Well, I was pleasantly surprised. Cloud Atlas is tremendously entertaining. The 164 min run time felt like 90, tops. Not earth-shattering, but refreshingly philosophical. The film's six stories are wildly different in tone and substance, and I can't tell whether those drastic shifts were a weakness or a strength (probably both. It varied). It was sometimes shallow / heavy-handed, but all in all, I love me some nonlinear storytelling, and Cloud Atlas scratched that itch six times over."
  • pickpocket

    #11280 - 6 stars for Pickpocket's Review of Hard Boiled

    Hard Boiled 9 - "This movie is like playing Doom on God mode. Who cares about story when the action is this good? And plus there's almost no scenes without a dude getting shot and blood going everywhere so quit complaining about story, you know what you're getting and it's awesome."
Showing 11271 - 11280 of 17948 results