Det nya landet
Det nya landet
Your probable score
Det nya landet

Det nya landet

Comedy, Drama
TV Movie
3h 52m
A 15 year old Somalian boy meets a 40 year old Iranian man on a refugee camp in Skåne, in the south of Sweden... (imdb)

Det nya landet

Comedy, Drama
TV Movie
3h 52m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 67.42% from 42 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Aug 2017
A quirky indie road movie and one of Sweden's best of the decade. The contrary lead pair are grating at first, but after 25 minutes they become quite the ideal "odd couple" for a movie about immigrants, tolerance and finding yourself. After they team up with a fallen beauty queen and a prodigal teenager the entertainment only grows bigger. The movie is pretty dynamic while also finding time for character moments and quiet introspection. Everyone learns a lesson - cheesy but meaningful fun.


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