Safe & Sound
Safe & Sound
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Safe & Sound

Safe & Sound

Drama, Sci-fi
Electric Dreams - Season: 1, Episode: 9 - All Episodes
A teenage girl and her activist mother move from a luddite bubble to a large city where people have given up their privacy in exchange of comfort and safety.

Safe & Sound

Drama, Sci-fi
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 58.06% from 28 total ratings

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Rated 04 Jan 2021
ger; [Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: Safe and Sound; Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: Fosters neue Welt]; eine Mutter kommt mit ihrer Tochter von einer isolierten Gemeinde im Urlaub zur Großstadt - doch schnell haben technologische Zwänge die Tochter im Griff.; (unglaubwürdig als die Bombe motiviert wird);
Rated 07 Feb 2018
I really enjoyed Safe & Sound. It has great visuals with a good use of colour from the costumes and the lighting to establish tone and mood, rather than a camera filter. The plot of manipulation, deception and making hard choices is great, with a confirming reveal at the end and a sense of unease throughout. The commentary on privacy versus security comes into play a lot, presenting the benefits of both, leaving the viewer to face their own biases.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
Poor social commentary on privacy and security that's never fully formed and leaves it's implications open to interpretation. Also, it crosses a line fairly early on where the manipulation of the main character induced some spasmodic like cringes in me. Highly unrealistic, the technology seemed pretty plausible, but I find it hard to believe humans are that gullible, maybe I'm wrong.


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