Alexander Adolph

Alexander Adolph

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Director), 4 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Director (3) | Writer (4)

    Kleine Schwester
    A German Boarder Patrol Woman gets in trouble with her sister, who sinks deeper into the neo nazi scene.
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    So glücklich war ich noch nie
    An impostor who is just released from prison is unable to change his lifestyle.
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    Die Hochstapler
    In this riveting documentary, Alexander Adolph has four lifelong con men describe how they con and what drives them to do it. (imdb)
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    Der letzte Angestellte
    A troubled lawyer finds himself unable to deal with the last employee of a company he has liquidated - she just doesn't seem to want to leave. Creepily atmospheric in the vein of The Grudge and Dark Water, the chills give way to shock and moments of spectacular gore. (
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