Mai Nishida

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)

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    Kyoto uzumasa monogatari
    A love story set in the ancient quarter Uzumasa in Kyoto, grew up around the legendary Shochiku film studios. Kyoko is a part-time librarian, who also helps her parents with their drycleaning shop. Her boyfriend Kota is the son of a Tofu maker and aspires to become a successful stand-up comedian. A sinologist from Tokyo falls in love with Kyoko and asks her to follow him and leave the city.
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    Monoroi (2009) - TV Movie
    A long time ago, dozens of prostitutes were murdered in the deep countryside. Even today, the inhabitants sometimes hear the cruel laments of the tortured ... but it is especially foreigners, passing through the region, who would have the most to fear ... Broadcast on TV at the end of 2009 and published on DVD in March 2010, MONOROI is a horrific drama that does not play in the category of many DTVs that abound in Japan. Far from being broke, MONOROI even allows the presence ... (echecetcinemat)
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    A young girl learns of the urban legend of Teke Teke after her friend is killed in a gruesome way. The legend tells of a female ghost that has no legs. When she visits the spot where her friend died she comes into contact with it. (imdb)
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