
Criticker Newbie - 4 Film Ratings
Member Since: 26 Oct 2017
Location: Canada
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Bio: Fizzlesticks from YouTube, host of Fizzle Talks. Also an artist and gamer.

more Recent Ratings

100 75% Logan (2017) - Rated 26 Oct 2017
"A rare instance of the perfect movie, and a long overdue one at that. Finally, we see Wolverine goring people, and get a fully engaging well-conceived plot that makes full use of its long running time."
0% The Emoji Movie (2017) - Rated 26 Oct 2017
"A painful experience through and through. Essentially a 90 minute advertisement for cell phone apps. It's a rip-off of many superior films, such as Wreck-It Ralph, The Lego Movie, and Inside Out without any of the charm those films had."
93 50% Adaptation. (2002) - Rated 26 Oct 2017
"A quirky, awkward film that, whilst seemingly mundane, is a compelling journey. Also, Nicholas Cage plays off himself very well."
25% Ratchet and Clank (2016) - Rated 26 Oct 2017
"Painfully lazy and unfunny. It's the game's cutscenes strung together without gameplay to pad the experience and writing catering solely to the youngest of movie enthusiasts."