
Movie Buff - 447 Film Ratings
Member Since: 16 Apr 2011
Location: ThatIsConfidentialInformation, MD, USA
TCI: not enough ratings
Films in Common: 0
Not in Your Top 1000 TCIs
Bio: I AM A HUMAN!!!! My rating system is 0-10:
10=Almost perfect (You must watch, or else)

9=Favorite (You have to watch these or else you have not experienced true joy)

8=Great (You really should watch these movies)

7=Good (I would recommend this movie)

6=A little good (If they seem like something you would like then watch them)

5=Mediocre (Meh, decide yourself)

4=Bad (Don't watch)

3=Terrible (Really do not watch)

2=Very terrible (Seriously, DO NOT WATCH)

1=extremely terrible (DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT WATCH, it would not be pleasurable at all)

0=Not even worht thinking about enough to rate; horrendous ( I think the other descripition is enough)

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