Search found 1 match: Jean Rollin

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by Guest
Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:23 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Favourite Horror Films
Replies: 37
Views: 24612

Re: Favourite Horror Films

According to my ratings:

Suspiria - This isn't just a horror movie in my mind, but a phantasmagoria of pure cinematic wonder. There are only four movies that I've given a 100 rating, and this is one of them.

Vampyres - Silly and nonsensical at times, but I like the atmosphere and attractive lead actresses (one of which was in Playboy). The best lesbian vampire movie I've seen thus far.

The Exorcist - I've watched this more times than I can count and it still delivers the raw shocks. I'm still amazed that the crucifix scene made it onto the screen.

Evil Dead & Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn - Though I'm not as impressed by these movies today as I was during my teen years, I have to give them credit for creating the spark that got me interested in other horror movies. Evil Dead 2 actually helped inspire my interest in movies in general because it was one of the first movies that got me excited about the magic the medium had to offer.

Haxan - Filled with crazy images. The 60s version with William Burroughs is my favorite, particularly due to the jazz score.

I Spit On Your Grave - Not really a horror movie, in my opinion, but a really nasty rape/revenge drama that is so graphic that it got stuffed into the horror category anyway. I fully admit that the movie has its flaws (the Matthew character in particular), but this is a visceral experience. Certainly no one can claim that anemic Hollywood fare like The Brave One can even hold a candle. This is High Art.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) - A relentless barrage of screaming and chainsaw revving. I've always thought like I could feel the wind from the chainsaw blades on my neck during the final chase scene. The true genius behind this movie is that I feel like I witnessed a bloodbath, but barely a drop is ever seen on screen. One of the greatest exercises in psychological brutality I've ever seen.

Blood Freak - A movie that is so ridiculuos and incompetent that it transcends any rational evaluation. Sometimes awfulness comes together so perfectly that it creates a beauty that no amount of technical genius could come up with on purpose.

Mystics in Bali - Totally nuts. If you want to sustain the bizarre euphoria achieved during Blood Freak, put this movie in immediately afterward. Once the floating head attacks the pregnant woman, your mind will never be the same.

Jigoku - Visually impressive throughout, but the ending is a literal journey through Hell that should appeal to marijuana afficionados and gore historians (since the blood and violence in Jigoku predates even Bloodfeast). A sustained nightmare.

Event Horizon - This movie scared me witless (and the other thing, too) for years. I've never thought of it as a very good movie by most standards, but it creates an impressive feeling of doom.

Zombie 2 - Not at all scary, but most certainly funny.

Les Raisins de la mort - I've seen a couple of other movies by director Jean Rollin, which are an acquired taste to say the least, but this one is actually pretty good. The decapitation scene is one of my favorites.

Return of the Living Dead - A staple of my adolescent years. It's fun, it's gory and I never get tired of it.

Cannibal Holocaust
God Told Me To
The Gore Gore Girls
Crypt of Dark Secrets
Dawn of the Dead
Black Magic
The Boxer's Omen
Witchfinder General
Dawn of the Dead
Daughters of Darkness
An American Werewolf in London
Two Thousand Maniacs
A Bay of Blood
Leopard Man