Search found 1 match: Benedict Cumberbatch

Searched query: benedict cumberbatch

by Stewball
Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:05 pm
Forum: Movie-Specific
Topic: "The Jungle Book" (2016)
Replies: 2
Views: 2521

"The Jungle Book" (2016)

Best animated movie in several years. This employs the latest in photo-capture/CGI, rendering superb animation, and a story that keeps you on he hook. Bill Murray is a standout as Baloo the Bear. Good dialogue, even uses an excellent quote from Kipling's book: “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” 9/10

Just announced this week, there will be a sequel. And Warner Brothers is already under way doing a live action version for 2018 with Christian Bale, Benedict Cumberbatch and Cate Blanchett heading a big cast. How.....why is this happening? I'm not questioning how good this one is, only wondering why they don't spread it around instead of diluting the concept.