Missing a Tier

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El Guapo
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Missing a Tier

Post by El Guapo »

Question: I am missing Tier 5. When I go to all rankings, from Tier 6 it skips to Tier 4. Would someone be able to explain why? I have just over 1300 movies ranked and using a custom scale from 0 to 70. I rate movies of increments of 5. Thanks.

El Guapo
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Re: Missing a Tier

Post by El Guapo »

Wow, thanks for taking the time and doing the math on that. I had a feeling it had something to do with the intervals of 5. So having a missing tier, is it a good or bad or doesn't matter thing? Should I try to incorporate the 0-100 scale?

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Re: Missing a Tier

Post by mwgerb »

Yeah, since you rank them by increments of 5, and since your biggest pack of movies is near the middle (35-40), the tier just disappears. You can basically imagine that 30% of all your movies are ranked at either 35 or 40. When it splits this in half, it can't create the middle tier, because all the movies that would have been your tier 5 are either too low (a 35) or too high (a 40). If you ranked one at 37, I'd bet your tier would magically reappear.

That being said, I don't think you're missing out on too much. I suppose you could get slightly more accurate PSIs if you had more granularity, but not much would change.

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