"Kill the Messenger"

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"Kill the Messenger"

Post by Stewball »

Looks like Focus Features has another winner:

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Re: "Kill the Messenger"

Post by Stewball »

Excellent production and a great vehicle for the cast, especially Jeremy Renner. Those looking for answers will probably be disappointed primarily because we still don't really know what the motivations of most of the peripheral players/entities were. This controversy surfaced in '96 during the Clinton administration, but the Nicaragua situation started during the Reagan administration. The biggest question mark is the liberal media who appear to be defending Reagan or at least his administration' actions. If, as one thread suggests, they're just pissed at being scooped by a two-bit rag from San Diego, that shallowness is probably the biggest news of all and even more damning than their lack of integrity. Hell who knows, they might switch and start supporting Republicans. It did do my heart good to hear Webb stand up for Truth as the ultimate unit of value. :roll:

The biggest question of all is how they've let that ending dangle like it has. Autopsies just haven't been the same since LBJ lowered the bar for corruption down to the ground. 8/10

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