Kung-Fu Movie inthe 80s

Can't remember that film's name? Post the plot, and see if other users can help.
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Kung-Fu Movie inthe 80s

Post by deanazhollis »

I can't remember the Kung-Fu Movie I watched as a kid. There were several people who had to learn new styles of kungfu. I remember only one woman in the group and she pawed her foot like a horse. There was the other who learned kungfu from a frog or praying mantis (can't remember) and then there was one who strengthened all of his skin to be impenetrable, but didn't or couldn't strengthen is abdomen area and that's where all the arrows of the army went to to kill him.

That's all I remember. Any help would be appreacieated.

-Deana Zhollis

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Re: Kung-Fu Movie inthe 80s

Post by CriticalMaus »

I believe you're referring to the Shaw Brothers' Marco Polo aka The Four Assassins

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Re: Kung-Fu Movie inthe 80s

Post by deanazhollis »

Thank you! That's exactly it. It also helped me find the girl pawing the ground with her foot like a horse, which was an entirely different film all together. I found the scense of the 4 Assassins on YouTube and then found the girl's scenes. That movie was called: Return of the Kung Fu Dragon

Thanks again. I've been wondering that for YEARS!

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