Independant Film Help

Can't remember that film's name? Post the plot, and see if other users can help.
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Independant Film Help

Post by Porcoa »

I remember watching a movie on IFC years ago and I really wish I knew the name of it. It was about this kid probably around 14 or so. I believe he lived in NYC. I remember him going to a big multi-story school. He made friends with a" bad" kid and they would always hang out. I remember one scene where they were at a house and I thinkthink it was the main kids bad friend that was having sex with a young girl and I remember she had a lot of bracelets on, like a raver girl or something. At the end the kid ends up learning that his friend was actually his brother. (I think that's how everything went, I could be mistaken.) Any help would be greatly appreciated! I would love to watch this film again.

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