Movie about a little girl from 80s or 90s

Can't remember that film's name? Post the plot, and see if other users can help.
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Movie about a little girl from 80s or 90s

Post by nozone »

Hello, I have been searching everywhere trying to find the name of a movie I saw as a kid at the library. The movie was an American film from probably the 1980s or early 90s. It was about a little girl who had a horse and for some reason she and her siblings set out to sell it (I think), on their travels they met a man who lived in a mansion but he didn't want the horse or he did, I can't recall. At some point they came upon a log cabin where a mean woman and large man lived. I recall that the woman was cooking squirrel in a cast iron pot over a flame in her fire place. At one point the man and woman was plotting to kill the kids and they switched the bonnet the daughters where wearing and the husband mistook his own daughters for the kids and killed them. Then he caught them and put them in a sack and the kids escaped and put his dogs in there and he came back and killed the dogs thinking the kids were inside. Jut key things that stood out to me about the film. It wasn't a horror film or fantasy. Was set probably in the 1800s. I think the name was mustaag or moostag or something like that. The main character about the age of 12 couldn't pronounce Mustang, so they made that the title, I think. I hope you can help.

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